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AMBTMS Chapter 118

The Rich Boss's White Moonlight 37

Li Heyuan didn’t expect to meet Li Shu’s roommates when he followed up. It was because Li Shu mentioned his roommates weren’t around that he came along. The relationship between him and Li Shu hadn’t been disclosed, not because he didn’t want to, but because he was afraid.

Li Heyuan tightened his grip on the door handle and scrutinized the boys in the room with a solemn gaze.

He had briefly met these people before and knew they cared genuinely about Li Shu. Despite this, he felt a faint unease. He wished Li Shu only had him in his life, both in heart and mind. However, he understood it wasn’t right to think this way. Li Shu was an individual with his own social circle.

He needed to restrain himself and not frighten anyone.

His hand movements tightened and loosened, tightened and loosened again and Li Heyuan suppressed various emotions in his heart.

Zheng Jiarong and the others were startled by Li Heyuan’s sudden appearance. They had been discussing Li Shu’s matters and never expected the protagonist himself to return at that moment, accompanied by the other protagonist from the rumors.

The man stood there quietly, exuding a heavy pressure. Zheng Jiarong and the others involuntarily tensed up, entering a defensive state under his emotionless gaze.

Only after Li Heyuan averted his eyes and restrained his aura did they breathe a sigh of relief, relax their shoulders and return to a more casual posture.

Li Shu climbed onto his bed to retrieve something quickly, then swiftly climbed down. “I’m ready.”

Although unexpected, under these circumstances, Li Shu introduced the two sides to each other.

The mood among the three roommates was complex. They couldn’t imagine how gossip they had just learned could become reality in an instant. They couldn’t believe that a roommate who had liked girls until recently suddenly fell for a man, and the man is Li Heyuan.

Most shocked was Zheng Jiarong. He was a native of City B and about Li Heyuan more than others. That’s why he found it even harder to believe that his roommate had become involved with such a figure.

Li Shu was unaware of their thoughts. Afraid of delaying Li Heyuan too much, he took what he came for and headed out. “I’ll go first. If you need anything, you can message me, and I’ll bring it back when I return.”

This was also a tradition in the dormitory. If someone went out, they would always announce it, and if roommates had anything they wanted, they could take this opportunity to bring it.

The others were still dazed and couldn’t think of anything they needed. “We don’t want anything. You go and enjoy yourself. No need to bring us anything.”

Li Shu glanced over each of them. Seeing them nodding, he didn’t insist further. He tugged at the man’s sleeve. “Let’s go.”

Li Heyuan was looking around the dormitory. It was a standard four-person room, not small, and the residents were tidy. Unlike other male dormitories with piles of dirty clothes, it was very clean. He withdrew his gaze without leaving a trace and nodded. “Alright.”

In front of Li Shu, he didn’t put on any airs. He never displayed the imposing aura outsiders saw. He was forever that eighteen-year-old boy, holding this person in his heart and looking up at him with adoring eyes.

If that person smiled at him, he could be happy for many days.

After the two left, Zheng Jiarong patted his chest and relaxed. The person next to him nudged his arm. “Why were you so nervous?”

Another person also looked at him curiously. It wasn’t surprising they felt this way. Zheng Jiarong usually looked fearless. This was the first time they had seen him like this.

“You say that, but weren’t you all nervous too?” The real reason… Zheng Jiarong was sure that in the entire City B, there were few who could remain calm in front of that man, especially when he exuded such an aura.

“Well, that’s true,” the first person who spoke scratched the back of his head. “When that gentleman looked at us, I could hardly breathe. It’s impressive how calm Xiao Shu is in front of someone like that.”

“In that case, everything in that post must be true, right?”

“It should be true. I admire the girls from our school. They really have sharp eyes to have noticed so early.”

“Yeah, and there are bold ones who took pictures although they’re all from behind. If it were me, I definitely wouldn’t dare sneak a photo.”

“Me neither.”

The more they talked, the deeper Zheng Jiarong furrowed his brow. He remembered the encounter with the man at the hospital and rubbed his temples with a headache. His initial feelings were indeed correct; Li Heyuan really treated Li Shu differently.

He hoped Li Shu wouldn’t get hurt.

Li Shu and Li Heyuan walked side by side on the path. They walked along the shaded path behind the male dormitory. Few people usually come here. Every time Li Heyuan wanted to see Li Shu, he would ask his nephew, Lu Yuanqing, to find an excuse to bring him here.

The first time Lu Yuanqing asked to meet here, Li Shu was very confused. He asked Lu Yuanqing why, but Lu Yuanqing couldn’t give a reasonable answer and finally blurted out the truth. Only then did Li Shu agree to come.

Upon arriving, he didn’t see Lu Yuanqing but Li Heyuan in casual clothes. Meeting those eyes filled with hidden expectations, Li Shu understood that the person who really wanted to see him was Li Heyuan.

