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AMBTMS Chapter 79

The Boss's Favorite 41

The incident happened in an instant. There was no one around Li Shu, and he was in a blind spot. The attacker didn’t expect to encounter such a good opportunity. As he got closer, Li Shu could see the excitement and ferocity on his face.

In just a moment, Li Shu searched in his memory, but could not find any memory related to this person, and frowned with a look of confusion.

The man moved quickly. In just a few seconds, he was almost upon him, as if he could already see the joy of success. The man’s smile widened, and his eyes gleamed brightly.

The man was holding a glass bottle in his hand. The bottle was brown and filled with an unknown liquid. Judging by his movements, he intended to pour the liquid on Li Shu.

Li Shu narrowed his eyes. At the moment the man approached, he sidestepped, narrowly avoiding the brown bottle thrown at him. The bottle hit the wall behind him with a crisp sound, fell to the ground, and shattered.

The liquid spilled out from the broken bottle, staining the carpet and causing a violent corrosive reaction. The carpet turned black and charred, emitting a foul smell.

After the attack failed, the man lunged at Li Shu with ferocity. This time, Li Shu didn’t dodge. Going with the man’s momentum, he grabbed the man’s arm and easily subdued him.

The man gasped for breath. His body was tense, and he was struggling to break free from Li Shu’s grip.

The young man looked slender, but he possessed astonishing strength. No matter how hard the man struggled, he couldn’t escape Li Shu’s restraint.

Pressing the man against the wall, Li Shu narrowed his eyes dangerously. “Tell me, who sent you?”

The man frowned, refusing to speak.

Li Shu increased the pressure on his grip, and the man cried out in pain, sweat beading on his forehead.

“Not talking?”

The commotion finally attracted the attention of others. Seeing the shattered pieces at Li Shu’s feet and the strange liquid corroding the floor nearby, as well as the man subdued by Li Shu, onlookers approached cautiously, asking, “Should we call the police?”

Li Shu shook his head. “Get the director first.”

The director arrived quickly, followed by the security personnel of the party.

Upon hearing that something had happened backstage, the chief director’s heart almost stopped. An accident happening to any of the stars invited to the party tonight was something he couldn’t afford. He quickly handed over the situation to the assistant director, and rushed over with his team.

He prayed all the way that nothing serious had occurred.

He had worked hard to reach his current position. If anything went wrong at such an important event, whether with the guests who had already performed or those who hadn’t, he wouldn’t be able to handle the consequences. Even if no one was injured, the intrusion of an unscrupulous person backstage would be a major professional failure for him. After this incident, he might face demotion or even lose his position, but it was still better than someone getting hurt.

If no one was injured, there was still room for a turnaround. But if someone was hurt, his career might come to an end.

“Hurry, what’s the situation over there?” Upon hearing the news, the director rushed to the scene.

“The person has been subdued, but that person…” The speaker hesitated, “Director, you’d better see for yourself.”

His slightly eased heart instantly tensed up again. Taking a deep breath, the director quickened his pace. No matter what situation he was about to face, now was not the time to avoid it. If it could be resolved quickly, that would be best.

When the director arrived, Li Shu was already surrounded by people. Without needing the director’s instructions, the security personnel quickly stepped forward. With such a big disturbance backstage and an unscrupulous person managing to sneak in, they would bear the primary responsibility.

After pushing through the crowd, the director saw the scene and his breath almost caught in his throat.

He wasn’t shocked by anyone in particular; what surprised him was the large hole corroded in the ground. The corrosion hadn’t stopped, and the floor was sizzling. There were some scattered fragments nearby, likely from the container that was holding the corrosive liquid.

The security personnel had already taken the attacker from Li Shu’s hands, but the man was strange. He kept his head down, silent, and made no attempt to resist.

Li Shu was being checked by security for injuries. Looking at him, the director didn’t see signs of shock, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Shu was someone he absolutely couldn’t afford to offend. Behind him stood the behemoth of the Mo family. The director couldn’t help but feel terrified at what would happen if Li Shu was really injured here…

Seeing the fragments at Li Shu’s feet and the subdued man, the director quickly figured out what had happened here.

