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AMBTMS Chapter 51

The Boss's Favorite 13

This scene had appeared more than once in another time and space. There was once a man, aloof and revered by all, who would only bow his head in front of him, unwilling to force him in any way.

Li Shu was good at hiding his emotions. When Mo Yanzhi looked up, there was nothing unusual on his face.

Father Li was in a VIP ward. Upon learning that Mo Yanzhi had come, Father Li’s attending physician put down his work and personally came to greet him.

“Who is this?” Dr. Zhang asked, looking at the handsome young man walking beside Mo Yanzhi.

He was Father Li’s attending physician. Because of Father Li’s condition, he had interacted with Mo Yanzhi a lot in the past few days, and naturally knew that Mo Yanzhi and the people in the ward had no blood relation. He also learned that Mo Yanzhi was entrusted by a friend to help take care of his family.

In his opinion, the level of care shown here was beyond helping a friend take care of their family; some people wouldn’t even care for their own parents like this.

This President Mo and the friend he mentioned definitely had an unusual relationship. But these were not things that doctors should worry about, they should focus on their own work and ensure the patient’s early recovery.

“Dr. Zhang, hello, I’m Mr. Li Zhonglong’s son. I appreciate your help with my father during this time,” Li Shu smiled and greeted the doctor.

“So you’re Mr. Li. Your father’s surgery was very successful, and his recovery afterward has been very good.”

As they walked towards the ward, Dr. Zhang explained Father Li’s condition to Li Shu. At this time, Father Li was resting, and Mother Li was accompanying him. On hearing the knock on the door, Mother Li hurried to open it.

“Dr. Zhang…” The first person Mother Li saw was the doctor in a white coat, but she quickly noticed the two people without white coats. One was Mo Yanzhi, who always looked sharp in a suit whenever they met, and the other was a handsome young man in a simple white shirt, whose face looked very familiar.

It was Li Shu! Their son!

Mother Li stared at the young man blankly, her lips opening and closing, before finally saying, “Xiao, Xiao Shu?”

Even her tone was filled with uncertainty. The last time she saw her son was more than two years ago. At that time, Li Shu was still a naïve college student who hadn’t entered society yet, a green young man. But now, the young man standing in front of her exuded an extraordinary charm, looking much more handsome and mature than he did two years ago.

The main change was in temperament. Even standing next to the outstanding Mr. Mo, he didn’t look overshadowed at all.

Calculating his age, her son was still in his early twenties. What had he experienced in these two years to change so much? The more outstanding Li Shu became, the more guilty Mother Li felt. If it weren’t for what happened at home, her son wouldn’t have had to shoulder such a heavy burden at such a young age, forcing himself to grow up.

“Mom, it’s me. I’ve come to see you.”

Li Shu’s voice brought Mother Li’s thoughts back. She wiped away the tears that had welled up in her eyes. “Look at me, I’m confused. Come in quickly, both of you.”

Mother Li stepped aside to let everyone in. Dr. Zhang, accompanied by nurses, examined Father Li and smiled, “Congratulations, the patient is recovering very well.”

“That’s good, that’s good. Thank you for your hard work, doctor.” Her husband’s condition had been weighing heavily on Mother Li’s mind. Hearing the doctor’s words, her worries slightly eased, and she finally showed a smile that had been absent for many days.

After the routine check-up, Dr. Zhang and the nurses left, leaving the space to the patients and their family members.

“Xiao Shu, are you thirsty? Mom will pour you some water. And Mr. Mo, both of you please sit first.” After saying this, Mother Li hurriedly went to the side.

Having not seen each other for many days, Mother Li didn’t know how to face Li Shu anymore. This son of hers had matured to the point where he felt somewhat unfamiliar. Perhaps it was because so much had happened during this time, and they hadn’t seen Li Shu for a long time. Mother Li didn’t think in any strange direction.

Mother Li handed the warm water to the two people sitting side by side. These two people, one cold and stern, the other gentle and refined, both had dazzling looks. Sitting together, they looked indescribably harmonious and eye-catching.

Mo Yanzhi just had a glass of water and then excused himself to leave. He knew that the young man hadn’t seen his family for a long time, so although he was reluctant to leave the young man, he still gave the space to the family who had finally reunited.

He didn’t say anything, just quietly squeezed Li Shu’s fingers before leaving.

Using an indigenous body of a small World also meant inheriting everything that came with it, whether it was responsibilities, obligations, or emotions.

Li Shu’s soul was powerful and the residual consciousness of the original owner had minimal impact on him, but there was still some influence. For example, after a short period of buffering, the estrangement between Li Shu and his mother unconsciously disappeared a lot, and they didn’t behave like strangers anymore.

“Mom, there are caretakers at the hospital, you don’t need to work so hard.” Compared to the memories, Mother Li had aged a lot, the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes had increased, and she didn’t dress up as she used to.

“It’s better to do these things on my own and feel at ease. I don’t have anything else to do here anyway, so it’s good to be busy.” Having something to do would prevent her from worrying about other things.

“How many days do you have off this time? Are you going back to work tomorrow? I heard from Mr. Mo that you’ve been on a business trip lately. If you’re too busy, you should take care of your own business. I’m here at the hospital, and it’s finally a break for me, so you should rest at home.”

