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AMBTMS Chapter 49

The Boss's Favorite 11

Li Shu smiled and shook hands back, “Hello, I’m Li Shu.”

Chen Yu did a great job on the surface. He greeted Ming Xuan and Wei Yangyun with a smile. Ming Xuan had a good temper and didn’t dwell on their last encounter, but Wei Yangyun didn’t have such a good temper. If he liked someone, it showed; similarly, if he disliked someone, he wouldn’t hide it.

In response to Chen Yu’s greeting, Wei Yangyun replied coldly with just a few words. Chen Yu felt a bit awkward, but considering the camera filming nearby, he didn’t show any unusual expression.

As a result, after the program aired, Chen Yu’s fans defended him in various ways.

[What’s wrong with Wei Yangyun? Does he think he’s a prince just because fans call him “Your Highness”? Our brother greeted you nicely, why does he have this attitude?]

[Our brother did nothing wrong. Who does he think he is, giving our brother such a look!]

Being the main target of criticism, Wei Yangyun’s fans naturally wouldn’t stand for it. They rolled up their sleeves and fought back, spraying Chen Yu’s fans one by one.

[Who His Highness likes is his own business. Why are you all so nosy? Besides, doesn’t someone understand why he’s being treated like this?]

[Someone just hasn’t figured out his place yet. Didn’t he notice that His Highness doesn’t like him? He still eagerly approaches him.]

The program had just started, but it had already caused a bloody storm.

However, Li Shu and the others were unaware of this. After deciding to act together, everyone gathered to discuss what to do next.

“This is the water town south of Jiangnan, where fish are abundant. Since we don’t have enough funds, we can try catching fish to sell.” The older female star glanced around. Many fishing boats were working on the water, lifting large fish out of the water and creating huge splashes.

This was indeed a method worth trying. As the saying goes, people rely on mountains, and mountains rely on water to survive. This place can be considered a water town, where people made a living from the water. Fishing here was relatively low-cost compared to other methods.

“Let’s go ask how to rent these fishing boats.” Wei Yangyun was very excited. He had never experienced anything like this before, and this water town gave him a sense of anticipation.

“Li Shu, let’s go ask together.” He pulled Li Shu towards the place where they could rent fishing boats, while the others quickly assigned other tasks. They wanted to understand the market rules here.

The person renting out the fishing boats was a man in his fifties, with deep wrinkles on his face from the passage of time. His eyes were bright, and he chatted with them in a friendly manner.

“You are from out of town, right? Are you here for sightseeing?” He could tell from their demeanor and clothing that they were not locals.

“Sort of,” Wei Yangyun chuckled, “Old man, how do we rent a boat?”

“You want to rent a boat?” The man was surprised. Seeing how well-dressed they were, he thought they were asking for directions.

“Yes,” seeing the surprise on the man’s face, Wei Yangyun pulled Li Shu closer. “My brother and I are here for fun. Since we’re short on funds, we thought of earning some money for travel expenses.”

The man suddenly realized, “I see. You don’t look like you do this to make a living.”

The people in the water town were very hospitable. Seeing that Li Shu and Wei Yangyun were young and didn’t seem to have much experience, he patiently explained many things to them, to the point that they were the last to return to the meeting point despite being the closest.

“Did you rent the boat?”

Wei Yangyun blinked. “Perfectly sorted.”

“We also inquired about the fish-selling location here. Generally, it’s best to sell in the morning, as there are fewer buyers at night. But it’s okay, we’ll give it a try first.” The younger female star spoke up.

For a moment, everyone was filled with enthusiasm.

However, when they saw the small boat Li Shu and the others rented and the fishing net and harpoon given to them by the owner, they all had a blank expression.

How do you use these things?

“Does anyone know how to use this? Just so you know, I have no clue.” Given Wei Yangyun’s background, it was impossible for him to come into contact with these things.

The others looked at each other. None of them grew up near the water, so naturally they didn’t know these things.

Catching fish sounds simple, but it’s not easy to do. Thinking that using a fishing net to catch fish might be easier than a harpoon, they decided to try the fishing net first.

Only Li Shu picked up a harpoon and weighed it in his hand.

Chen Yu walked up to him and pretended to be surprised, “Li Shu, it turns out that you know how to harpoon fish!”

The others were drawn by his voice and subconsciously looked over. Wei Yangyun knew what kind of person Chen Yu was, so he put down what he was doing and walked towards Li Shu.

Ming Xuan also followed, after all, since he promised to take care of Li Shu, he wouldn’t allow anyone to bully him in front of him.

Just a few words, and these two are so worried that Li Shu will be bullied by him. Chen Yu lowered his eyelids and concealed the flash of resentment in his eyes.

“Shu Shu, don’t worry about this harpoon. Let’s go see that fishing net.”

Wei Yangyun took one end of the harpoon and said, “Huh, how do you use this thing to harpoon fish? Can it be inserted?”

“Yes.” Li Shu exerted a slight force, and the harpoon slipped out of Wei Yangyun’s hand. With a swing, it landed in the water, stirring up a large splash. When the harpoon resurfaced, there was already a fish with its tail curled up on it.