He wondered what Lu Yuanqing felt when he was coerced by his uncle into this arrangement. As a result, Lu Yuanqing had helped Li Heyuan come up with many excuses over time. Thinking back to their previous conversation, Li Shu couldn’t help but laugh.

Li Heyuan, who was always paying attention to Li Shu, stopped in his tracks. “What’s wrong?”

“I was just thinking about the first time we met here,” Li Shu’s eyes softened. “In the future, don’t use Lu Yuanqing as an excuse anymore. If you want to see me, just tell me.”

“Really?” Li Heyuan’s eyes suddenly lit up. He had never been sure of Li Shu’s attitude, so he had always kept his distance, afraid of making any bold moves and scaring him.

“Of course, seeing President Li makes me very happy.”

“You don’t have to sound so formal. You can call me…” Li Heyuan wanted to say “Xiao Yuan,” but considering their age difference, he swallowed the words. “Just call me Heyuan.”

“Heyuan…” Li Shu repeated the name on his tongue, contemplating. This was the name he had chosen; in the protagonist’s world, after returning to the He family, the male protagonist would be named “He Yuan.” If Li Heyuan hadn’t insisted on the surname Li, Li Shu would have directly named him “He Yuan.”

Li Heyuan had always kept the name he chose and never reverted to his original name. To be honest, Li Shu was quite surprised. Amidst his surprise, there was a bittersweet feeling. He knew this feeling was mixed with affection, but he didn’t dwell on it.

Just like when he did missions in the previous small world, if there were things he wanted answers to, he could easily get them, but he didn’t pursue those answers. Sometimes, the answer wasn’t the most important thing.

Li Shu’s voice had a slight youthful tone, different from the mature version of Li Shu’s voice. When Li Heyuan heard his name from Li Shu’s mouth, he suddenly had an impulse to embrace him, but he restrained himself, not allowing his desires to take action.

Wait, he told himself. Don’t be impulsive. Wait until this person can fully accept this affection. He would never allow himself to give up halfway.

Predators can be very patient when dealing with prey. They would weave a large net and entangle their prey without it noticing, quietly intruding into the prey’s world, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

He had waited so long, and Li Heyuan had the patience to wait longer. This time, he would never let Li Shu leave his world.

Li Shu took a few steps and noticed Li Heyuan hadn’t followed. He stopped and turned back. “Why did you stop?”

Sunlight filtered through the gaps in the leaves, gently illuminating the young man ahead. He wore a simple white sweater and long pants, his fair skin glowing in the sunlight, so dazzling that it was impossible to take your eyes away.

This scene overlapped with their first meeting more than ten years ago. At that time, he could only watch as the handsome man gradually left his sight under the escort of the orphanage director and others. And now…

Li Heyuan took a few big steps to reach Li Shu’s side, tilted his head slightly to look at the person beside him, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly. Now, with just a few steps, he could walk to the side of the person he had once only looked up to, and walk side by side under the sunlight.

Li Heyuan had always known that his sir was very handsome. Ten years had passed, and the memories of many people have gradually faded, but this person’s every frown and smile was imprinted in his heart, the colors never faded with the passage of time.

Because he was Sir.

Under the sunlight, the desert in the man’s eyes bloomed, and his entire demeanor softened. There was a glint in his eyes as he looked at Li Shu.

“Heyuan,” Li Shu suddenly spoke up. “I’ve always been curious. Why do you often come to the school to see me?”

As he spoke, he stopped walking, and Li Heyuan stopped with him. They stood face to face, seeing themselves clearly in each other’s eyes.

It was a harmonious scene: two handsome men standing face to face and an atmosphere between them that no outsider could interfere with. They only had each other in their eyes, each considering the other the most important person in their lives.

Unlike Li Heyuan’s completely dark eyes, Li Shu’s pupils had a deep purple hue in the sunlight. Li Heyuan looked into Li Shu’s eyes. It was the first time he looked into these eyes in the sun. Li Shu’s eyes were beautiful, possessing a mesmerizing charm. Li Heyuan couldn’t help but reach out, wanting to touch.

These eyes seemed to fulfill some urgent need deep within him. Li Heyuan couldn’t control himself, nor did he want to. It felt like he had seen eyes like this a long, long time ago, and those eyes had looked at him in the same way. It was a memory engraved deep in his soul, unchanging despite the passage of time.

It was something cherished by its owner, hidden in the deepest part of his soul and hoping that it will be unsealed one day.

Li Shu didn’t interrupt Li Heyuan’s action, allowing the man to place his hand on his face.

The man’s hand was warm. Li Shu leaned his head against it. “Tell me, Heyuan.”

“Shu Shu,” Li Heyuan’s voice was deep and elegant. “It’s simple, because I like you, no, because I love you.”

It’s deep in my bones and I can’t help myself.


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