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AMBTMS Chapter 72

The Boss's Favorite 34

For a moment, Li Shu couldn’t even hear the outside world, as if an invisible membrane separated him from it, immersing himself in his own little world, out of sync with everything else.

“Li, are you okay? Why do you look so pale? Are you feeling unwell?” The first to notice something was wrong was Julian, who had been walking beside Li Shu. He was worried that he was nervous and kept his attention on him.

Originally, he thought Li Shu was nervous, but now it seemed otherwise. In Julian’s eyes, Li Shu was a very stable person and it was impossible for him to be so nervous about a rehearsal.

Julian’s voice snapped Li Shu out of his daze. “I’m fine, Julian. Let’s go inside.”

Realizing that Li Shu didn’t want to talk about it, Julian didn’t insist. “If you’re feeling unwell, just say so.”

Li Shu shook his head. Julian had seen his stubbornness before, so he didn’t say much more and led the way to the rehearsal location, silently hoping this wouldn’t affect his performance.

This rehearsal was just for Li Shu. When they arrived at the venue, there was nothing wrong with Li Shu’s face. He appeared calm and composed, exuding his own aura.

After a brief greeting, Li Shu stood on the runway, exuding confidence.

At this moment, everyone was captivated by the figure on stage. Li Shu on the runway looked like a king looking down on the world, each step carrying immense power. No one could believe that just over ten days ago, he was a newcomer who knew nothing about this field.

The organizers finally understood why Julian was so bold to use a newcomer directly. This newcomer named Li Shu used his own ability to prove how correct Julian’s choice was.

Several people looked at each other and saw approval and recognition in each other’s eyes. Using Li Shu undoubtedly carried risks, but the benefits were enormous. They were hosting an ML show, where the protagonist wasn’t the model, but the clothes. Li Shu’s status as a model didn’t matter much. What they valued was the tremendous benefits his use would bring.

Naturally, everyone was pleased with the results.

“You did great,” Julian didn’t hesitate to praise him. Compared to reserved Chinese, Americans were obviously more enthusiastic and open. When it came to appreciating things, they didn’t hesitate to express their admiration.

As soon as he came out, he was faced with Julian’s compliments. Li Shu did not interact with Julian as before. After the rehearsal, the worry that he had suppressed just now surged up uncontrollably.

1314 only mentioned that Mo Yanzhi was in a car accident but didn’t say how serious it was. Li Shu couldn’t convince himself not to worry about it. After all, this was an event that had happened in the original plot, just at a different time.

In the original plot, the protagonist gong had a car accident after more than a year of entanglement with the protagonist shou. The protagonist shou gradually developed feelings, and just when everything was going in a positive direction, a car accident brought everything back to square one.

Li Shu’s arrival changed many plotlines. Even the protagonist shou’s life experience changed, but the car accident still happened as planned. Thinking about it, he felt it wasn’t surprising. A car accident was a significant turning point, and though the world’s consciousness seemed to have disappeared, some predetermined trajectories wouldn’t change.

With no news from Mo Yanzhi’s side, Li Shu couldn’t just call and ask rashly. He hadn’t forgotten that Mo Yanzhi had gone back this time to deal with an emergency. This car accident was most likely related to that.

In the original plot, this car accident was orchestrated by the Mo family. After this incident, the protagonist gong started to severely suppress the Mo family. In this world, Mo Yan took action against the Mo family in advance for Li Shu. Those people didn’t have the ability to orchestrate this car accident this time. There must be other forces involved.

The business world is just like a battlefield. Because of his current position, Mo Yanzhi faced threats not only from enemies but also from unexpected stabs in the back by partners. One had to be wary of everyone around them.

As expected, Li Shu didn’t receive any news from Mo Yanzhi’s side all day. The internet was also quiet, no one mentioned that the head of the Mo family had a car accident. It seemed Mo Yanzhi’s people had blocked the news.

Asking the system, 1314 only provided the news that Mo Yanzhi was out of danger. Hearing this, Li Shu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Until the ML show officially began, Li Shu didn’t receive any news from China. In those days, Mo Yanzhi hadn’t called or sent a text message. Li Shu had a faint suspicion in his heart.

When Li Shu mentioned his suspicion to 1314, his tone was calm. 1314 observed the host’s expression and asked cautiously, [Aren’t you angry, Host?]

[I have no reason to be angry. If he truly forgets about me, it’s not intentional. If he has developed feelings for someone else during this time, I’ll bless him.]

Though the tone was gentle, it sent chills down 1314’s spine. It wondered why the host was so calm. If the protagonist gong truly fell for someone else or unintentionally did something to upset the host, it could only light a candle for the protagonist gong.

In front of the big-boss host, even the system had to yield.

The opening time of the ML show was in the early hours of the morning in China. The official deliberately kept Li Shu’s participation in the show a secret, planning to give everyone a surprise.

Meanwhile, the comments section under Li Shu’s Weibo was already exploding.

