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AMBTMS Chapter 7

The Tyrant's Beloved 7

Li Shu remained remarkably composed, and Li Yang felt uneasy. However, he had already sent someone to keep an eye on this place to make sure no one had come out. With this reassurance, he felt a bit more at ease. His men were stationed outside the chamber, and the room’s simple layout left no room for hiding. He was curious to see where a big living person could be concealed.

The bed chambers were not large, so you could walk around it quickly. Initially, Li Yang could still smile, but after walking around, his expression faltered. He stepped forward, grabbed Li Shu’s arm, and asked, “Where is the person? Where did you hide them?”

Li Shu lightly pushed him away, “I’ve said I don’t know what you’re talking about. I am the only one here from beginning to end.”

“I don’t believe it! There must be someone else. You hid the person, right? Where did you hide them?” Li Yang refused to accept this outcome. After the incident with the maidservant, he had angered Father. If he left the impression of using unscrupulous means to falsely accuse his eldest brother, especially when the eldest brother had gained their father’s favor, there would be no place for him in the Left Prime Minister’s mansion.

No, absolutely not!

He turned his head in panic, only to see his majestic father. His lips opened and closed as if wanting to say something but choked back under Li Cheng’s gaze. Reason reluctantly came back, and Li Yang knew he couldn’t anger his father now.

“How do you want to deal with this?” Ignoring his visibly distressed third son, Li Cheng turned to his long-neglected eldest son. It must be said that Li Shu’s recent behavior surprised him. He was neither arrogant nor impetuous, calmly composed with a hint of charisma. If he had displayed this demeanor from the beginning, he wouldn’t have overlooked him for so many years.

After all, this was the child left by that person.

“It’s up to Father to decide,” Li Shu had seen the plot and knew what kind of person Left Prime Minister Li Cheng was. His heart was unyielding, and he wouldn’t show mercy just because Li Yang was his son. Additionally, he was a person with an intense desire for control; subordinates, women, children—he enjoyed keeping them firmly in his grasp.

As expected, Li Cheng was satisfied with Li Shu’s response. A slight smile appeared on his face, and his tone softened, “Li Yang falsely accused his elder brother. As a father, it is unacceptable. So…”

“No, Father, I didn’t deceive you. There really is someone hidden in Big Brother’s room,” Li Yang knelt down with a “thud!”, crawled to Li Cheng’s feet, grabbed his robe, and pleaded desperately, “Father, believe me!”

“Everything must be based on evidence. You said that someone is hiding in your eldest brother’s room, and it is related to Xinuo’s reputation, so I came with you to investigate. Now, it’s proven that there’s no one else in your elder brother’s room. What else do you have to say?” Li Cheng’s tone was gentle, showing no signs of anger at the situation. However, those familiar with him knew that the calmer he appeared, the more intense his anger.

“Evidence, yes, I have evidence.” Like a drowning person clutching at a lifeline, Li Yang clung to this last hope, “I have a witness!”

Under Li Cheng’s inquiring gaze, Li Shu took the initiative to speak up, “Since Third Brother has a witness, let them testify before Father.”

Li Cheng: “Who is the witness?”

“Xiao Tao, Big Brother’s personal maidservant Xiao Tao.” Li Yang hurriedly revealed the name.

Li Cheng instructed Yun Jing to bring Xiao Tao in. Suddenly, Li Shu spoke, “Since Xiao Tao is my maidservant, bring my other maidservants as well.”

Quick reminder, Yun Jing is the Left Prime Minister’s trusted subordinate.

Yun Jing glanced at Li Cheng, received a nod, and went to carry out the order.

Qinghe and the others were stopped outside, and their eyes were filled with unconcealable anxiety. Only Xiao Tao stood silently with her head lowered, an incongruent smile on her face.

When Yun Jing came out, Qinghe was comforting two younger maidservants in a hushed tone. Without any unnecessary words, he took them in.

Now, the bedroom chambers had only three people – Li Cheng, whose expression was unreadable, Li Shu, who looked calm, and Li Yang, who looked panicked.

Li Cheng: “Which one of you is Xiao Tao?”

Xiao Tao lowered her head and took a step forward, “Replying to the Master, this servant is Xiao Tao.”

“Well, did you tell the Third Young Master that there was a man hidden in Zi Shu’s chambers?”

One was called the Third Young Master, and the other was Zi Shu. It was clear at a glance which one was more important.

This scenario was entirely different from what was anticipated and Xiao Tao was instantly flustered. She suddenly knelt down and her forehead hit the ground with a “thud”. “This servant…this servant…”

She didn’t dare say “yes”, let alone lie and say “no”. Either answer would offend someone she couldn’t afford to offend.

Seeing her expression, everyone understood that she was the one who gave the information. Even if Qinghe had known Xiao Tao had a problem, she almost couldn’t control herself from rushing out to confront her. Why would she harm the Eldest Young Master like this?

Xiao Tao’s arrival allowed Li Yang to see the dawn of victory again. So what if no one was found in the bed chambers? How could Li Shu make excuses when there were both witnesses and physical evidence?

The light in his eyes became brighter and brighter. But unexpectedly, Li Cheng did not continue to ask further, but changed the topic.

“Do you know what kind of people are least tolerated in this house?”

