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AMBTMS Chapter 113

The Rich Boss's White Moonlight 33

To be honest, Gu Yi had never fully believed those rumors. He knew Li Heyuan better than anyone else, and he still remembered his shock when he found out about his friend’s feelings for that person years ago. So many years had passed, and although he had been persuading people to let go, Gu Yi knew that Li Heyuan would never let go.

So, what was he seeing now?

When he first saw the person beside Li Heyuan, he realized that the rumors might not be entirely false. This person and that person were too similar, not only in appearance, but also in the temperament. Gu Yi stood still, as if transported back more than a decade ago where he was standing at the school gate, facing the person through the car window.

Time seemed to rewind, everything reverting to its original state. Gu Yi knows that if it is possible, the person who would most want to go back to the past was Li Heyuan.

They all moved forward with the flow of time, except Li Heyuan, who left himself in the past.

He didn’t know about the situation between those two across from him, so he quickly adjusted his expression and greeted Li Heyuan naturally.

Gu Yi had come here on business so he didn’t linger for long. He exchanged a few words with Li Shu and maintained a friendly attitude. Only after they parted did Gu Yi show his disbelief.

The brief encounter assured him that Li Heyuan wasn’t using the young man as a substitute or anything like that. Gu Yi understood Li Heyuan well enough to know he wouldn’t do such a thing. To Li Heyuan, finding a substitute for Li Shu would be an insult. In the past, some had considered this shortcut, but their fates often ended tragically. As time went by, fewer people had this idea. It was really not worth it to try to please others but get yourself burned.

Many people thought this way. Gradually, everyone realized that Li Heyuan was really uninterested in such matters, and thus, they stopped scheming.

Li Heyuan clearly hadn’t expected to meet Gu Yi at this time. He was tense for a moment, fearing Gu Yi might say something to upset Li Shu. However, his worries were unnecessary. Over the years, he and Gu Yi had developed a lot of understanding, and as he had hoped, Gu Yi didn’t say anything he shouldn’t have.

As they talked, he observed the expression of the person next to him. Li Shu seemed normal. When he introduced them earlier, Li Shu acted as if he had never met Gu Yi before and Li Heyuan didn’t know whether to be relieved or not.

Subconsciously, he had accepted Li Shu’s identity, but he never dared to verify it. He didn’t know if Li Shu had those memories, how he became the person he was today, or if it was all his imagination.

He, who was usually decisive, unexpectedly displayed an ostrich mentality in this matter. He carefully verified it and dared not make any big movements, for fear of disturbing something. What if Sir disappeared again after he recognized him? How could he handle the consequences? This was something he couldn’t afford to risk.

Li Shu was confused. He thought he had made himself very clear, but Li Heyuan didn’t seem to have any intention of clarifying anything. Li Shu even found that every time he wanted to make a bigger move, the other party would retreat.

Yes, a retreat.

He didn’t understand why Li Heyuan would retreat at this time. He could feel that Li Heyuan wanted to see him, and wanted him to come back. Yet when faced with the outcome, Li Heyuan seemed fearful. He was evading, and Li Shu knew it.

Although he didn’t understand why Li Heyuan was avoiding things, Li Shu wasn’t going to let him continue evading like this.

In a few days, once this project was over, they would return to school. It wouldn’t be as easy to meet every now and then like they do now.

That night, Li Heyuan suddenly had a meeting and didn’t call Li Shu up.

After packing up, Li Shu left the company with Professor Yuan and the others.

Over time, Professor Yuan had completely let go of his worries. During this period, Li Shu visited the CEO’s office almost every day after work, and ate dinner outside before returning to the hotel. Initially, Professor Yuan had feared that Li Heyuan might have ill intentions towards Li Shu, but now he was no longer worried.

“Are we going back together today?” The professor walked up to Li Shu and asked softly.

“Yes, Professor. Don’t you want me to go back with you?” Li Shu asked half playfully.

“Of course not. It’s just that I’m surprised Li Zong let you leave so early today.” Normally, he always wanted to spend time with Li Shu whenever possible. Initially, it was just after work, but these days, he didn’t even miss lunch.

Li Heyuan certainly didn’t want to abandon time with Li Shu to attend some social dinner, but sometimes there were things he had to do.

This was one of those times. He Group was currently negotiating a major deal abroad, and if successful, the future benefits would be immense. Therefore, besides He Group, several other large companies were interested in securing this business deal.

There are no real friends in business. Even though He Group was dominating, in such situations, no one would give up as long as there is a chance. If this deal was successful, maybe they could surpass the He Group. Whether in terms of profit or otherwise, the temptation for businessmen was enormous.