Hearing the sound, several people rushed over in surprise. Wei Yangyun couldn’t believe his eyes as he eagerly took the harpoon and pointed to the fish firmly stuck on it, “Shu Shu, you’re amazing! Let me try.”

Li Shu put the fish in the nearby fish basket, and Wei Yangyun eagerly took the harpoon and walked to the side of the boat.

The boat was anchored in shallow water, and occasionally, you could see fish about half an arm’s length swimming underwater. A fish that didn’t notice the danger swam to the side of the boat, and Wei Yangyun’s eyes lit up. He increased the strength in his hand, and the harpoon plunged into the water.

“Brother Ming, Shu Shu, come over quickly, I caught a fish!” Wei Yangyun exclaimed excitedly.

Everyone turned to look, and Li Shu and Ming Xuan walked over. Wei Yangyun had already excitedly pulled the harpoon out of the water.

But unfortunately, there was nothing.

“How could this be? I clearly got it!” Wei Yangyun stared at the empty harpoon in disbelief, and his smile gradually froze.

“This kid, does he think fish are so easy to harpoon?” Someone on the nearby fishing boat shook his head with a smile.

Wei Yangyun was greatly disappointed. He went to Li Shu for comfort, “Shu Shu, how did you do it?”

During this break, the others also tried using the harpoon and failed. Although Li Shu did it easily, they realized that it wasn’t so easy to catch fish. They were all novices, while these fish were seasoned veterans. After trying, each of them was splashed with water and looked miserable.

They all didn’t believe in evil and said, “Li Shu, you try again. It was just a coincidence, right?”

Chen Yu barely maintained a smile and joined the others in teasing. He also hoped that Li Shu was just lucky, but a voice in his heart told him it was impossible.

Li Shu picked up the harpoon handed over by Wei Yangyun and walked to the side of the boat amidst several expectant gazes. His eyes circled the water and found the target. He lifted his arm, and struck down with fast, accurate, and ruthless movements.

“How was it? How was it?” Wei Yangyun was the most anxious, leaning in beside Li Shu and watching the water surface without blinking.

“Wow, you really caught one!” The younger female star exclaimed as she watched the fish brought up to the surface by the harpoon.

Once could be considered a coincidence, but what about twice, thrice? With Li Shu’s movements, one fish after another was thrown into the fish basket, and everyone’s eyes gradually went from shock to numbness.

In the end, it was Ming Xuan who made the decision. Li Shu would harpoon fish and the others used fishing nets.

Gradually, people gathered around, watching Li Shu effortlessly harpooning fish, their faces filled with shock. This was a master.

The director backstage couldn’t stop smiling. Inviting Li Shu was initially a favor to Qin Ran, but now it seemed he was truly worthy of Qin Ran’s attention.

That night, the program team edited the video of Li Shu and his group fishing and posted it on their official account.

[Oh my god, what did I just see?!]

[The program team is too ruthless. Loo. At these beauties, and they’ve turned them into what? If I were there, I wouldn’t even recognize them as celebrities.]

[Oh my God, is that still my brother? If it weren’t for the subtitles, I wouldn’t dare to recognize him.]

[The person upstairs might be a fake fan. If it were me… I’m sure I could still recognize them.]

No wonder fans were saying this. After fishing for a while, the five celebrities were no longer as clean and fresh as when they arrived. Their hair, faces, and bodies were covered in water and mud, looking extremely miserable.

Among the six, five moved clumsily. After struggling for a while, they managed to catch a few fish with the nets. In sharp contrast was the other side. The eyes of the netizens was immediately drawn to the agile young man.

[Isn’t this the new little brother? His harpooning posture is very standard.]

[More than just standard, it’s spot on.]

[This is just the edited effect from the program team. Who knows if he’s really that good.]

[Why are some people so sour? Is it so hard to admit that someone else is excellent?]

There were all sorts of comments online. Ever since Li Shu joined the group, Mo Yanzhi had been paying attention to the online dynamics. Seeing these comments doubting Li Shu, he pursed his lips in displeasure.

Following Assistant Xu’s instructions, Mo Yanzhi logged into the newly registered account and refuted each comment that questioned Li Shu’s abilities.

Under the gleaming white light, the man sat upright at his desk, with a serious look on his face. His long fingers moved quickly on the keyboard, as if engaged in some important work, but in reality, he was just replying to comments.

Qin Ran was a shrewd agent. Knowing that now was a good time to increase Li Shu’s reputation, he immediately contacted the work team and guided public opinion while quietly increasing Li Shu’s popularity.

Fans’ love always came quickly. With Qin Ran pushing behind the scenes, news about Li Shu began to spread, and more and more people learned about this young man through a short video.

The comment section became more and more lively. Those who were black for the sake of being black were already being sprayed by new fans. Mo Yanzhi breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the increasingly harmonious comment section.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed. This—

A comment suddenly appeared in the comment section: [I declare that from today onwards, Li Shu is my husband!]

As if a floodgate had been opened, more and more similar comments appeared under this comment, with confessions becoming more and more explicit.

Mo Yanzhi had initially been happy to see the young man being loved by others, but upon seeing these comments, he could no longer smile. What do you mean, your husband? He’s mine!


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