The list of models who would appear in the ML show had long been announced, but netizens couldn’t find Li Shu’s name anywhere. A few days ago, fans could still console themselves, thinking the list hadn’t been updated. However, as the time approached, fans became more and more uncertain. Could that have been a mistake?

If it was a mistake, the like should have been canceled afterwards. But now, that comment was still at the top of the comments section, and the owner of the Weibo account showed no intention of canceling the like.

Fans became more and more uncertain. And black fans became more and more jubilant. As the ML show approached, the black fans became more and more rampant.

[See, I’m afraid someone is crazy. He has gained a little popularity and dares to talk nonsense. Look at the ML show, it is a top fashion place with a national reputation. How can it be a place where a little star that became popular in a few days can think about it.]

[Some people really think they’re big shots and dare to say anything. If you think about it, there are only a few people in China qualified to go to the ML show. I don’t know what gave LS the illusion, making him think ML is as easy to get into as some domestic programs. I’m afraid he thinks he can solve everything with money, embarrassing himself even internationally.]

At first, fans and black fans were arguing passionately, but now even the fans themselves aren’t sure about the accuracy of the news, making their arguments seem weak.

Qin Ran was well aware of what was happening on the Internet. Looking at the comments criticizing Li Shu, he sneered inwardly, ‘If you wait a little longer, you may not be able to swallow what you are saying now.’

Do they really think he doesn’t know that certain people are behind how things have developed? Those people are able to still jump around not because they they were right.

Some people were taking this opportunity to try to blacken Li Shu, while genuine fans were really worried and sent messages to Qin Ran asking what’s really going on. After some thought, Qin Ran decided to reveal a bit of information through the fans.

[Don’t worry, the things you’re concerned about won’t happen.]

The fans who received this reply shared it in a small group. This group was established by big fans, and had direct contact with the official. Each member was a loyal fan of Li Shu, having passed a screening process to join.

After seeing Qin Ran’s words, the group fell silent for a moment before someone finally broke the silence.

[Does this mean Shu Shu was really invited to participate in the ML show?]

Even for them, the first feeling when they heard the news was disbelief, let alone other people. It was no wonder that there was an uproar on the internet because of this matter.

[Since Brother Qin said so, let’s just relax. When has Shu Shu not surprised us?]

Indeed, ever since Li Shu changed his manager, it was as if his career was on steroids. The more excellent he became, the more angry his fans were about the two years he had wasted, especially after learning about his experiences during those two years. They resented the former manager even more for delaying Li Shu’s rise to fame.

The ML show was live streamed throughout. Although they didn’t know if Li Shu would appear, fans diligently squatted in front of their computers. Alongside them, there were also Li Shu’s black fans and other artists who were jealous of Li Shu’s opportunities.

Sometimes people are just strange. Seeing others not doing well makes them happy. From the barrage of comments scrolling on the screen, there are quite a few of these people.

Some artists who dislike Li Shu don’t dare to openly say anything against him due to the influence of Mo Lan Entertainment. They intentionally manipulate fans behind the scenes, subtly demeaning Li Shu.

It is very easy to be led online. A little guidance can lead to a large number of people charging forward for you, while you just need to hide behind and wait for the results, which feels great.

Until the ML show started, Li Shu hadn’t posted any updates. Fans were anxiously waiting, but there was nothing to do. Some fans even lost hope, watching model after model walk on stage, their mentality became more and more relaxed.

As the show neared its end, there was still no sign of Li Shu. While the fans were worried, black fans were celebrating as if they’d won a jackpot, posting all kinds of carnival.


[Am I seeing things? Is that Shu Shu?]

[How is that possible? The one on stage now is the finale. The organizers wouldn’t be bold enough to let someone like… take such an important position.]

[No, really, it’s Shu Shu!]

The mystery was solved. At the same time, Li Shu’s Weibo forwarded an official message from the ML show. Actions speak louder than words, and now, those who wanted to refute could no longer do so.

The internet was in an uproar once again. Li Shu was completely unaware. He was worried about Mo Yanzhi’s situation. After telling Julian, he directly asked Qin Ran to book the earliest flight back to China.

Mo Yanzhi didn’t come to the airport to pick him up, so Li Shu went straight to the company to find Shen Yu.

“President Shen, I want to know where Mo Yanzhi is now,” Li Shu said straightforwardly.

Shen Yu intertwined his fingers and rested his chin on them. “He’s usually glued to you every day. Shouldn’t you be asking yourself that question?”

“He hasn’t contacted me for a long time,” Li Shu lowered his eyes, giving off a fragile vibe.

Shen Yu recalled Li Shu’s attitude towards Mo Yanzhi and was momentarily confused. However, Li Shu coming here proved that he wasn’t completely indifferent to his friend.

“I can tell you, but… Yanzhi’s situation is a bit special right now. You’d better be mentally prepared.”


  1. Kooisse says:

    Thank you for the updates ☺️

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