Drinking is inevitable in social gatherings, one cup after another. Glass after glass, Li Heyuan accepted every offer. It was a rare opportunity, and several executives exchanged glances and took turns to toast Li Heyuan. Regardless of the reasons, such chances were rare. Normally, Li Heyuan rarely drank at such events; his status meant that even if he didn’t drink, no one dared to persuade him.

Li Heyuan’s alcohol tolerance wasn’t poor, but it wasn’t exceptionally good either. After several rounds, he started feeling a bit intoxicated, though he managed to appear composed and no one could tell.

“President Li, you really hold your liquor well. Here, have another drink.”

Another glass was poured. Li Heyuan frowned slightly, then downed it in one go.

Assistant Yang watched anxiously from the side. He wanted his boss to drink less, but his position didn’t allow him to say that in such a setting.

After the drinking party finally ended, Assistant Yang helped Li Heyuan walk out. He had also been drinking and couldn’t drive, so he called the driver to pick them up.

The driver was already waiting and hurried over when he saw his boss.

Having drunk who knows how much, Li Heyuan felt uncomfortable, but his mind was still clear. As the car started, he gave an address.

It was the name of a hotel, a name Assistant Yang was very familiar with because he often sent someone there — it was where Li Shu was staying.

Having worked with Li Heyuan for such a long time, Assistant Yang had never seen his boss so concerned about anyone. Thinking about it, he sent a message to the person staying there.

‘The boss is going there because he wants to see that person, right?’

Assistant Yang felt that something was off with his boss today. He had never seen him drink so heavily before; he remembered his boss saying he needed to stay alert at all times, so he never allowed himself to indulge in anything, and he had never indulged himself in drinking like he did today.

‘It must be because of that person.’ Assistant Yang could sense that ever since Li Shu came to the company, or more accurately, ever since that day they met, his boss had changed. He couldn’t pinpoint how exactly, but it was a positive change.

All these changes were brought about by Li Shu. Assistant Yang stared at the screen, hoping his boss’s wishes would come true.

He didn’t have to wait long before receiving a reply. Seeing those few short words, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Shu had just returned to his room after discussing an academic issue with Professor Yuan when he saw a text message from Assistant Yang and sent a reply.

Half an hour later, Li Shu received a drunken CEO at the hotel entrance.

“Thank you for your trouble, Mr. Li,” Assistant Yang and the driver helped Li Heyuan to Li Shu’s room. “I really can’t rest assured leaving President Li alone like this.”

Li Shu brought over the hangover soup that had been prepared earlier. “It’s okay, Assistant Yang. I’ll take care of him.”

On the way, Assistant Yang had explained everything that had happened to Li Heyuan and asked Li Shu to look after him. Li Heyuan lived alone and had no one at home. Being this drunk, he couldn’t stay alone.

After a few words, Assistant Yang and the driver left. After all the fuss, it was already very late. In fact, if Li Heyuan hadn’t said he wanted to come here, Assistant Yang still wouldn’t have left his boss alone at home.

Li Shu fed the man leaning against the sofa the hangover soup. “Why did you drink so much? Are you feeling uncomfortable?”

The hotel’s lights were soft, and seemed to cast a warm halo on the leaning boy. After washing up, the young man wore simple home clothes. They were slightly oversized, with the collar open, revealing delicate collarbones and fair skin. As Li Shu approached, Li Heyuan caught a faint fragrance emanating from the young man, a clean scent after bathing.

Li Heyuan stared blankly at Li Shu as he approached. The alcohol slowed down his thinking so much that he couldn’t tell whether this was reality or a dream.

He reached out, wanting to touch the person’s face. But halfway through, his hand hovered in the air. The confusion in his eyes deepened, and at the same time, a vulnerability that had been well-hidden during the day, surfaced.

After all, when Li Shu left back then, Li Heyuan was not yet twenty, and had only enjoyed a carefree life for a few years. The person who could shelter him and indulge him was no longer there, the only one who would treat him well unconditionally was gone.

He dreamed of meeting that person many times, but it was fake. Whenever he awakens, all that’s left is longing and pain.

Li Heyuan looked at the person before him. He seemed so real, was this dream? Since it was a dream, there was no need to suppress his emotions anymore. This pent-up emotion had been accumulating in his heart for a long time, eager to find an outlet.


Finally, his hand gently touched the face he had been dreaming about. The touch was warm and incredibly real. He caressed the young man’s skin, unwilling to wake up from this dream.

Even if it was fake, he was willing to indulge in it.

The emotions in those eyes were too intense. Being watched by such a pair of eyes, Li Shu forgot his own movements. Although he had long suspected the feelings Li Heyuan might have for him, Li Shu was still taken aback. Ten years had passed, and this emotion had not diminished but had grown even stronger.

So strong that they enveloped Li Shu entirely, making it impossible for him to escape.


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