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AMBTMS Chapter 64

The Boss's Favorite 26

The incident happened too suddenly. Li Shu still looked somewhat dazed, and the man with the knife was already approaching. 1314 was spinning in circles anxiously, wishing it could sound the alarm in the host’s mind, but Li Shu had forcefully disabled that function in the previous world, so now it was helpless.

The bodyguard in the distance realized something was wrong and rushed forward, trying to catch the man before he got close to Li Shu.

All these actions took place in a split second. Finally, people around began to realize what was happening, letting out a scream as the crowd started to panic.

On the other end of the phone, Mo Yanzhi also heard the noise, and asked anxiously, “What’s happening over there?” At this moment, he regretted not being by Li Shu’s side. He couldn’t even know what was happening to the other party in the first place.

Filled with regret, he even had the impulse to keep Li Shu by his side from now on. If Li Shu had been with him, none of these extremely dangerous incidents would have occurred. Even if there were close calls every time, what good was it? Just the word “fright” was enough for him to be unable to endure.

Time waits for no one. In the blink of an eye, the man holding the knife was already close to Li Shu, and just five steps away from the bodyguard.

As if anticipating the forthcoming success, the man grinned widely, excitement gleaming in his eyes. Once he finished this deal, he wouldn’t have to cater to those people’s whims anymore!

“Young Master Li—” It was too late! The bodyguard’s forehead had beads of sweat. They had been repeatedly instructed by the boss to ensure no harm would come to Li Shu. If he were to get injured under his watch today, how could he face the boss?

Amidst Mo Yanzhi’s anxiety, the bodyguard’s intense glare, and the assailant’s manic excitement, Li Shu made a move. He first swayed to the left, as if it was just a coincidence that he happened to avoid the stabbing knife.

The man who thought he’d hit his target with one strike was stunned for a moment, his eyes widening in disbelief as he looked at Li Shu.

The young man was holding a mobile phone in his right hand and seemed to be talking to the other party, his expression still confused. Well, after drinking so much…it was already quite an achievement to be somewhat sober.

What was he thinking?

The distraction lasted only a moment. The man adjusted his stance and thrust the knife toward Li Shu once again.

This time, Li Shu didn’t move, and the man’s excitement grew. He just escaped with good luck, but he didn’t believe that the God of Luck could still come to him this time.

The knife was just a finger’s width away from Li Shu’s body. The bodyguard stretched out his hand and was just a step away from catching the assailant. Time seemed to freeze at that moment. The people around held their breath and concentrated for fear of disturbing something.

With success within reach, the man’s grin widened, and his gaze toward Li Shu became even more fervent.

In his eyes, Li Shu had become an alluring promise of fame and easily attainable wealth.

But in an instant, everything changed.

The knife touched Li Shu’s clothes, but only barely.

There was a huge resistance on his hand, and the man’s excitement froze, his expression stiffening in a comical manner.

Lowering his head, he saw a slender hand grasping his wrist. It looked fragile, but even after exerting all his strength, he couldn’t move forward even a centimeter.

How was this possible?!

Looking back up at Li Shu, he saw no trace of confusion on his face. His dark pupils seemed bottomless, darker than the endless night.

He had been deceived!

Realizing something was wrong, the man quickly tried to break free from Li Shu and flee the scene. But the hand gripping his was as firm as iron, and he couldn’t break free at all.

Li Shu: “Got you.”

“How is this possible?!” The man took a step back in panic. “I clearly saw you drink…”

“Yes, if you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, wouldn’t you still be lurking in the shadows?” Li Shu’s eyes curved, as if he had encountered something very delightful. “See, isn’t this catching you?”

“You knew about my existence?” His hiding skills were honed during years of dodging debtors. He was confident that as long as he wanted to hide, no one could find him. Didn’t those bodyguards who followed Li Shu every day fail to notice him?

“You must be wondering how I found out about you,” Li Shu continued. “Or perhaps, you think your luck was just bad, and you happened to strike at the wrong time, while also blaming the person who hired you for not giving you accurate information, right?”

The more Li Shu spoke, the more unsightly the man’s expression became. Indeed, Li Shu was saying exactly what he had been thinking, he was shifting all the blame for this mistake onto others.

“What can you do even if you know?” The man was still unafraid. Failing to injure someone wasn’t a big deal, he’d only get a few days in jail at most. He had been to prison before, it wasn’t something he hadn’t experienced.

“Nothing much, just the thought of being watched by a mouse at all times doesn’t make me happy,” Li Shu said calmly. “I don’t think anyone likes to have their every move watched with malicious eyes, right?”

Having been likened to a mouse more than once, the man’s face flushed red. He wanted to retort, but Li Shu didn’t give him a chance.

“You don’t have to feel wronged. I’ve known someone was watching me from the beginning. Even if you thought your actions were concealed, it was only in your own mind.”

“That’s impossible! If you had found out about me earlier, why would you have drunk that drugged glass of wine today?” He was very cautious and planned the best time before taking action. It was precisely because he saw Li Shu fall for the trap that he acted.

