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AMBTMS Chapter 120

The Siren King's Bride 1

New Arc: The Siren King’s Bride

Chapters 120-156

Li Heyuan’s happiness value soared after the two confirmed their relationship, but then it gradually slowed down. It took several days to increase by one point. Li Shu wasn’t in a hurry, accompanying him the whole time.

In addition to mathematics, Li Shu also learned a lot of other knowledge in this world. 1314 told him that the next world is a punishment world, so it’s good to learn more things at this time. With his powerful spiritual awareness, he was able to learn quickly. Whatever field 1314 highlighted for him, he would learn everything on a deeper level.

In the academic field, Li Shu achieved remarkable success and won several prestigious international awards across various disciplines. After graduation, he stayed at B University, where he became a source of pride for the institution.

He didn’t hide his relationship with Li Heyuan. After winning his first international award, the two held a grand wedding. At that time, no one would think that either side was marrying up. Although Li Shu came from a humble background, his own achievements were enough to make most people proud.

Many business tycoons envied Li Heyuan. They had once mocked him for being infatuated with a poor boy, never expecting that the poor boy would leap to become a versatile research talent, someone so important that he required special military protection.

As the halo gradually faded, Ruan Muyan’s glory waned, and she faced various retaliations. All the things she had done were dug up, and no one sympathized with her. Due to the great impact of her actions, the school had to take action and ordered her to withdraw.

Having enjoyed the life of being surrounded by admirers, it was impossible for her to endure being universally condemned. Seeing Li Shu getting better and better, Ruan Muyan gritted her teeth. But she had no way out. It was not that she had not tried to tell Li Heyuan the truth, but without the system’s help, she couldn’t even meet him.

Everything she had was given by the system. Without it, she was incapable of anything and could only live in a dilapidated house, watching Li Shu climb to the top step by step.

Li Shu didn’t pay much attention to her. After 1314 recovered her system, he stopped caring about Ruan Muyan’s whereabouts. He was immersing himself in various fields of knowledge and had to comfort the insecure Li Heyuan all the time, he really didn’t have any extra time to spare for Ruan Muyan.

After achieving some success, someone from the Li family came to see him. It was Li Ziyue, who had taken over “Linshi” at that time. He put aside all his work and came to B University immediately.

When he came to see Li Shu, naturally, Li Heyuan got the news immediately. Secretly, he didn’t want Li Shu to meet with the Li family. He still remembered how deep Li Ziyue’s feelings for Li Shu were and didn’t want anyone else to take away Li Shu’s attention.

When Li Shu met him, he only said a few simple words. Li Ziyue understood his intentions and didn’t bother him except during the New Year.

Li Shu knew that his sudden departure last time had caused a significant psychological shadow for Li Heyuan, making him always uneasy in their relationship, so he did his best to soothe his feelings.

In this life, Li Shu and Li Heyuan were a pair envied by the world. They both achieved great success in their respective fields. Both of them were so outstanding that it was natural for some people to have evil intentions towards them. However, neither of them will even give a second glance to any man or woman who approached them.

After completing the mission, Li Shu returned to the system space. His body was wrapped in a huge halo, the light was not dazzling, but soft, and if you get close to it, you will find that it is warm, like being soaked in warm water, and a comfortable sigh comes from the depths of the soul.

This halo was a gift from the world’s consciousness after completing the mission in the second world. It was extremely beneficial to both Li Shu’s body and soul. Coupled with the energy obtained from Ruan Muyan’s system, Li Shu’s injuries would heal quickly.

Due to the failure of the last mission, the next world was a punishment world, and Li Shu was given little time to adjust before being pulled into the new world.

When he opened his eyes, he was caught off guard by a pair of scarlet eyes.

Taking an unnoticed step back, Li Shu realized that the person with scarlet eyes was separated from him by a layer of glass. No…

His pupils dilated as he suppressed the exclamation that was about to escape. What he saw was not a layer of glass but a giant petri dish occupying most of the room. The person with scarlet eyes was inside the petri dish.

No, it wasn’t a human. It was a merfolk with a human upper body and a fish tail.

Unlike the merfolk described in fairy tales, this one had a strong, powerful body, scales glowing with a dark blue light, and hair spreading out like seaweed in the water. His features were sharp, and his body was covered by well-proportioned muscles. No matter how you look at him, he did not look fragile at all.

This was a merman. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to call him a Siren, the undisputed overlord of the sea according to the legend.

“Professor?” A girl in a white coat called out.

Li Shu quickly retracted his thoughts. He hadn’t yet received the original owner’s memories and didn’t know the current situation. Seeing the confusion in the girl’s eyes, he understood that he shouldn’t be staring at the merman at this moment.