Looking at her increasingly outstanding son, Mother Li felt a surge of pride in her heart. This was her son, and at the same time, she couldn’t help but feel distressed. “Don’t talk about mom, you need to take care of yourself too. Business trips are tiring enough, and you came here right after getting off the plane, why don’t you rest first?”

“I’m not tired, Mom, really.”

Obviously, Mother Li didn’t believe it and continued to fuss for a few more words before the topic shifted to Mo Yanzhi.

“What is Mr. Mo’s identity? When did you meet him? You should thank him properly. He really helped a lot this time. It’s rare to see such enthusiastic young people in society nowadays. You should cherish such friends.”

He didn’t know what method Mo Yanzhi used to win the trust of Father Li and Mother Li. Both of them praised him profusely. Li Shu asked a few indirect questions and understood that Mother Li didn’t know Mo Yanzhi’s true identity, only that he was his friend.

Li Shu was curious. The experiences these years had made his parents less easily trusting of others, so how did Mo Yanzhi make his parents believe in him so much without revealing his true identity? He would ask when he had the chance.

Midway through, Father Li woke up. He couldn’t speak much, just a word at a time, and after chatting with Li Shu for a while, he ran out of energy.

“Dad, rest well and don’t worry too much. I’m here.” Li Shu stood by the bedside and tucked him in.

Father Li nodded and slowly closed his eyes. When Li Shu turned around, a tear rolled down from the corner of his eye, soaked into the pillow, and disappeared without a trace.

After talking to Mother Li, Li Shu left. Outside the ward, the man in the suit who had picked him up at the airport appeared again. Without waiting for him to speak, Li Shu spoke first, “Did Mr. Mo ask you to wait here for me?”

The man in the suit said expressionlessly. “Mr. Li, please.”

Li Shu followed the man to the parking lot. He thought that the man in the suit was left by Mo Yanzhi to send him off, but unexpectedly, as soon as he approached, he saw a tall figure leaning against the car.

It was Mo Yanzhi.

“You’re here.” Mo Yanzhi whispered.

Had he been waiting for him all this time? Li Shu’s lips curled up slightly, and he asked, “Did President Mo know when I would arrive?”

Mo Yanzhi quietly looked at the young man who was approaching him step by step, with a fire burning in his eyes, without answering.

He naturally didn’t know when Li Shu would arrive, or even if Li Shu would leave the hospital today. It was easy to understand that Li Shu would spend a day with his parents after being separated for many years. Mo Yanzhi didn’t have much hope waiting here for someone.

Reality would always bring unexpected surprises. As the young man approached step by step, the light in the man’s eyes grew stronger. Li Shu didn’t spend much time with his parents. Did Li Shu also have a place in his heart for him?

Once this thought arose, it became uncontrollable.

“I’ve been waiting for you.” Mo Yanzhi said. Regardless of how long it took, as long as Li Shu was willing to come to him, he could wait.

Just like the five-year contract he signed with the young man, what he wanted was far more than these five years. How could he be satisfied after just five years? What he wanted was a lifetime, no, what he wanted was forever.

Yes, forever, even if all things were destroyed and everything turned to dust, he still wanted to be with Li Shu.

Without waiting for Li Shu to come to him, Mo Yanzhi stood up straight, took a step forward with his long legs, and met Li Shu halfway.

He didn’t ask for much. As long as Li Shu took one step forward, he could walk the rest of the way.

When he reached Li Shu’s side, Mo Yanzhi quietly reached out and gently held the young man’s flexible waist, leading him into the car.

In the car, Mo Yanzhi still didn’t let go. The two bodies were tightly pressed together, and the warm affection flowed between them in the small space.

After running around all day, Li Shu was already tired. After all, he was using a human body now, and no matter how powerful his soul was, his body would still get tired. Now that he had arranged everything for his parents, he relaxed his mind, and the drowsiness surged up uncontrollably.

The temperature in the car was moderate, and the driver drove steadily. Before long, Li Shu closed his eyes. He was originally half-leaning on Mo Yanzhi, and after falling asleep, his entire body’s weight pressed against Mo Yanzhi.

Mo Yanzhi felt a slight weight on his shoulder, and when he turned his head, he saw Li Shu lying on his shoulder, eyes closed and already asleep. His heart suddenly softened. He carefully adjusted his sitting position to tuck the young man into his arms so that he could sleep more comfortably.


When Li Shu woke up, it was already dark outside. He looked around in a daze, and suddenly heard the man’s deep voice in his ear, “Awake?”

“How long did I sleep?” Li Shu’s voice was soft and slow, with a hint of laziness after just waking up, making Mo Yanzhi’s heart melt.

He ruffled Li Shu’s hair. “Not long. We’ve arrived. Let’s get off.”

“Oh, okay.”

When he has just woken up, Li Shu is usually a bit dazed. However, this fuzzy state doesn’t last long. Before Mo Yanzhi could fully enjoy it, Li Shu would have already recovered.

But today was different. Even when Mo Yanzhi led him back to the bedroom, Li Shu was still in a daze, like a harmless little animal.

Looking at the well behaved young man sitting on the bed, with his head tilted up to reveal his graceful neck and delicate collarbone, Mo Yanzhi swallowed hard.

Like a spark igniting a wildfire, it was unstoppable.


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