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AMBTMS Chapter 145

The Siren King's Bride 16

Experimental Base.

Before leaving, Li Shu had arranged everything. According to his plans, Yi Ziqi and the others carried on their research in an orderly manner, with no incidents occurring. The people who had entered the base with Li Shu were also properly settled. Logically, they should have been able to manage until Li Shu returned to the base.

But there are always exceptions.

Jiang Tao was the cause of this particular mishap. Initially, he hadn’t expected Li Shu to leave the base; he just assumed he was in seclusion, handling some important matter. After all, the rules of the base were strict—no one could leave before the three-month period was up.

He had his own plans. With the assessment period approaching, if Li Shu failed to deliver a satisfactory result, he would definitely be implicated. By that time, wouldn’t it be easy to do whatever he wanted?

Jiang Tao had been waiting for this opportunity. Even when his subordinates reported that they hadn’t seen Li Shu for several days, he didn’t think much of it. Similar situations had happened before. Li Shu was a research fanatic, and it was normal for him to be engrossed in an experiment for days on end without appearing.

Therefore, he was unaware that the merman he coveted and the person he wanted to deal with were no longer in the base.

Gu Li followed Li Shu’s instructions,-she monitored the movements in the base and reported to him daily. She didn’t know what Li Shu intended to do and didn’t ask; she just focused on doing her job.

Everything in the laboratory remained the same. There was no sign of change due to the merman’s departure. This was to mislead the people in the base and prevent them from noticing the merman’s absence.

Li Shu couldn’t stay outside the base for too long. His original plan was to deliver the information and then return to the base to wait for further news. But after Yasu and Lin Luo’s visit, he spent some extra time outside, but now it was time for them to return.

Those people in the base had to be dealt with. The original owner didn’t concern himself with such matters, but Li Shu couldn’t tolerate people with bad intentions to remain. This was the perfect opportunity to solve everything in one go.

As usual, Gu Li prepared to leave after cleaning up the lab, but met Jiang Tao and his group, who were ready to act, outside the door.

Thinking of the possible reasons for Jiang Tao’s appearance, Gu Li’s heart skipped a beat and had a bad premonition.

As she had guessed, the young man standing next to Jiang Tao spoke, “Researcher Gu, what are you busy with? If no one’s inside, why do you work so hard every day?”

Gu Li bit her lip and forced herself to stay calm. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Do you really not know, or are you just pretending? At this point, Gu Li, there’s no need to hide it anymore. Experimental subject S isn’t inside, right?” Although phrased as a question, his tone was one of certainty, indicating his confidence in his assumption.

“Researcher Jiang, I don’t know why you think that. If Experimental Subject S isn’t here, where else could it be?” Gu Li refused to back down. She knew that in this situation, she couldn’t reveal any flaws. No matter how confident the other party was that S wasn’t inside, she couldn’t show any signs of it.

“Shouldn’t you be asking your Professor Li? Ask him where he took the experimental subject.” The man’s eyes narrowed slightly, his gaze fixed on the half-open door behind Gu Li, trying to see what secrets were hidden inside.

“Let me guess, there’s nothing in the lab behind you, right? It must have been hard for you, guarding an empty lab, still pretending the merman is there every day. You must be exhausted.”

The man’s taunting words were intended to provoke a reaction, but Gu Li remained as calm as before.

“I don’t know where you got your information, but everyone knows the rules of the base. How could S not be here?”

Some people were swayed by her confident tone. That’s right, the base treated everyone well, but because of the special nature of the experimental subjects, it was also strictly managed. Before the set period was up, it was nearly impossible to leave, let alone secretly take an S-level experimental subject without anyone noticing.

Someone started to waver. “Director Jiang, this researcher has a point. You and I have worked at the base for so many years, we know better than anyone that it’s impossible to leave the base at will. Could it be that you’ve…” made a mistake.

Although the last words weren’t spoken, everyone understood the implication. Early this morning, Director Jiang had gathered the influential people in the base, claiming that someone had secretly taken the valuable experimental subject S and insisted that everyone come to witness it.

When they first heard the news, everyone was shocked, and their first reaction was disbelief. It was impossible. In all the years since the base was established, there had been people with ill intentions who tried to steal experimental subjects—more than once—but not a single attempt had ever succeeded.

The reason this base attracted so many accomplished researchers wasn’t just the welfare benefits. Many top researchers didn’t care about such things. What truly drew them were the rare experimental subjects. Every so often, new subjects would be added. Unlike the outside world, although freedom was restricted in the base, the rarity of the experimental subjects was enough to make some research fanatics willingly give up their freedom.

Apart from those like Director Jiang who enjoyed playing with power, most people in the base were solely focused on their research. For them, as long as there was a steady supply of new experimental subjects, they could completely ignore the outside world. The base had a small break every three months, and unless there was a compelling reason, many chose to stay at the base.

