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AMBTMS Chapter 91

The Rich Boss's White Moonlight 10

ā€œIā€¦ā€ The young man retracted his gaze and suddenly met the empty eye sockets of the skeleton in the corner of the wall. He was startled and the words he wanted to say instantly slipped out of his mind. His eyes widened in fear as he pointed across, ā€œThis, thisā€¦ā€

ā€œItā€™s just a specimen,ā€ Zheng Heshuang said nonchalantly. ā€œAre you afraid? A medical student is afraid of something like this?ā€

There was an incredulous tone in his voice. In Zheng Heshuangā€™s view, since they had chosen this path, they were destined to deal with these things. Even if one was initially scared, it would not make sense to still be afraid after several years of study.

ā€œAh? No, Iā€™m not afraid,ā€ the young man shrank his neck in embarrassment. ā€œI was just startled when I suddenly saw it.ā€

After all, putting this kind of thing in the office is not something a normal person would do. Anyone who encounters a skeleton would be frightened.

His meaning was too obvious. Even though he didnā€™t say it out loud, his face clearly showed those words. Zheng Heshuang smiled, ā€œYouā€™re just timid. Others arenā€™t like you, they wouldnā€™t be scared by such a trivial thing.ā€

Li Shu watched them divert from the topic. Seeing that they kept going back and forth, he put down what he was holding with a bit of force, making a dull sound.

Both of them looked over.

Li Shu pointed to the plan on the table and asked again, ā€œTell me, how did you come up with such a plan? Before that, introduce yourself.ā€

ā€œIā€™m Fang Shao, I just graduated from W University,ā€ the young man understood that the plan he proposed violated some bottom lines. He was unsure of Li Shuā€™s acceptance level, so he couldnā€™t determine his attitude for a moment. ā€œWhen I was in school, I researched related topics with my teachers and achieved corresponding results. I think, since the normal method doesnā€™t work, itā€™s better to try something unconventional. Perhaps miracles can happen.ā€

Zheng Heshuang obviously agreed with his point of view, ā€œBoss, what he said makes sense. Weā€™ve also researched the topics he worked on before, and they are indeed feasible.ā€

Fang Shao was undoubtedly outstanding, otherwise, Zheng Heshuang wouldnā€™t have hired him out of the norm, and even involved him in the core research of the laboratory. Apart from Zheng Heshuang, only two other people knew the true purpose of this laboratory. Other researchers only knew that their main goal here was to overcome a genetic puzzle, but they didnā€™t know it was to treat the head of the Li family. Fang Shao had just entered the laboratory, and obviously couldnā€™t know such a confidential matter.

ā€œOther than this method, do you have any other feasible methods?ā€ Li Shu asked.

Zheng Heshuang replied, ā€œNot that there arenā€™t any, itā€™s just that compared to this method, those methods are much more complex, and the final outcome is uncertain.ā€

He was clearly more inclined to the method proposed by Fang Shao.

In the end, Li Shu didnā€™t relent nor oppose, ā€œLetā€™s set this matter aside for now. You continue your research as usual. Regarding this plan, until itā€™s approved by me personally, consider it as if it was never proposed.ā€

Although he was a researcher, Zheng Heshuang understood some of the twists and turns. ā€œNo problem. About that child I mentioned to you before, boss, have found him?ā€

Li Shu: ā€œHeā€™s being taken care of in the Li family. I have my own arrangements for this matter.ā€

ā€œBossā€¦ā€ The matter was important. Zheng Heshuang frowned. The child could play a bug role, and he didnā€™t want the boss to act recklessly at this time.

Li Shu: ā€œI know what you want to say. Iā€™ll bring him over in a few days.ā€

ā€œThe boss can decide on these matters,ā€ Zheng Heshuang knew he couldnā€™t change Li Shuā€™s mind, so he suppressed his anxiety, ā€œFang Shao, go ahead and do your own thing.ā€

Caught between two big shots, Fang Shao felt immense pressure. Upon hearing Zheng Heshuangā€™s words, he immediately got up and left. He feared that if he stayed a moment longer, he might get caught in the crossfire.