“How is he doing?” Li Shu pointed to the merman swimming in the petri dish and noticed that the large petri dish was completely sealed. Though the merman moved, there was no sound of water outside, indicating excellent soundproofing.

“All values are stable,” the girl read data from a tablet, her voice flat. “We can proceed to the next stage of the experiment. Shall we start now, Professor?”

“Wait a moment,” Li Shu said. He couldn’t act rashly without knowing the situation. “You continue observing. I need to step out for a bit.”

“Okay, Professor.” Watching the man leave, the girl had a flash of doubt in her eyes. Ever since she joined the professor’s experiment, she had seen his obsession for the experimental subject S. Usually, the professor stayed in the lab to observe, so why did he leave suddenly today?

“*&#@#*&*” The merman opened his mouth and made an inaudible sound. The girl’s previously clear eyes gradually turned blank and she unconsciously approached the petri dish…

As Li Shu walked, he saw many similar rooms, all containing variously sized petri dishes with strange creatures inside. But having seen the extraordinary merman first, these other creatures didn’t seem as remarkable.

Along the way, everyone in white coats who encountered him stopped to greet him respectfully, indicating that the original owner held a high status here.

This seemed to be a large experimental base, with advanced equipment and strict bio-identification for entry and exit. Li Shu experimented a bit and found that he could freely enter and exit almost any place here. He also discovered that the base operated under a closed management system, and if he wanted to go out, he needed to apply in advance.

What kind of world was this?

Following the name tag, Li Shu found his lounge. It had all the necessary amenities, and except for its cold and hard style, it resembled a regular apartment, which showed how large the base was.

Li Shu took off his glasses, washed his face with cold water, and examined himself in the mirror.

This face was very different from his original appearance. The man in the mirror wore a simple white lab coat, had a slender build, narrow eyes, and thin, tightly pressed lips, exuding an air of aloofness.

Putting his glasses back on, the coldness in his eyes was completely hidden. The words on the name tag were reflected clearly in the mirror: Li Shu.

He tried to call the system in his mind but to no avail.

With no other option, Li Shu started searching the room for any useful information. He knew nothing about his current situation and felt too passive.

The computer was turned on, and Li Shu found a folder called “Work Log” on the desktop. He moved the mouse over the folder and clicked it open.

[February 14, 20xx:

Today is Valentine’s Day, and I received the best gift. It’s so beautiful, worthy of being God’s most perfect creation. I said there were miracles in the deep sea, and now the miracle has appeared. Such a strong body, such a smooth, sleek tail, such a perfect face… indeed a miracle, everything so perfect.]

[February 16, 20xx:

The small petri dish is too much of a grievance for it. I’m going to customize a special residence for it. It’s injured and a bit listless, but it’s okay, I’ll heal it.]

[February 19, 20xx:

Its attack power is too strong. Even though we show goodwill, it’s no use. It stubbornly harms everyone who tries to get close to it. How can we treat it if we can’t get close? Its wounds have reopened. What should we do?]

[March 6, 20xx:

It can actually communicate with humans. It, it’s actually an intelligent being!!!!]

[March 11, 20xx:

They said they wanted to release it back into the sea. I won’t agree, I absolutely won’t agree!!!]

[March 20, 20xx:

It’s too dangerous. We can’t control it at all. I should have listened to those people and sent it back to the sea. It’s too late now. It’s too late to say anything. What should I do?

I shouldn’t have, shouldn’t have…]

The log abruptly ended here.

There wasn’t much content, so Li Shu finished reading quickly. The log was almost entirely about the merman he saw when he opened his eyes, which showed how much the original owner cared about the mermaid. Glancing at the time on the computer, it was now April 20, 20xx. What had happened during this period to change the original owner’s feelings from obsession to fear?

Li Shu clicked into a few more folders but didn’t find anything useful. The logs were too brief and the information he got was limited. Not only did it not solve his problem, but it brought him more confusion.

What was the original owner’s identity? Who was the protagonist? What was the background of this world? What role was the original owner playing… Question after question arose. Li Shu sighed and was about to try contacting the system again when the phone on the table rang.

Li Shu glanced at the screen. It was the girl from the laboratory calling. Before leaving, he had noted her name on her badge: Gu Li.

Pressing the answer button, no one spoke from the other end, only the faint sound of flowing water.


There was no response. Amidst the sound of water, it seemed as if someone let out a brief, fleeting laugh, so quick that it felt like an illusion.

Li Shu knew it wasn’t, so didn’t hang up the phone. He stood up and quickly walked out.

Fortunately, the lounge wasn’t far from the laboratory, taking only about ten minutes to get there. After a pupil scan, the tightly closed metal door slowly opened.

At the same time, a low, magnetic male voice suddenly appeared in the depths of his mind:

“Welcome, come to me…”


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