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AMBTMS Chapter 59

The Boss's Favorite 21

At this moment, Mo Yanzhi could be said to be furious. He had made every necessary precaution, but he never expected this woman Chen Wanying to find a loophole and come directly to Li Shu.

By appearance, Chen Wanying looked beautiful and gentle, but had a heart completely devoid of gentleness. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say she had a heart as vicious as a snake’s.

The Mo and Chen families had been friends for generations. Mo Yanzhi and Chen Wanying had known each other since childhood. At that time, their elders in the family joked about them. Chen Wanying took it seriously, fending off many men and women who approached him as his future wife. Mo Yanzhi wasn’t interested in those people, so he tacitly approved of Chen Wanying’s actions.

Little did he know, this tacit approval fueled Chen Wanying’s arrogance, making her feel that Mo Yanzhi did treat her differently, causing her to become increasingly unrestrained in her actions.

Later, Mo Yanzhi’s own attitude clarified many things. No matter how beautiful the person who approached him was, Mo Yanzhi ignored them. Moreover, if he got annoyed, he would even have those who approached him dealt with. Chen Wanying had already learned that the Mo and Chen families planned to marry them to each other. Seeing that Mo Yanzhi would deal with the men and women who came to him, she stopped interfering too much.

This was also why Chen Wanying didn’t act when she first heard about Li Shu.

He was just a little star, not worth her effort. It happens that Chen Yu came to her at this time, so Chen Wanying did him a favor. If Chen Yu could get rid of the person, that would be even better.

Because of this incident, she learned that the little star was different from others in Mo Yanzhi’s eyes, and that Mo Yanzhi treated him completely differently from the men and women who tried to approach him before.

Looking at the materials collected, Chen Wanying’s eyes turned red with jealousy.

She realized that Li Shu, this little star, was different from others. Just the fact that Mo Yanzhi actively approached him made Chen Wanying uneasy.

She knew Mo Yanzhi had no extra feelings for her. Allowing her to act recklessly was simply because her actions solved many problems for him. Moreover, she was discreet and never did anything to annoy Mo Yanzhi. Otherwise, her fate would not be any different from others.

Chen Wanying thought this situation would continue indefinitely. She dreamed of wearing a beautiful wedding dress and marrying into the Mo family amidst the blessings of family and friends, just like she dreamed when she was a child.

She was having a sweet dream, but Li Shu’s appearance was like a bucket of cold water poured over her head, waking her up from the illusion she had been carefully maintaining.

Lowering her head, Chen Wanying took a sip of coffee, concealing the myriad of emotions in her downcast eyes.

Mo Yanzhi came so quickly. It seemed that Li Shu held a more significant place in his heart than she had imagined. She wondered to what extent her actions today would provoke the always steadfast President Mo.

Looking at the two people sitting opposite each other, Mo Yanzhi slowly moved his eyes to Li Shu’s face. He longed for other expressions on Li Shu’s face, but was also afraid of other expressions on Li Shu’s face.

In reality, Li Shu showed no expression on his face. Mo Yanzhi didn’t know if he should breathe a sigh of relief or not, but he hastened his steps nonetheless. A waiter wanted to approach, but was frightened by Mo Yanzhi’s momentum. He was still hesitating, but Mo Yanzhi had already arrived at Li Shu’s table.

Chen Wanying had chosen a table by the window, a four-person table. When Mo Yanzhi came over, he could sit next to Li Shu.

“Brother Mo, you’re here!” When Chen Wanying looked up again, all expressions that shouldn’t have appeared on her face had completely disappeared. She was smiling like a flower, especially when she faced Mo Yanzhi, her eyes were filled with deep friendship.

Most men would be greatly satisfied if they were loved wholeheartedly by such an excellent woman. Regardless of the reason, they wouldn’t care too much about her actions, especially since her intentions were out of love for him.

“What were you talking about?” Obviously, Mo Yanzhi didn’t belong to the majority of men. He didn’t spare the woman across from him an extra glance, focusing all his attention on Li Shu.

Upon hearing that Li Shu had met Chen Wanying, Mo Yanzhi abandoned the plan he was discussing with Assistant Xu halfway and hurried over. He was afraid Chen Wanying might say something inappropriate or detrimental to Li Shu. He also feared Li Shu might believe Chen Wanying’s words and want to leave him. He could endure anything except for Li Shu leaving him.

Just the thought of this possibility made his heart ache as if a piece had been carved out. If he really lost… No, he would never let such a possibility happen.

“Nothing much,” Li Shu stirred his coffee cup lightly and said casually, “this young lady who claims to be your fiancée said she would give me twice what you gave me if I agreed to leave you.”

This sentence was what Mo Yanzhi heard when he pushed open the door. It seemed he had arrived just in time, and nothing irreversible had happened yet. Just as he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Li Shu turned his head and smiled at him, saying:

“That sounds like a tempting offer. What do you think, should I agree to this young lady’s request?”

Li Shu had a smile on his lips and a raised tone of voice, as if he was very moved. Only Mo Yanzhi, who was meeting his eyes, knew that there was no hint of a smile in those beautiful eyes.

