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AMBTMS Chapter 84

The Rich Boss's White Moonlight 3

Li Shu looked at the information provided by the system and knew that the male protagonist was now fifteen years old. His real birthday was in a month. One month later, the male protagonist would turn sixteen and the plot would start officially.

Looking at the boy in front of him, Li Shu’s first impression was that he was thin. The boy was very thin, with oversized clothes hanging loosely on him, making him look even thinner. His hair was dry and yellow, but his eyes sparkled like stars. Long-term malnutrition not only made the boy too thin but also affected his height. At fifteen or sixteen, he looked only twelve or thirteen.

The male protagonist in cub stage.

Li Shu had never had experience taking care of cubs, and neither did 1314. After discussing with the system, they decided that the system would collect data and draft a reasonable plan. Li Shu would then executed the plan to nurture the male protagonist in cub stage.

The first item on the plan was to let the cub feel warmth and love.

Li Shu softened his gaze, and under his gaze, the boy involuntarily straightened his back. His mind was in chaos, replaying the man’s words, “Are you willing to come with me?” over and over again and he forgot to respond.

Was he dreaming? Could he really go with the man? The surprise came too quickly and suddenly. The boy sat stiffly, looking like a puppet that couldn’t speak or move.

Seeing this, Li Shu frowned slightly. Could it be that his approach was wrong, and the male protagonist didn’t want to go with him?

The director, who was always paying attention to Li Shu’s expression, coughed lightly. “Xiao Liu, Mr. Li asked you a question. Why are you daydreaming?”

“Ah?” The boy raised his head blankly, making an unconscious sound.

The director was about to be furious. If Li Shu and his entourage weren’t here, she would have scolded the boy already. This child was usually smart. How could he be so absent-minded at such a critical moment? She didn’t want Xiao Liu to be adopted, but she also didn’t want him to anger Mr. Li.

“Mr. Li, don’t mind Xiao Liu’s behavior. He’s just overwhelmed with joy and didn’t mean any offense.” The director glared fiercely at the uncooperative boy, then put on a smile and turned to explain to Li Shu.

Ignoring the director’s deliberate flattery, Li Shu asked again in a lower voice, “Are you willing to come with me?”

It turned out it wasn’t a dream or a hallucination. The boy nodded eagerly. “I’m willing.”

He had dreamed of leaving with the man. How could he not be willing?

“Very good .” Li Shu’s lips curled up. He had successfully persuaded the male protagonist to go with him and felt a faint sense of accomplishment. This sense of accomplishment was different from breakthroughs in cultivation or obtaining treasures. He couldn’t help but wonder if this was why everyone liked cubs so much.

In his original world, the demon race was very tolerant of cubs, although this tolerance was only shown towards cubs of the same race.

The boy didn’t know what Li Shu was thinking, but he was dazzled by the smile that flashed across Li Shu’s face and followed Li Shu onto the car in a daze.

Mr. Li was so good looking, and he seemed gentle. Why would such a good-looking Mr. Li choose him? He looked at his legs and felt a pang of sadness.

Klaus was driving and the boy sat in the back seat with Li Shu. 1314 suggested that the host take this opportunity to get closer to the male protagonist, but Li Shu immediately rejected the idea. Although the male protagonist seemed confused now, no one knew what he was thinking. It’s better not to overdo it. The boy’s upbringing environment destined him not to be someone who would easily open up to others. Doing too much might have the opposite effect.

1314 checked the boy’s emotional fluctuations and felt that its host was overthinking. The male protagonist was obviously just overly excited. Just a few words had coaxed him to go with the host. Saying more now would definitely not have the opposite effect.

Seeing that 1314 was hesitant to speak and wanted to persuade but dared not, Li Shu briefly explained his reasons. After listening, 1314 fell silent. Its understanding of humans came entirely from data, so the results obtained in this way were not entirely accurate. In the end, it was just a system and couldn’t fully understand human emotions.

The boy sat beside Li Shu, initially hesitant to make any movements. He stared straight ahead as the scenery outside the car window quickly receded, leaving the orphanage and his past memories behind. After the initial excitement passed, the boy suddenly became anxious. He wasn’t afraid of encountering any danger, but he was worried that the man would be disappointed in him and regret taking him back.

If that happened…

The boy clenched the hand hidden behind his back. Just the thought of this possibility filled him with infinite despair. He could lose everything, but not this man. He didn’t want to see disappointment or disgust in the eyes that had smiled at him. He wouldn’t be able to bear it!

The two were sitting close to each other so Li Shu sensed the boy’s unease. He turned his head and looked at the male protagonist beside him, feeling surprised.