After the person left, Zheng Heshuang personally checked everything, closed the office door, and became serious, ā€œBoss, have you had any episodes recently?ā€

ā€œOnce, just yesterday,ā€ Li Shu had no need to hide this fact.

ā€œAnd how does it differ from previous episodes?ā€ Zheng Heshuang asked.

Li Shu: ā€œIt was more severe than before, and the attack was longer. I was unconscious half of the time.ā€

Zheng Heshuang took out a notebook, listening to Li Shu while quickly jotting down notes. Without raising his head, he asked, ā€œKlaus, what symptoms did the boss exhibit when he was unconscious?ā€

Klaus recounted them one by one. He happened to be absent that night, and only knew the details after asking Li Heyuan afterwards. Klaus appreciated Li Heyuan even more after this incident. Itā€™s no wonder that his master was kind to the boy. He knew how to be grateful and dedicated. After this incident, Klausā€™s opinion of Li Heyuan rose once again.

The more he listened, the tighter Zheng Heshuangā€™s brow furrowed. When it came to Li Shuā€™s condition, he never held back. ā€œForgive me for being blunt, boss, but your condition has worsened, more than I anticipated.ā€

Li Shu nodded, ā€œI know.ā€

He knew his body well. No matter how powerful his soul was, he couldnā€™t heal a body that was broken from the roots. Even the solution 1314 gave involved getting a new body. So, he had to hurry. Within three years, no, this body might not even last three years. He had to complete his mission within the deadline.

ā€œLetā€™s do a full-body checkup,ā€ Zheng Heshuang put away his pen and paper. Li Shuā€™s current physical condition was beyond his expectations, and he could no longer make simple judgments.

ā€œOkay.ā€ This was an essential step. Li Shu had prepared for it before coming. If there were any informants in the lab, this full-body checkup would be an excellent opportunity. Whether for Li Shu or for the person intending to snitch.

They were all waiting for this chance.

ā€œYou make the arrangements. Everything will be the same as before.ā€ Klaus picked up Li Shuā€™s coat and helped him put it on. Before leaving, Li Shu glanced back at Zheng Heshuang and gave him a meaningful look.

Zheng Heshuang said respectfully, ā€œBoss, rest assured, everythingā€¦ is as you wish.ā€

ā€œMaster, do you suspect thereā€™s a mole in the lab?ā€ Klaus opened the car door and helped Li Shu out.

ā€œHavenā€™t you noticed that my close relatives have been restless lately?ā€ Li Shu adjusted his hat, his voice sounding deep from under the mask.

At Li Shuā€™s reminder, Klaus was enlightened and suddenly understood why the reason for the anomalies in the Li family members. He had always been puzzled. Initially, he thought their movements were due to dissatisfaction with Li Heyuanā€™s presence. But thinking about carefully, those anomalies didnā€™t start after Li Heyuan returned to the Li family, but before that.

ā€œMaster, is the lab still safe? Should weā€¦ā€

ā€œNo need. Just the people from the Li family canā€™t stretch their hands that far. Letā€™s wait for the checkup. After the results come out, weā€™ll know whoā€™s problematic.ā€

The original owner had properties in different places abroad, after all, the foundation of the Li family business was overseas. Although the focus was gradually shifting to the domestic market, they wouldnā€™t completely abandon the overseas market.

The main lineage of the Li family was mostly in China, with many branches abroad. Li Shu did not cover up his whereabouts when he went abroad this time. Knowing that he was coming, the branches of the Li family had to make some kind of gesture.

The place he was staying at was not far from the laboratory. He did not stay in the house bought by the original owner but chose a star-rated hotel. Although Klaus was puzzled, he would not ask why. The most important thing for a butler was not to interfere with the masterā€™s choices; they were only responsible for serving the master.

There was no particular reason why Li Shu chose this hotel; it was just for convenience. The original ownerā€™s house was too far from the laboratory, and going back and forth was not only inconvenient but also likely to attract attention.

He came abroad alone, but Li Heyuan was not completely ignored when he remained in China. When he had time, he would call back to ask about the situation there.

This trip abroad lasted only five days. