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AMBTMS Chapter 108

The Rich Boss's White Moonlight 28

‘No, isn’t your reaction wrong?! Did you get the wrong person?’

Ruan Muyan was momentarily speechless. In order to win over this man, she deliberately activated her charm halo. This was her guarantee of success every time. She double-checked uncertainly- the halo was indeed activated and not malfunctioning. Why would this man react like this?

Previously, the same thing had happened with Li Shu. Her charm halo had completely failed to work. This shouldn’t be happening. She had faced these situations more than once. Even if those men initially showed no interest in her, they couldn’t resist under the charm halo eventually.

Wasn’t Li Shu like that at the beginning? The man who only had eyes for mathematics couldn’t help but fall under her charm, and things were unstoppable. She had thought it would be difficult to conquer him, but it turned out to be so easy. She really didn’t feel any sense of achievement. So after conquering him, she casually set him aside. Someone who was conquered so easily really didn’t deserve much of her attention.

If Li Shu hadn’t seemingly escaped the influence of the halo, Ruan Muyan wouldn’t have given this man a second glance. She had always been like this, she liked challenges in her conquests. Those who were too easily conquered were worthless in her eyes.

But now it’s different. Li Shu, along with this unknown mature man, had successfully sparked Ruan Muyan’s competitive spirit. She didn’t believe anyone could escape the influence of the charm halo. Even the most mentally strong person would be subtly influenced when faced with it.

The situation she was facing now was something she has never encountered before but Ruan Muyan had never been one to easily give up. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have been able to reach where she was today. She must succeed in winning over these two people, especially the man in a suit.

The thought of such a man becoming her possession made Ruan Muyan’s heart tremble and her blood boiled. She never expected to encounter such an outstanding man in such an ordinary little world.

Her long eyelashes drooped, concealing the calculation in her eyes. She lifted her head again, appearing as the innocent girl who had been hurt, yet there was a subtle change in her demeanor.

Now Ruan Muyan was like a delicate flower blooming in the morning dew, tempting passersby to pluck it and enjoy its fragrance. Her fragility was beautiful, yet enticingly corruptive. These two contrasting qualities intertwined seamlessly, presenting different charms.

Li Shu ignored the arm around his waist and looked at the girl in front of him with a faint ripple in his eyes.

He felt that something was wrong about this girl. Li Shu had previously speculated about why the original owner liked this woman, but the time point he entered was after all the plots had happened, and there was no original plot to refer to. Li Shu only possessed the memories of the original owner and was unclear about everything else.

Entering this time point was due to his sudden failure in the previous mission. Now, like any ordinary person crossing into another world, he had to find out all the information he wanted on his own.

He had only suspected something was off with Ruan Muyan previously. Now, seeing her behavior, he had some clues. This person, perhaps like him, could attract so many people to be abnormally fascinated with her. She must be using some special props.

However, Li Heyuan’s reaction was intriguing. Li Shu was certain that Ruan Muyan’s real target was Li Heyuan. Li Shu tilted his head and looked at the man’s cold jawline, slightly lost in thought.
He could sense the abnormal power emanating from Ruan Muyan because his soul was inherently strong. Even in a mortal body, he was highly sensitive to such special powers. But Li Heyuan was just an ordinary person. Li Shu had confirmed multiple times that there was nothing special about the man. So, was Li Heyuan drawn to this mysterious force?

Clearly not.

The furrows between Li Heyuan’s brows deepened and his arm around Li Shu’s waist tightened. He glanced at the person next to him and saw that he was staring at him in a daze. He breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time he could hardly suppress the anger in his heart.

‘What does this woman want, exactly?’

Lu Yuanqing dared not say a word. He wasn’t an inexperienced child and could naturally see that Ruan Muyan’s true target was Li Heyuan. He didn’t know what to say now. He looked at the charming woman on one side and then at the two holding each other, covered his face and sighed deeply inside.

He didn’t know what Ruan Muyan wanted, but whatever it was, it was destined not to succeed.

Ruan Muyan bit her lip and took two steps forward. Just as she wanted to approach again, the man stopped her with a stern command: “Stop.”

This was his third sentence to Ruan Muyan. It was exactly the same with the first but with an entirely opposite meaning. The first time he asked her to stay without leaving, and now he told her to stay away.

Li Heyuan was now somewhat annoyed. He was too close to Li Shu, and the faint fragrance from his body kept enveloping him like a large net, binding him tightly. The woman not far away gave him a sense of threat. Feeling the softness under his hand, he restrained himself from any impolite behavior.

The place they were in wasn’t remote, and two of them were popular figures at the school. If they lingered too long, they might attract attention, just like last time.

Li Shu didn’t want to become a spectacle. He rubbed his forehead and spoke before the other two did: “Ruan Muyan, do you really want me to be so blunt? If so, then I’ll be direct: please don’t come looking for me in the future. I hope we won’t have any intersections.”

This statement couldn’t be clearer. Things had spiraled out of control and Ruan Muyan felt panicked. She subconsciously looked towards her new target, but all she saw was impatience in his eyes. He looked at her as one would look at an ordinary object.

Li Shu stepped back, creating distance between himself and the man. “Alright, I’ll go up first. Thank you for bringing me back today.”

As Li Shu passed by Ruan Muyan, he lowered his voice and quickly said something. His voice was low so only Ruan Muyan could hear what he said.

Ruan Muyan hung her head and clutched the hem of her skirt tightly.

Li Heyuan looked at his empty arm, still feeling the warmth of the person there. He moved his fingers and silently turned back to the car.

The car started and Ruan Muyan was the only one left there. Before long, Yao Yan, who had heard the news, hurried over. Without asking anything, he embraced the girl, but his eyes darkened.


Lu Yuanqing caught up with Li Shu in a few steps. He wanted to put his hand on Li Shu’s shoulder but thought of something and retracted his hand with a strange expression on his face. He walked side by side with Li Shu in the corridor.

“This Ruan Muyan’s courage is really something.”

“How so?” Li Shu asked.

“You don’t know. My uncle,” Lu Yuanqing began, opening up, “despite being a successful man, no one dares to get close to him. That’s why he’s thirty and still single.”

He went on to recount Li Heyuan’s past, things he shouldn’t have told outsiders. But his intuition told him that sharing these things with Li Shu would do more good than harm.

“I really didn’t expect Ruan Muyan to suddenly… did she even think about why my uncle, who hasn’t liked any beauties, would like her?”

“You seem to have a lot of opinions about Ruan Muyan?” From the first time they met, Li Shu discovered that Lu Yuanqing really didn’t like Ruan Muyan.

Lu Yuanqing: “Before I say more, I have to confirm again, Li Shu, you really have no feelings for her now?”

“Of course not. Do I seem interested in her now?”

After a moment of thought, Lu Yuanqing said, “True, actually, I didn’t have any opinion of her before. How she lives her life isn’t my business. But that incident…”

Lu Yuanqing sighed. “Do you remember the couple Ruan Muyan disrupted before? Before Ruan Muyan appeared, they were the school’s model couple.”

Li Shu knew about this matter, and it is still a hot topic on campus. The key point is that Ruan Muyan destroyed other people’s relationship but did not get together with that boy.

“The subsequent events were suppressed,” Lu Yuanqing obviously thought of this as well. He smiled bitterly, “We grew up together. They were childhood sweethearts and had always had a good relationship. They were about to get engaged, but who knew something like this would happen. You know, after that incident, the girl couldn’t stand the blow and committed suicide. Of course, she didn’t succeed. The two families that were originally on good terms also became enemies because of this incident. Ruan Muyan said that it wasn’t intentional, but her unintentional act directly destroyed two families.”

Li Shu found this incident in the original owner’s memory. It caused quite a stir at the time, but it was buried as the boy and girl left school at the same time. Therefore, people in the school didn’t know the next developments.

Entering this time point was due to his sudden failure in the previous mission. Now, like any ordinary person crossing into this world, he needs to find out all the information he wants on his own.

He had previously only suspected something was off with Ruan Muyan. Now, seeing her behavior, he had some clues. This person, perhaps like him, could attract so many people abnormally fascinated with her. She must be using some special tool.

Yet Li Heyuan’s reaction was intriguing. Li Shu was certain that Ruan Muyan’s real target was Li Heyuan. Li Shu glanced at the man with his stern jawline, lost in thought.

He could sense the abnormal power emanating from Ruan Muyan because his soul was inherently strong. Even in a mortal body, he was highly sensitive to such special powers. But Li Heyuan was just an ordinary person. Li Shu had confirmed multiple times that there was nothing special about the man. So, was Li Heyuan drawn to this mysterious force?

Clearly not.

The furrows between Li Heyuan’s brows deepened. His arm around Li Shu’s waist tightened as he looked at the person beside him, feeling relieved yet struggling to suppress his own anger.

What does this woman want, exactly?

Lu Yuanqing dared not say a word on the side. He wasn’t an inexperienced child and could naturally see that Ruan Muyan’s true target was Li Heyuan. He didn’t know what to say now. He looked at the woman exuding charm alone on the side and then at the couple cuddling together, covering his face and sighing deeply inside.

He didn’t know what Ruan Muyan wanted, but whatever it was, it was destined not to succeed.

Ruan Muyan lightly bit her lip and took two steps forward. Just as she wanted to approach again, the man stopped her with a stern command: “Stay.”

This was his second sentence to Ruan Muyan, identical to the first but with an entirely opposite meaning. The first time he asked her to stay without leaving, and now he told her to stay away.

Li Heyuan was now somewhat annoyed. He was too close to Li Shu, and the faint fragrance from her body kept enveloping him like a large net, binding him tightly. The woman not far away gave him a sense of threat. Feeling the softness under his hand, he restrained himself from any impolite behavior.

The place they were in wasn’t remote, and two of them were influential figures at the school. If they lingered too long, they might attract attention, just like last time.

Li Shu didn’t want to become a spectacle. He rubbed his forehead and spoke before the two of them: “Ruan Muyan, do you really want me to be so blunt? If so, then I’ll be direct: please don’t come looking for me in the future. I hope we won’t have any intersections.”

This statement couldn’t be clearer. Things had spiraled out of control. Ruan Muyan felt panicked. She instinctively looked towards her new target, but all she saw was impatience in his eyes. He looked at her as one would look at an ordinary object.

Li Shu stepped back, creating distance between himself and the man. “Alright, I’ll go up first. Thank you for bringing me back today.”

As Li Shu passed by Ruan Muyan, he lowered his voice and spoke rapidly. His voice was low enough that only Ruan Muyan could hear what he said.

Ruan Muyan hung her head, clutching her skirt tightly.

Li Heyuan looked at his empty arm, still feeling the warmth of the person there. He moved his fingers and turned silently back to the car.

As the car started, Ruan Muyan was left alone. Before long, Yao Yan hurried over upon hearing the news. Without asking anything, he embraced the girl, his eyes darkened.

Lu Yuanqing caught up with Li Shu in a few steps. He had intended to put his hand on Li Shu’s shoulder but thought better of it, retracting his hand strangely, and walked alongside Li Shu in the corridor.

“Ruan Muyan’s courage is really something,” he remarked.

“How so?” Li Shu asked.

“You don’t know. My uncle,” Lu Yuanqing began, opening up, “despite being a successful man, no one dares to get close to him. That’s why he’s thirty and still single.”

He went on to recount Li Heyuan’s past, things he shouldn’t have told outsiders. But his intuition told him that sharing these things with Li Shu would be harmless.

“I really didn’t expect Ruan Muyan to suddenly… does she not think about how my uncle, with so many beauties, has never been interested in her?”

“You seem to have strong feelings against Ruan Muyan from the first time we met,” Li Shu observed.

Lu Yuanqing replied, “Before I say more, I have to confirm again, Li Shu, you really have no feelings for her now?”

“Of course not. Do I seem interested in her now?”

After a moment of thought, Lu Yuanqing said, “True, actually, I didn’t have any opinion of her before. How she lives her life isn’t my business. But that incident…”

Lu Yuanqing sighed. “Do you remember the couple Ruan Muyan disrupted before? Before Ruan Muyan appeared, they were the school’s model couple.”

Li Shu knew about this incident from the original host’s memories. It had caused quite a stir at the time, but the aftermath was buried when both the boy and the girl left the school. Therefore, the people at school didn’t know about these developments.

Li Shu opened the dormitory door and invited Lu Yuanqing in. It was class time, and none of his roommates were around. Li Shu poured Lu Yuanqing a glass of water.

“Sorry, I couldn’t control myself,” Lu Yuanqing said, holding his forehead as he sat down. Thinking about that incident made him a bit agitated.

Li Shu shook his head. “It’s alright.”

He was originally curious, if Ruan Muyan was really as he thought, why did Lu Yuanqing have such an attitude towards her. Now, he somewhat understood—it was because Lu Yuanqing rejected Ruan Muyan from the bottom of his heart.

The system had explained to Li Shu that people with strong will power were less likely to be affected by external influences. Lu Yuanqing was different; his strong resistance from within made him immune.

Lu Yuanqing didn’t stay long. Just before leaving, he received a call from Li Heyuan. After hanging up, he looked somewhat puzzled.

Li Shu: “What happened?”

“Nothing,” Lu Yuanqing scratched his face. “It was my uncle. He asked me to remind you not to forget your agreement with him.”

‘Agreement?’ Li Shu was momentarily confused. He didn’t remember… wait, a small memory fragment surfaced. His eyes brightened with a light smile, and his voice was relaxed and cheerful. “Tell him I won’t forget.”

Now, Lu Yuanqing was even more curious. He could sense that his uncle was different when around Li Shu compared to usual. He really wanted to know what had happened between them. What was the agreement his uncle mentioned?


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