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AMBTMS Chapter 188

Doomsday Fantasy 32

Li Shu looked at the man’s wound, and during the process, he also learned the man’s identity—Qin Mo. Before being sent to the lab, he was a true favored child of the heavens, the only heir of the Qin family before the apocalypse.

In fact, this man’s experience was quite similar to Gu Lin’s. Both were betrayed by those close to them and sent to the lab to participate in the same experiment. The difference was that Gu Lin tried his nest and managed to escape from that place, while Qin Mo was successfully transformed.

Li Shu checked the wounds on his body, and as expected, they were the same as the ones Gu Lin had before. There was a force within preventing the wounds from healing.

Li Shu tried using spiritual power and found that the residual power in Qin Mo’s body wasn’t as strong as what Gu Lin had, so it wasn’t difficult to remove.

Withdrawing his hand, Li Shu asked, “These wounds weren’t caused by the infected, right?”

“No, we were found by people from the lab later. Brother Qin was injured by them while protecting us, and the wounds haven’t healed since.”

After understanding what had happened that day, Li Shu guessed that Professor Fang had probably done something again. When he raided the lab back then, the weapons they had weren’t this powerful.

Once the force blocking the wounds from healing was resolved by Li Shu, the powerful self-healing ability of evolvers became apparent. At a speed visible to the naked eye, Qin Mo’s wounds began to heal. Without that force, these wounds wouldn’t have needed any medicine at all.

Li Shu didn’t stay long. He knew that countless eyes were always watching him. He couldn’t expose these people at this moment. While they couldn’t do anything to him, that didn’t mean they couldn’t harm these people.

After explaining a few things to Qin Mo, Li Shu left just as quietly as he had come, and was not discovered by any faction.

Li Shu’s guess wasn’t wrong. As soon as he appeared, various forces set their sights on him. Professor Fang had pointed him out as the culprit behind the lab incident. Regardless of their individual motives, all their attention was now focused on Li Shu.

Aside from Professor Fang, another reason was that these people were wary of him. His appearance was too coincidental, as if he had emerged from nowhere. Before today’s events, no one knew he was actually in the capital. They had searched for him for so long, only for him to reveal himself on his own.

And the power he displayed made them very wary. One Gu Lin was already enough to handle, and now another appeared. Moreover, this one had destroyed Professor Fang’s lab as soon as he appeared and stood in opposition to them.

Fearful of his combat abilities, none of them dared to act rashly. However, sending people to track him was inevitable. They didn’t necessarily want to do anything, but they wanted to know what Li Shu’s purpose was in appearing.

A mysterious and powerful figure like this, unless absolutely necessary, was not someone they wanted to face.

Li Shu found a hidden spot and dealt with the tail following him. Disguising his presence, he returned to the Gu residence.

Who would have thought that the delicate beauty hidden in Gu Lin’s home was the same mysterious powerhouse?

Li Shu suddenly disappeared, and even the people tracking him lost sight of him. While the heads of the major factions showed no reaction upon receiving the news, only they knew what they truly thought.

The mysterious man had vanished, and everything seemed to return to how it was at the beginning. Beneath the calm, unruffled surface was a heat wave ready to explode at any moment. The probing between the various factions was constant, and everyone was waiting—waiting for an opportunity to break out.

They didn’t have to wait long. That opportunity soon presented itself.

Infected people appeared in the capital. These infected went berserk and attacked civilians in the chaotic areas. Although the patrolling teams quickly arrived and killed them, not a single person dared to relax.

Even after living under the protection of the capital for so long, no one would forget the dire circumstances faced when the apocalypse first began. Later, to completely eliminate the infected in the capital, a huge price was paid, and no one was unaware of that.

But now? Why had the infected suddenly appeared? How could there be infected in the capital?

It was like throwing a stone into a calm lake, stirring up countless ripples. No one wanted to return to those hellish days.

It was a terrifying nightmare, an open wound in many hearts that no one wanted to touch again. The memories of that time were too tragic. Countless people’s parents, lovers, relatives, and friends… all died in that disaster. Now, was history about to repeat itself?

The capital was in chaos.

No matter how much the authorities declared that there were no infected in the capital and that it was just an accident, those drowning in fear wouldn’t listen. They were on high alert, paranoid, and would be startled by the slightest disturbance.

Gu Lin became busier, and Li Shu had even more opportunities to act under his other identity. Taking advantage of the chaos, Li Shu asked Qin Mo and his group to return to the capital, where they secured a foothold among the mixed forces.

Had the infected really breached the defenses and entered the capital?

—Of course not.

Then where did these infected come from?

—It was simple, from Professor Fang’s lab.

Yes, the infected had escaped from the lab, but Li Shu wouldn’t tell anyone that he had a hand in it.

During this time, he and Qin Mo had destroyed several of Professor Fang’s labs and discovered that one of them was breeding infected.