After a moment’s thought, he came to a realization. It was normal for a child to become uneasy after leaving a familiar environment for a completely unfamiliar one. Even if the male protagonist would become a powerful figure in the future, he was still just a child now.

Although Li Shu thought he understood the reason for the male protagonist’s unease, he had no intention of comforting him. No matter how much he said now, it wouldn’t make a difference. No matter what he said now, it would be of no use. Making the male protagonist let down his guard could not be accomplished overnight. He had been up and down for a while, and his body was tired. He leaned back against the seat and closed his eyes to relieve his fatigue.

No wonder the original owner’s temperament changed drastically after the condition deteriorated. This kind of exhaustion from within the body is simply uncontrollable. How could a proud man in his prime endure such a body? Clearly, there’s a vast world for you to conquer, yet you are limited by your body, unable to move forward, unable to do anything.

Li Shu had lived for a long time and experienced everything. He didn’t care much about the current condition of his body. It’s still in the early stage of deterioration and was just easily fatigued. But when it progresses to the middle and later stages, the deterioration would intensify, far beyond what is shown now.

By then, even if he wanted to hide it, he couldn’t.

In the original plot, several cousins of the original owner couldn’t sit still. When the original owner’s condition worsened, they united with the people around him and seized his power in one swoop. The original owner suffered a double betrayal and was severely hit, and his temperament became more violent. Under the careful calculation of his cousins, he fell into an even bigger trap and never managed to get back up.

He was extremely tired physically but clear-minded. While Li Shu was thinking about the original plot, he felt the male protagonist’s careful gaze. He glanced at him, then looked away, but soon his gaze returned to his face, this time staying a bit longer.

As if sure that the man was asleep, the boy became a bit bolder. He turned his head and his gaze stopped on the man’s face uncontrollably.

At first glance, he knew that the man had an extremely outstanding face. Being closer now, the boy noticed that the man’s skin was too pale, with a slightly unhealthy pallor. But this didn’t diminish the man’s charm. With his eyes lightly closed, the man’s aura was reduced, and under the slight paleness of his face, there was a sense of vulnerability.

‘Is he sick?’

The boy looked for a long time and Li Shu couldn’t rest while being watched, so he opened his eyes.

Suddenly meeting the man’s gaze, the boy looked away in a panic. “Sorry.”

He tried to get up but forgot they were in the car. Before he could straighten up, he bumped his head on the ceiling, making a loud noise. The boy felt extremely embarrassed and wished he could find a hole to hide in. His head hurt, but he didn’t dare touch it, carefully observing the man’s expression.

He was afraid that the man would be angry. He wasn’t good at words. For the first time, he hated himself for not being able to speak. He could only apologize humbly, unable to explain anything.

The boy looked at Li Shu, his eyes filled with unease, and a hint of fear and longing, like a puppy afraid of being abandoned by its owner.

Li Shu reached out, wanting to pull the boy back to his seat.

‘Is he going to hit me?’ The boy looked at the hand reaching towards him, his pupils shrinking and his body trembling slightly. He slowly closed his eyes and clenched his teeth. As long as the man didn’t send him away, anything was fine.

The expected pain didn’t come. Following the man’s force, he fell back into the seat, and then, a slightly cool hand covered his head.

He heard the man’s somewhat concerned voice, “Does it hurt?”

“No, it doesn’t hurt.” The boy opened his eyes in surprise and met Li Shu’s concerned gaze.

‘Is he caring for me?’ With the man’s hand covering the injured area, the boy didn’t feel pain anymore. His mind was now filled with thoughts of the man in front of him.

The boy’s eyes were bright, reflecting Li Shu’s figure in his black pupils, and his heart was filled with thoughts of this man.

“Why are you so careless? Be careful next time and don’t hurt yourself.” Li Shu actually knew what had just happened with the male protagonist, but he didn’t expose it.

“I understand.” The boy answered obediently.

Li Shu rubbed the bump on the boy’s head. The child’s nutrition was insufficient, and his hair felt dry, far from the smooth fur of the cubs he had seen before. He thought to himself: After returning to the Li family, I have to properly nourish this child. After all, he’s my own cub and can’t be worse off than the cubs raised in other families.

Li Shu first took the male protagonist back to his villa in the city center. In the original plot, the original owner directly brought the male protagonist back to the Li family mansion. He was now the head of the Li family and should naturally live in the place that symbolizes the highest authority of the Li family. However, Li Shu didn’t care about these things. Where he lived was entirely based on his preference. Living in the city center was the most convenient as he had to go to the company during the day.

Klaus thought Li Shu was worried that the others in the Li family would notice his body’s abnormality and didn’t question it. He knew better than anyone what kind of existence those people in the Li family were. Once Li Shu’s condition was exposed, those people would only come rushing over with bloodshot eyes, eager to tear him apart and devour him.