With a stern face, he ordered the other staff to leave, and the onlookers were politely asked to disperse. Fortunately, this place was already quite remote, and not many people had come here. Now, his identity as the chief director of the evening party was quite useful.

Even if some wanted to stay and watch the excitement, they wouldn’t dare to frown at the chief director at this moment.

“Are you alright? What happened?” Before Li Shu could answer, the assistant, who was holding a bunch of things, said with red eyes. “I just came back and saw this person rushing out from there, holding a bottle and throwing it at Brother Li. Fortunately, Brother Li reacted quickly and dodged.”

He was Li Shu’s assistant. Li Shu was a great boss. Working under Li Shu, they wouldn’t be scolded, and the treatment was good. Countless people envied him for having the right boss. The assistant treated Li Shu like family, and seeing Li Shu almost getting hurt in front of him, the assistant felt very uncomfortable.

He hated himself for leaving at this particular time, leaving Li Shu alone and almost encountering such a terrifying situation.

Hearing the assistant’s words, the director nodded, roughly understanding the situation. This man had been lurking in the dark, and Li Shu happened to be alone here, providing him with an opportunity.

But it was unclear whether this person came for the evening party or specifically for Li Shu.

If mishandled, such an incident could become a major scandal. The director pinched his forehead and asked Li Shu how to handle this matter. Since Li Shu almost became the victim, the handling of this matter naturally required Li Shu’s consent.

“Do you know this person, Mr. Li?” The man had lowered his head and his hair covered half of his face. The director carefully examined him and confirmed that he was a completely unfamiliar face.

“No, I don’t know him,” Li Shu replied calmly. This person attacked him, most likely instigated by someone else. Several names flashed through his mind, and Li Shu had a clue.

“Could we postpone this matter for now?” After pondering for a moment, the director spoke, “At least until the evening party ends smoothly. The incident happened here, and we feel ashamed. We will definitely give Mr. Li an explanation.”

He knew that it was somewhat shameful to say this, and he didn’t want it to be like this. If they reported it to the police now, it would definitely cause a commotion. The evening party was being broadcast live, and if they reported it, the consequences…

He hasn’t had much interaction with Li Shu much and didn’t know what kind of person he was. The image he portrayed might not be trustworthy. With the Mo family backing him, if he couldn’t bear the grievance, the director couldn’t stop him. If someone else encountered all this today, he might be able to resolve it privately, but unfortunately, it was Li Shu.

“The director’s consideration is reasonable. In that case, let’s first isolate the person and trouble the director with the situation here.” Li Shu glanced at the man who had remained silent the whole time and continued, “I hope to have a private conversation with him.”

“This…” It’s not that the director didn’t want to agree, but this person just tried to harm Li Shu. What if he hurts Li Shu later?

“Director, rest assured, if I could control him the first time, I can control him the second time. I also want to know who wants to harm me so badly.” Such a vicious method was used. Stars rely on their appearance to make a living. If such a highly corrosive liquid really touches the body, the consequences can be imagined.

Li Shu had faced this person head-on and knew his intention was to splash the liquid on his face. If he succeeded, his career would be in jeopardy.

Who could hate him so much?

Unable to resist Li Shu’s insistence, the director took a step back. It’s hard to refuse such a small request, but he insisted that Li Shu be accompanied by security personnel.

After Li Shu’s performance, Mo Yanzhi lost interest in the other performances. Thinking that Li Shu should be done backstage by now, he went to find him.

He stood up, and Shen Yu felt it immediately. He pulled him gently, and asked in a low voice: “Yanzhi, what are you doing?”

Mo Yanzhi glanced at him lightly but did not answer. Shen Yu quickly guessed the answer: “You want to find your… right? I’ll go with you.”

Mo Yanzhi didn’t say yes or no, so Shen Yu took it as his acquiescence. He got up from his position, and left with Mo Yanzhi.

As soon as they entered, they immediately sensed something was wrong. Shen Yu stopped a staff member and asked, “Did something happen here?”