Feeling panicked, Mo Yanzhi grabbed Li Shu’s hand, pursed his lips tightly, his gaze serious. “She can’t afford what I can give.”

“Is that so?” Li Shu tilted his head, looking somewhat innocent, “Then, this fiancée…”

“I don’t have a fiancée.” Mo Yanzhi replied decisively. No matter what schemes those people in the family were plotting, he wouldn’t let them succeed. The only person he acknowledged as his partner was Li Shu from beginning to end.

“Brother Mo?” Chen Wanying called out incredulously. Her eyes were slightly red, holding back tears that refused to fall. With her face that was about to cry, she was capable of melting any man’s heart.

This move never failed.

Unfortunately, she was destined to hit a wall with Mo Yanzhi.

Mo Yanzhi only had Li Shu in his eyes and heart, and he was still worried about whether Li Shu was sad because of this incident. He couldn’t care less about an insignificant woman.

“It just so happens that I take this opportunity to make it clear to Miss Chen. I don’t know what those in the family discussed with the Chen family. Those things have nothing to do with me. From now on, Miss Chen should not claim to be my fiancée again. People will misunderstand, which is not good.”

‘Which people will misunderstand? I think you are just afraid that Li Shu will misunderstand!’

Chen Wanying really wondered what tricks Li Shu used to charm Mo Yanzhi. She looked at the man whom Mo Yanzhi was carefully protecting with unwilling eyes.

Feeling her gaze, Li Shu looked back and twitched the corner of his mouth under Chen Wanying’s angry gaze.

How could he allow others to covet his people?

Those eyes seemed to see through her heart, exposing the ugliness deep within. Chen Wanying looked away in panic, cursing whoever had investigated Li Shu. His character was completely different from what she had heard.

Did Mo Yanzhi know his true character? Most likely not. If he did, he wouldn’t have rushed over just because he was afraid that the person he liked would be bullied.

Chen Wanying sneered in her heart. ‘Li Shu, it doesn’t matter if you win this round. Just because of your gender, the huge Mo family cannot tolerate you. Let’s wait and see. What should be mine, no one should try to take it away!’

Chen Wanying would not give up. Li Shu knew very well what she would do. Which is fine, it was just right to take this opportunity to avenge the destruction of the original owner’s family.

“Give me a little more time, baby, and I won’t let those people bother you anymore.”

Li Shu had been hurt multiple times because of him. Mo Yanzhi lowered his eyes. It seemed that he was still too soft-hearted towards those people. It was fine if they wanted to meddle in the group’s affairs, but now they wanted to meddle in his personal affairs.

For a week, Li Shu had to go to Teacher Bo Zhou for four classes, all of which are scheduled in the afternoon.

Teacher Bo was a very kind old man with a high level of expertise in acting. He chose a small segment for Li Shu to perform, which happened to be a plot from “Hidden Front”, a movie Li Shu had watched recently.

Rather than the most challenging part of the whole play, Teacher Bo had Li Shu focus on an emotionally detailed description, a period of time when the protagonist experienced a brief period of light after suffering great pain.

After watching the segment, Li Shu closed his eyes. When he reopened them, he underwent a dramatic transformation. At this moment, he was no longer the little star Li Shu off-screen, but the young man who had just suffered great pain in the movie.

Li Shu’s performance wasn’t bad; he completely portrayed the feeling from the movie. However, there was always something missing.

Watching the playback on the computer, Teacher Bo’s brows furrowed tighter and tighter.

Comparing the two versions, he found something wrong. Rather than saying Li Shu was portraying the protagonist from the movie, it was more accurate to say he was imitating Fu Xilan.

Yes, imitation. Li Shu’s portrayal of the character was identical to the one Fu Xilan portrayed in the play. However, just as there are a thousand Hamlets for a thousand readers, different people interpreting the same character will never produce identical results.

Realizing this, Teacher Bo waved for Li Shu to come over and said pointedly, “Li, are you imitating Teacher Fu Xilan?”

Upon hearing this, Li Shu raised his eyebrows in surprise, then nodded, “Yes.”

“Your talent…” Being able to reproduce someone else’s emotions like this was terrifying, but, “If you want to reach the top through this path, mere imitation is far from enough. Your performance must have something of your own. That’s the soul of acting.”

Teacher Bo was a good teacher who understood Li Shu’s problem. Teaching based on this issue, Li Shu made significant progress after two classes.

Which teacher wouldn’t like a talented and hardworking student? Originally, Teacher Bo took on Li Shu as a favor to Qin Ran, but over the course of a few days, he became more and more satisfied with this student and began to teach Li Shu with even greater care.

As “I’m Not a Star” aired, Li Shu’s popularity grew. Inevitably, The Li couple learned what their son was really doing for work.

It all started on a sunny day when Mother Li took Father Li, who was recovering well, to sunbathe in the small garden. They happened to overhear two young girls chatting and mentioning the name Li Shu.

The couple exchanged glances, and Mother Li approached them, asking, “Excuse me, are you talking about Li Shu?”

“Auntie also knows Shu Shu?” The young girls were enthusiastic and showed Mother Li their phones. “Auntie, take a look, isn’t he handsome?”

Who was the person on the phone screen if it wasn’t Li Shu?


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