In the Li family, one shouldn’t harbor any illusions about family affection.

Li Shu’s house in the city center was very large. When they arrived, it was getting late, and the setting sun cast a warm glow over the entire city, as if the whole world was warming up.

Li Shu led the somewhat restrained boy upstairs. “You will live here from now on. If there’s anything you’re not used to, you can tell me or Klaus.”

“Then, sir, do you also live here?” The boy raised his head, his eyes sparkling with starlight. Facing those eyes full of admiration, Li Shu couldn’t help it, and stretched out his hand to rub the boy’s head, “Of course I live here, go ahead, go pick a room you like.”

Klaus stepped forward at the right moment. “Young master, please allow me to assist.”

The boy glanced at Li Shu, who nodded, then turned and followed Klaus.

Only Li Shu and Klaus lived in this house, and the other rooms were empty. After circling around, Klaus returned to the starting point and asked, “Young master, is there any room you’ve liked?”

Various rooms flashed through the boy’s mind, and he pointed in a direction. “I want to live there.”

Klaus followed his gaze. Unsurprisingly, it was the one closest to Li Shu’s room. Lowering his eyes to conceal his thoughts, Klaus replied calmly, “Everything depends on the young master’s preference.”

Li Shu returned to his room and changed into comfortable home clothes before coming out. He saw the boy standing in the hallway and waved him over.

Upon seeing Li Shu, the boy’s eyes lit up. “Sir.”

“Since you’ve come back to the Li family with me, the name ‘Xiao Liu’ cannot be used anymore. Do you have any thoughts on a new name for yourself?” In the lamplight, Li Shu’s eyes were gentle. “Let me introduce myself first. My surname is Li, Li Shu.”

‘Li Shu.’

The boy repeated this name in his mind. This name gave him a very familiar feeling, as if a long, long time ago, he had a very intimate relationship with someone named “Li Shu.” But he recalled all his memories from childhood to adulthood and couldn’t find such a segment. He had no memories related to the man.

“Sir, please give me a name,” the boy looked up, his face full of anticipation. “I want to have the surname ‘Li’ like you. Is that okay?”

“You want to have my surname?” Li Shu narrowed his eyes slightly. In the original plot, the male protagonist didn’t ask the original owner to help him choose a name, nor did he say he wanted to have the same surname as the original owner. Moreover, if the male protagonist had the surname Li, it would mean he had the qualification to compete for the position of the head of the Li family.

The male protagonist asked this, was it intentional or unintentional?

“Yeah!” The boy nodded vigorously. Seeing that Li Shu kept silent, he thought he couldn’t have the surname Li and asked with a low mood, “Is it not okay?”

“There’s no problem,” Li Shu ruffled the boy’s hair. “If I give you a name, you won’t have the chance to regret it if you don’t like it. Do you really want me to name you?”

“As long as it’s chosen by you, sir, I’ll like it.” How could he not like it? Just the thought that his name was personally chosen by the sir and spoken by his lips made him ecstatic. Where would there be any regrets?

“Okay…” Li Shu pondered for a moment. “Li Heyuan, I’ll call you Xiao Yuan.”

The boy, or rather, Li Heyuan, showed a big smile. “Thank you, sir. I really like it.”

“You don’t have to call me sir, just call me…” Li Shu originally wanted to say “father”, but he felt it wasn’t appropriate for the male protagonist to call him father. He thought about saying uncle, but that sounded too similar to calling him “Shu Shu”, which also wasn’t appropriate and he even felt a bit embarrassed for a moment.

**Pinyin for Uncle(叔叔) is “Shū Shu”, a similar pronunciation to the surname Shu(舒), pinyin “Shū”.

Li Heyuan looked at Li Shu with wide eyes, like a puppy begging for food. Li Shu relented and ruffled his hair again. “You can call me whatever you want.” It’s better to let the male protagonist figure it out himself.

In the end, the male protagonist chose to call him “sir”. When he called out this word, it seemed to have a different flavor in it.

Klaus handled the formalities, including the male protagonist’s household registration, schooling, and other related matters. Li Shu didn’t need to worry about them; Klaus would take care of them.

As the head of the Li family, adopting a child was not a trivial matter. After learning that Li Shu had adopted a child and that this child even had the surname Li, some people couldn’t sit still. After a meeting, they issued a question:

“Family Head, we heard that you adopted a child and even let this child have the surname ‘Li’? Shouldn’t you give us an explanation for this matter?”

The author has something to say:

The gong already showed signs of infatuation at a young age.

The gong behaves differently in front of Shu Shu compared to how he is infront of others. He’s obedient and well-behaved only in front of Shu Shu.


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