The staff member looked puzzled. “Nothing happened.”

Shen Yu was about to say more when Mo Yanzhi interrupted, “Do you know where Li Shu is?”

The staff members here were sharp and knew what to say and what not to. And they also knew who they should not offend. Mo Yanzhi and Shen Yu were people that definitely should not be offended.

The staff member pointed them in the right direction.

As they walked, they got a general idea about what had happened. Although the director had ordered not to spread the news, there were so many people backstage that it was impossible to keep it entirely secret.

The more they knew, the more Mo Yanzhi’s expression darkened, and Shen Yu’s expression turned grim too. They hadn’t expected that a simple evening party would lead to someone targeting Li Shu again.

This wasn’t the first time such a situation had occurred. Each time, it was a narrow escape. Despite this, Mo Yanzhi couldn’t control the anger in his heart.

Feeling Mo Yanzhi’s increasingly unstable emotions, Shen Yu spoke up, “Let’s go check on Xiao Shu first.”

The scene was already secured. Few people had gone there because it was secluded. The director had also ordered to keep the incident quiet, so not everyone backstage knew about it.

Li Shu was now in a separate lounge. In addition to him and the man who tried to attack him, there are two security personnel, one on the left and one on the right, guarding Li Shu to prevent him from getting harmed.

Li Shu pulled a chair and sat in front of the man, who was now tied up on a chair. “I’m curious, why did you target me? We clearly don’t know each other, right?” Li Shu casually played with his fingers, his eyes lowered, hiding all emotions.

“I don’t like you and wanted to give you a taste of suffering,” The man no longer lowered his head this time, and looked at Li Shu with eyes full of resentment

“Really? You want to disfigure me? I doubt you even believe that yourself,” Li Shu retorted calmly.

“Believe it or not, it’s the truth. Every time I see your face, I want to scratch it! Tell me, without this face, would they still protect you like this? What makes you so popular? Isn’t it just because of your good looks? I really want to see what your life would be like without that face,” the man’s expression twisted completely. “Seeing you fall from heaven to hell would be so beautiful. What a pity…”

The man’s behavior clearly indicated mental instability. Li Shu frowned, unsure whether to dismiss his thoughts. Was everything that happened today just a coincidence?

The man was still rambling with his twisted thoughts when the door to the lounge suddenly burst open, as if a gust of wind blew in. The man, along with the chair, was kicked out.

“What are you saying?” Mo Yanzhi’s voice was cold, and the cold air on his body was like a sharp sword stabbing straight at the person he kicked over.

Under the oppressive gaze, the man involuntarily shut his mouth, with fear in his eyes.

The man’s eyes were terrifying, like a dragon whose treasure had been stolen. He was the thief, and under such pressure, he couldn’t utter a word.

A pair of invisible hands strangled his neck, and he opened his mouth in fear, but not a single syllable came out.

Shen Yu, who had followed Mo Yanzhi, closed the door behind him. Seeing his friend violently kick someone, he rubbed his temples with a headache. Mo Yanzhi was too prone to losing his temper when it came to matters involving Li Shu.

“You hurt him!” Mo Yanzhi approached step by step, while the man cowered back, but because he was tied to the chair, he had no escape route.

Along the way, Mo Yanzhi had been suppressing his anger and fear. He was angry that someone wanted to harm Li Shu and afraid that Li Shu would be hurt again. When he heard those words from outside the door, he couldn’t contain himself any longer and pushed the door open to follow his heart’s desire.

The culprit was right In front of him. Mo Yanzhi looked down at the man, who was filled with fear, unaware that a red light had flashed through his eyes.

This man almost hurt his Shu Shu!

This man almost hurt his Shu Shu!!

This man almost hurt his Shu Shu!!!

The same words repeated in his mind. Since he hurt Shu Shu, then he should just die—

Realizing something was wrong, Li Shu quickly stood up and walked briskly to Mo Yanzhi’s side, calling out, “Yanzhi!”

The red light in Mo Yanzhi’s eyes gradually dissipated. “Shu Shu?”