While they spoke, the bodyguard had already rushed over, took the man from Li Shu and called the police.

The call hadn’t ended, and Mo Yanzhi vaguely heard everything. At that moment, he didn’t know whether to be relieved or to laugh bitterly.

He was indeed daring, daring to use himself as bait.

Li Shu wasn’t surprised by this series of events. This world was originally formed on a foundation of a dog blood novel. It was not surprising that all kinds of melodramatic scenes would happen by being involved with the protagonist gong.

“Baby, you’re really testing my mental endurance.”

Li Shu placed the phone back to his ear and listened to Mo Yanzhi’s helpless voice.

“That glass of wine…” Mo Yanzhi vaguely heard someone on the other end of the phone saying that the wine was drugged, and he couldn’t help but feel nervous.

“I didn’t drink it, I was deceiving him.” Since Li Shu knew there was something wrong with the drink, how could he actually drink it? His true form wasn’t afraid of these things, but who knew what could happen to this human body now?

Hearing Li Shu’s words, the expression of the man who had been subdued by the bodyguards became distorted. He had clearly seen Li Shu pick up that glass of wine and down it amidst the cheers of the crew. How could that be fake!!!

No matter how much he didn’t believe it, Li Shu wouldn’t explain it to him.

The police took the man away, and Li Shu accompanied them to make a statement. After discussion, this incident was announced as an attempted robbery. Everyone involved knew the truth.

“This time, it’s our fault for not protecting you adequately,” the captain of the bodyguard team admitted solemnly upon their return.

Li Shu: “It’s not your fault. I did this intentionally. It was just annoying being watched all the time.”

“No, it’s our fault for not discovering the problem in advance. If Mr. Li hadn’t discovered it himself, it would have had serious consequences.” The captain was straightforward. If they were wrong, they wouldn’t make excuses for themselves.

Li Shu appreciated their attitude. “I won’t pursue this matter. Just be more vigilant next time. I’m sure before you came to me, Mr. Mo had instructions for you. What I want to say is, trouble won’t stop around me.”

“Yes! We will definitely be more vigilant!”

After waking up from his hangover, the director received the news immediately. He took a sharp breath, never expecting such an incident to occur from just going out for a meal.

He knew a bit more than others and understood that this matter was far from simple. Robbery was probably just an excuse.

Others who learned about the incident came to comfort Li Shu one after another. The person who proposed hotpot yesterday was full of apologies. “It’s all my fault. If we hadn’t gone out yesterday, this wouldn’t have happened.”

Li Shu: “Don’t blame yourself. Who could have expected such a thing? Besides, I’m fine. You don’t need to blame yourself.”

The director was trembling with fear. He strengthened the safety management of the crew, fearing that a similar incident might happen suddenly one day. He was getting old and couldn’t handle this kind of stimulation.

Fortunately, the director’s worries never materialized. Until Li Shu wrapped up filming and left the crew, everything remained calm.

The director bid farewell to Li with tears in his eyes. He had been through a lot of worry and fear during this time that he even lost weight.

When he left, it was autumn, but when he returned, it was already winter. It was snowing in the capital, and everything was covered in white.

After keeping fans waiting for so long, on December 12th, Wei Yangyun’s new album “Lost” was officially released. A week before that, online pre-orders were opened, and he bluntly stated that the first thousand people to place an order would get an unexpected surprise.

For these one thousand slots, countless fans waited eagerly from the early hours of the morning. Some succeeded in one go, while others missed out on being among the first thousand, and were filled with regret.

“I’ve already sent the finished product to your agent. I wanted to visit the set and bring it to you, but that director of yours wouldn’t let anyone visit. Can you tell me what’s wrong with him? I’ve never seen a crew like this before!” Wei Yangyun complained with a hint of grievance.

After the finished product was released, he was excited to share it with his friend, only to find that his friend was detained on set. He couldn’t get in, and Li Shu couldn’t come out. It was frustrating.

“Well, it’s not too late, I came back in time for your album release.”

After those incidents, it could be said that the director was in a state of panic and strictly controlled the safety of the crew. He also adjusted the shooting schedule after discussing with Li Shu, and filmed Li Shu’s scenes ahead of time. Otherwise, Li Shu would still be on set.

After getting off the plane, this time Li Shu walked through the VIP channel. After coming out, he didn’t see someone sent by Mo Yanzhi, but unexpectedly encountered someone else.

A young man in a white down jacket was leaning against the wall. When he heard footsteps, he looked up. On seeing Li Shu approaching, his face filled with joy. “Brother Li!”

“Su Qing? What are you doing here?” Li Shu was surprised.

Compared to when they first met, Su Qing had matured a lot, giving off less of an inexperienced vibe and more of a masculine aura.

“I have something to discuss with Brother Li.” As he spoke, Su Qing looked into Li Shu’s eyes and felt relieved when he didn’t see any negative emotions.

“Oh? Okay.” Li Shu had some patience for the protagonist shou of this world, especially when 1314 mentioned that the protagonist shou’s happiness value was continuously decreasing. He was curious about what had happened to Su Qing during this time.

“Where are you taking my people?”


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