Over the years since the base was established, there have been those who never left once they entered. It was rare to find someone like Director Jiang, who valued power so highly.

Therefore, when Director Jiang mentioned that someone in the base had taken an experimental subject, their first reaction was disbelief, not suspicion of any conspiracy. The original owner was also wholly focused on research and didn’t care at all about these underhanded tricks.

Hearing the questioning, Director Jiang’s eyelid twitched. He had brought these people here to prove Li Shu’s guilt. He knew the base had a strong backing, and if Li Shu had any unlawful intentions, he wouldn’t need to do anything; others would take care of it. This way, he could become the true winner without lifting a finger.

His original plans could be put on hold. Compared to expelling someone from the base, ruining their reputation was far more tempting.

Although Jiang Tao appeared calm on the surface, he was actually ecstatic in his heart. Even the heavens were on his side. ‘So what if you have individual research rights over the merman? After today, I can still make it impossible for you to remain in this field.’

During these years at the base, the network he had laid extended far beyond it. He craved fame and fortune, so how could he resist the temptation of the true arena of power and wealth outside.

Stealing an experimental subject was a serious crime, one that was despised by those in the field.

After Li Shu left, he had the communication channels between the base and the outside world cut off. The people in the base had no idea what had been happening in the outside world these past few days; their information was still stuck on the news before Li Shu left, which mentioned the discovery of a merfolk. They didn’t know that the higher-ups had already decided to establish friendly relations with merfolk and that if they weren’t careful, the entire base could become the sacrificial lamb in the two races’ diplomacy.

“Gu Li, it’s not difficult to prove whether we’ve wronged Professor Li. Just let us in to take a look. If the merman is still inside, I’m willing to apologize to Professor Li.”

Director Jiang signaled his nephew with his eyes, and the young man immediately understood his uncle’s intentions. He spoke in a seemingly gentle voice, “Don’t you all agree?”

The people brought by Director Jiang thought it made sense. They wouldn’t be able to get to the truth just by standing outside and talking; why not just go in and take a look?

Now, no one objected. In fact, they had their own ulterior motives. That was a merman, the only one in the world. They had coveted him for a long time, but unfortunately, Li Shu had always monopolized him and wouldn’t let anyone else approach him. In their view, such a valuable experimental subject should be studied collectively. Only by everyone contributing their efforts can the value be maximized, right?

Looking at these people who were practically announcing their hostile intentions, Gu Li felt a bit panicked. She knew she absolutely couldn’t let them into the laboratory. If it was discovered that S was no longer in the base, it would definitely have a huge impact on the professor.

She placed her hand behind her back and discreetly pressed the button to lock down the lab, determined not to let these people have a chance to enter.

She raised her head without a hint of retreat. “Have you forgotten what happened a few months ago? The merman is extremely dangerous. Without the professor’s permission, I cannot allow you in. I can’t take that responsibility.”

Gu Li’s reason was impeccable. It was precisely because of that incident that the research rights were given solely to Li Shu. Some of the people present had experienced that event, and remembering the direct threat of death, they silently took a step back.

“We just want to see if S is still in the base. Researcher Gu, why are you so resistant? Are you feeling guilty?” As he spoke, the man stepped forward, trying to push past Gu Li and enter the lab.

They had accurate information, which was why they dared to make a scene. Jiang Tao was very sure that both Li Shu and S were not in the base. When he first got this news, he couldn’t believe it, but after multiple confirmations, the answer remained the same. After much deliberation, he decided not to miss this opportunity.

Compared to his original plan, the consequences of this one would be far more lasting. It would solve a major problem without any effort on his part, so why not?

Gu Li hadn’t expected the other person to be so shameless, directly pushing her. If she hadn’t reacted quickly, she might have been overpowered. She forcefully pushed the man back, spread her arms wide, and stared at the enemy in front of her like a mother hen protecting her chicks.

After being pushed and staggering, the man glared at Gu Li with a sinister expression. “You’d better not refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a penalty.”


“What do you think you’re doing by blocking the door to my lab?” A cold voice accompanied by footsteps interrupted, and a man in a white lab coat walked toward them as he adjusted the white gloves on his hands.

He walked leisurely, but each step seemed to weigh heavily on everyone’s hearts.

Director Jiang’s face suddenly changed. He stared at the man approaching step by step, and panic gradually rose in his heart. He was certain Li Shu was not in the base. He had confirmed it before making his move, so why was Li Shu here now, and he looked like he had never left?

“Director Jiang,” Li Shu stood beside Gu Li, “care to explain?”

Jiang Tao hastily withdrew his gaze, calmed himself, and said, “Shouldn’t Professor Li be the one giving us an explanation?”


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