“It’s me.” Li Shu sighed lightly. Now he was sure that the palpitations he felt earlier were not an illusion. There was indeed something unusual about Mo Yanzhi.

“I…” Mo Yanzhi didn’t know how to describe it. He felt like he had just entered a state of emptiness, where everything around him seemed distant and unreal.

“Come over and sit first,” Li Shu led Mo Yanzhi to the side and asked, “Why are you here?”

Except for Li Shu, no one noticed Mo Yanzhi’s abnormality. Mo Yanzhi was distracted by Li Shu’s question and forgot to dwell on what had just happened, subconsciously following Li Shu’s lead.

“I thought you should be done here, so I came to check on you.”

“I didn’t expect to hear such a big thing as soon as I came over,” Shen Yu said unceremoniously and found a chair to sit down on. “Xiao Li Shu, you always give us ‘surprises’ all the time.”

Mo Yanzhi glared at him, and Shen Yu made a zipper motion.

“Are you okay?” Mo Yanzhi’s gaze towards Li Shu softened, showing a tenderness that was never displayed in front of others and was reserved only for Li Shu.

“I’m fine, it’s just this person…” Li Shu recounted what had just happened in detail. As one of the parties involved, he could provide a more objective and specific account than what they had heard outside.

The more Mo Yanzhi heard, the heavier the chill on his body became. He looked at the man cowering against the wall like he was looking at a dead man.

The man shrank against the wall, burying his head low and wishing he could hide in his own neck. Sometimes he acted crazy, but he had never been afraid of anyone. Today was an exception. When these two people stared at him, he felt a chilling sensation.

“You still won’t tell the truth?” Li Shu squatted in front of the man, watching him squirming on the ground, showing no intention of helping him sit up again.

Li Shu’s eyes were still calm, and his tone was only a little questioning, yet the man broke out in a cold sweat. He didn’t know if he was scared by the man who had just attacked him or the one in front of him now.

“I…I admit, I was instructed by someone. That person asked me to disfigure you and promised to give me ten million.”

Once he started, the rest of the words came out easily. “What I said earlier wasn’t a lie. I agreed to his request because I really can’t stand you. It’s just a small matter, ruining someone I don’t like, and getting ten million for it, why wouldn’t I do it?”

As he spoke, the man chuckled softly, and gradually, his laughter grew louder.

Shen Yu rubbed the goosebumps that the man’s laughter had caused on his arms, and felt a chill in his heart. He pointed to his head and whispered, “Is he not right in the head?”


Li Shu continued to ask, “Who instructed you in this matter?”

“I don’t know. He never showed himself, and the number he used to contact me was a burner.”

Li Shu wasn’t surprised by this outcome. He couldn’t find any useful information from the man, so he simply stopped wasting time.

After the party, the director personally called the police. Li Shu was the victim and needed to go to the police station. Mo Yanzhi accompanied him, and after making a brief statement, they could go home.

“Thank goodness my parents didn’t come today, otherwise they would be worried again.”

Mo Yanzhi held Li Shu’s hand that was placed on his leg and kissed it gently. “I won’t let go of anyone who dares to harm you.”

The man’s name was Wu Zhipeng. Because of his history of mental illness, he acted without restraint. No matter what he did, he could attribute it to his illness, and this time was no different.

He thought everything would be the same as before, and that he could escape jail again by relying on his mental illness. As usual, he took out his diagnosis certificate, but this time, things didn’t go as he imagined.

Before his smug smile could fully spread, a police officer stopped him.

“What do you want?” Wu Zhipeng had a bad premonition.

“Since this gentleman has a history of mental illness, he should receive proper treatment, shouldn’t he?” Assistant Xu pushed up his glasses and walked in from outside, followed by several men in white coats.

“What do you want to do?!” Wu Zhipeng couldn’t help but step back. In his eyes, the friendly doctor was like a demon baring its fangs, staring at him fiercely, waiting for a chance to tear him apart completely.

“Take you to where you belong.”