Xiao Tao’s face turned pale, and her back was soaked with cold sweat. Everyone in the house knew that what the Left Prime Minister hated most was anyone who betrayed his master. When she first entered the mansion, the housekeeper repeatedly told the new maids and servants not to do anything dishonest. Now, not only did she violate this rule, but she was also exposed before the Left Prime Minister.

“This servant is wrong! This servant is wrong!” There was a constant “bang! bang!” sound when her forehead hit the ground. Xiao Tao knew that she had no way out. Thinking of the man’s promise, she gritted her teeth and simply gave it a try, “The servant knows that she should not do this, but I definitely didn’t lie, the Eldest Young Master did hide someone in the room!”

“Xiao Tao, you…” Qinghe couldn’t bear it any longer and spoke angrily. The master has always treated his servants well, so why did he raise such a white-eyed wolf like Xiao Tao?!

Qinghe’s voice aroused the jealousy in Xiao Tao’s heart. She had served the Eldest Young Master since childhood, yet he always favored Qinghe, entrusting her with important matters and promoting her. Meanwhile, her status remained unchanged, receiving disdain from other servants and enduring Qinghe’s superiority. Was it wrong to seek a better future?

Before Qinghe could finish her words, Xiao Tao interrupted, “What about me? The Eldest Young Master indeed did wrong by hiding a man in his room. Not only did it involve a man, but the young miss also comes here every day. If I don’t speak up, should I watch the situation develop in the worst direction?”

Staying in the mansion was no longer an option. If this matter was handled well, there was no need to worry about a good future.

“Do you two have anything to say?” Li Cheng’s expression remained unchanged. He looked at Li Shu and Li Yang without obvious bias.

“Father, Xiao Tao is Big Brother’s personal maidservant. Both morally and logically, she wouldn’t lie in this matter. This also concerns the Xinuo’s reputation. I believe we should at least know the identity of the person Big Brother has hidden,” Li Yang’s purpose was simple: confirm the relationship between the person Li Shu concealed and Li Xinuo. This way, he would surely be further disfavored by Father. After being a transparent person for so long, why not continue being one?

“Father,” Li Shu’s gaze was clear, “As Third Brother said, everything requires evidence. It is true that Xiao Tao is my personal maidservant, but the one serving me closely all this time has been Qinghe. In the days here, Xiao Tao has entered my chamber only a handful of times. What she says doesn’t prove anything.”

“This is just your side of the story. Do you think Xiao Tao’s words are not credible if you say they are not?” Li Yang said impatiently.

Li Shu sighed softly, “I don’t know what I did to make Third Brother hold onto me like this, but as long as you have the heart to check, you will know that everything I said is true. You checked the chamber; there’s no trace of anyone else except me. Moreover, this concerns Xinuo’s reputation. I wouldn’t act so recklessly.”

Of course there wouldn’t be any traces in the room, considering that all expenses for treating Qi Mingxuan here were managed by him alone, and after Qi Mingxuan left, the system blurred all the relevant information that could be traced back to him. Investigating now wouldn’t yield any useful answers.

“I know you’re a sensible child. This matter is your Third Brother’s fault.” Li Cheng knew from the moment he saw Li Shu that Li Yang had lost in this game. He didn’t change his plans and stayed, just wanting to see how Li Shu would handle this matter.

The child didn’t disappoint him, he was worth nurturing.

“Since she’s your maidservant, I won’t intervene. As for Li Yang, who blindly believes others and harms his siblings, let him cultivate his moral character at Chen Kang’s estate.”

Chen Kang’s estate was in a remote location far from the capital, sending him there essentially declared to the world that he had been abandoned. Moreover, Li Cheng didn’t mention the conditions and return date. After leaving the Left Prime Minister’s residence and losing the aura of being the most favored son, there was no need to think about it. Life will be very different.

‘It’s over, it’s all over.’

Li Yang closed his eyes dejectedly, no longer attempting any resistance. At this point, how could he not see that, from start to finish, his father believed Li Shu?

Li Cheng left with the pale-faced Li Yang. Li Shu gestured for Qinghe to take the maidservants away, and in the blink of an eye, only he and Xiao Tao remained in the room.

Xiao Tao was lost in her thoughts, looking dazed. She couldn’t understand how a well-planned scheme could be easily dissolved like this. Even more puzzling was how the man she secretly saw in the room last night had disappeared without a trace today.

Li Shu walked up to her and stood still. “Do you realize your mistake?”

She suddenly looked up, her thoughts quickly returning. Falling back into Li Shu’s hands, Xiao Tao breathed a sigh of relief. Compared to the Left Prime Minister, the Eldest Young Master’s heart was obviously softer.

“Eldest Young Master, I was wrong. I was momentarily confused and did something I shouldn’t have. I’m willing to accept any punishment. Please, Eldest Young Master, spare me this once. I won’t dare to do it again next time.”

After saying this, she kowtowed heavily, and fresh blood trickled down her forehead, accentuating her pitiful expression.

She knew how to leverage her advantages, presenting herself like this had gained her many benefits, especially in front of men. However, she didn’t know that, currently, she was dealing with someone who couldn’t be judged by common sense.

Li Shu was a nine-tailed fox with accomplished cultivation.

Can a fox be judged by common sense?


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