Li Shu, knowing the plot, wasn’t surprised by any of this. On the contrary, Qin Mo, though he had considered the possibility, still turned pale when he saw it with his own eyes.

Li Shu wanted Professor Fang’s true face to be exposed, so after discovering such a place, naturally, he had to cause a big stir.

That day, all the faction heads who were enemies of Professor Fang’s faction and its alliances received a strange letter. There was no signature, and no one knew where it came from, but the content was shocking enough—it was evidence that Professor Fang was conducting human experiments.

Before he could deal with the people attacking the lab, Professor Fang met his own “apocalypse”.

No matter how amazing his achievements were, no one wanted results built on human lives.

“What’s the matter? Why are you so flustered?” Professor Fang was barely able to stand and leaned against the hospital bed. Seeing the panicked expression on the person who had come to him, a bad premonition welled up in his heart.

Soon, his premonition came true.

“Professor, the laboratory has been discovered and they’ve brought people in!”

“What did you say?!”

Meanwhile, the evolvers, led by Li Shu and Gu Lin, along with Qin Mo, arrived at a secret base. Along the way, Qin Mo had explained his experiences, recounting the shocking truth without any emotions, as if he were a bystander.

Gu Lin, Qin Mo, and those who had been harmed by Professor Fang were all entitled to seek justice.

Li Shu and Qin Mo had investigated this laboratory before. As the situation escalated and Professor Fang and his people became overwhelmed, Qin Mo, as both a victim and an insider, appeared before the public. They wanted to use this opportunity to completely tear off Professor Fang’s hypocritical mask.

The longer the apocalypse lasted, the wider the gap grew between evolvers and ordinary people. This incident focused the anger of both sides to a single point, and some of the previous divisions began to fade in the face of the increasingly horrifying truth.

Watching the scene before them, no one could speak for a long time.

The lab’s defense system had been violently destroyed, and everything was open and accessible. With Qin Ran leading the way, everything, both what should and shouldn’t be seen, was laid bare.

The flickering lights overhead gave everyone a sense of unease. Seeing it with their own eyes was different from imagining it. After surviving the apocalypse for so long, they thought nothing could shake them, but this scene was clearly harder to accept.

Dismembered bodies, experimental subjects fused with alien genes, and the piles of failed experiments…

Gu Lin hadn’t said a word since arriving. Li Shu had been keeping an eye on his emotions, ready to react the moment something seems wrong.

Bringing everyone here had been a decision they had all agreed upon. No amount of words or pictures could compare to seeing the real thing with their own eyes. Now, they didn’t need to say much and everyone knew what had to be done.

By the time Professor Fang received word, it was too late. All the secrets had been exposed to the light, and all the filth had nowhere to hide. Even those in power who had been close to Professor Fang were heavily affected.

One by one, they were suspended and investigated. The situation had grown so big that if it wasn’t handled properly, no one would come out unscathed.

The hospital where Professor Fang was staying had been surrounded by layers of evolvers. Among them were victims, the relatives of victims, and countless others who had come for the sake of their own convictions. They needed an explanation.

“What… do we do now?”

Professor Fang sat on the windowsill, looking at the bustling crowd of evolvers below, a faint smile playing on his lips.

Standing beside him was his assistant, who had handled various tasks for him for a long time. The assistant had been through a lot with Professor Fang, and in his memory, the professor had always been calm and in control. Even while doing these morally abhorrent things right under everyone’s noses, he had kept everything tightly under wraps, with only a few knowing the truth.

If it weren’t for the undeniable evidence, the assistant believed that many would still have spoken up in his defense. Even now, in this situation, the professor remained completely composed.

The assistant had a vague feeling that Professor Fang didn’t even consider those people outside as a threat.

And indeed, that was the case. Professor Fang had always been a madman, and after the apocalypse, that madness had grown infinitely and already filled his entire being. Faced with the current situation, what he felt wasn’t fear—it was excitement.

“This plan won’t work. Professor Fang’s arrest must be flawless,” Qin Mo put down the proposal in his hand. “Professor Fang is stronger than we imagined.”

“This is already the highest scale of action.”

In the conference room, they were arguing non-stop about the plan to capture Professor Fang when Gu Lin suddenly spoke up, “I’ll go for the capture this time.”

Li Shu slowly followed up, “I’ll go too.”

Everyone was already used to this mysterious man. He had never shown his face, always sticking close to Gu Lin. This person was incredibly powerful, and few were willing to provoke him.

After the meeting, Qin Mo gathered his things as usual and followed behind Li Shu. Everyone knew that Qin Mo was the bridge between the mysterious man and the outside world. Except for matters related to Gu Lin, everyone had to go to Qin Mo for other matters.

“Let’s talk.” Gu Lin leaned against the wall outside the conference room, clearly waiting for someone.

Li Shu: “What do you want to talk about?”

Gu Lin: “Something personal. Such as… your identity.”


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