The man had a smile and looked gentle, but it sent shivers down Wu Zhipeng’s spine.

He understood what the man meant. They wanted to send him to a mental hospital!

Wu Zhipeng was furious. How dare they!!!

Why wouldn’t they dare? Assistant Xu’s smile deepened. “Thank you officers for your assistance.”

“Assistant Xu, we should be thanking you for this matter. You’re willing to provide free treatment for Mr. Wu.”

While the two were exchanging polite words, Wu Zhipeng had already been subdued by hospital staff and taken away in a car.

With the matter settled, Assistant Xu stood in the sunlight and made a phone call. “Boss, everything is taken care of. The hospital has been informed as well, and they promised that Mr. Wu will receive proper treatment.”

After hanging up the phone, Assistant Xu took off his glasses and put them in his pocket. Thinking of the boss’s plan, he shook his head. Why were there always so many people rushing to their deaths?

The accident that happened backstage at the Fruit Station Spring Festival Gala couldn’t be kept secret. The director had no intention of concealing it either. It was better to take the initiative than be accused by the opposing party.

After discussing it with Li Shu, the incident was reported on the official account the next morning. Of course, part of the truth was concealed, only mentioning that a sasaeng fan had sneaked into the backstage and almost injured an artist.

Once the news was reported, Li Shu’s fans exploded. Sasaeng fans were the least popular presence in the entertainment industry. They acted recklessly and completely disregarded the consequences, which was a headache for stars.

This time, a sasaeng fan sneaked in and almost hurt their own idol. Li Shu’s fans flooded Li Shu’s Weibo to inquire, while criticizing the program team’s inadequate security and cursing the sasaeng fans.

The latter aroused empathy from many fans, not only Li Shu’s, but also other celebrities’. Their idols had been more or less disturbed by sasaeng fans, and fans were absolutely disgusted by their behavior.

[These people are simply sick. If they can’t have it, they want to destroy it. I feel a bit sorry for LS, being pursued by such a lunatic.]

[The level of acidity is so high, the consequences of getting splashed by it is worse than disfigurement.]

[These kinds of people are really scary. How did our Shu Shu end up with such a crazy fan?]

[That acid was thrown at Shu Shu’s face. If it weren’t for Shu Shu’s quick reflexes, I wouldn’t dare to imagine the consequences.]

[Stop talking, upstairs. I’ve been crying all morning because of this. Wahhh, Shu Shu is so good, why did he encounter such a crazy fan?]

[I heard that person really has mental problems. He usually relies on his illness to do disgusting things. I’ve roughly summarized it. If you’re interested, you can take a look.[Picture 1][Picture 2][Picture 3][Picture 4]]

[OMG, this really challenges my worldview!]

[It’s so disgusting. Truly taking advantage of illness to be wicked.]

[Will such people really not be punished? Can they just get away with it with a diagnosis certificate?!]

[These kinds of people should go where they belong!]

Netizens’ anger was focused on the sasaeng fan, and the losses for the Fruit Station were smaller than expected. At Qin Ran’s request, Li Shu posted a selfie to prove he was okay, finally calming down the fans who had been agitated all day.

Li Shu V: [I’m not injured, don’t be angry. [Selfie.JPG]]

[Oh my god, what did I just see, Shu Shu’s selfie!]

[This is a day that will go down in history. Shu Shu, who hasn’t posted a selfie in thousands of years, finally posted one, and it’s to reassure us. So heartwarming.]

[I really think, the thing I least regret in my life is becoming a fan of Shu Shu!]

[Wait a minute, sisters, did you notice…]

[I noticed too, I thought it was just my imagination, but it seems not.]

[So, who is the other person in the photo?!]

It was a very simple selfie. Li Shu was wearing comfortable home clothes, sitting cross-legged on a beige sofa. The sunlight slanted down, casting a warm golden light on him, like an elf born in the dawn.

Of course, that was not the point. The point was, there was a hand with distinct knuckles next to Li Shu’s leg in the photo. What did it mean? It meant there was someone sitting next to Li Shu when the photo was taken.

And it’s a man!


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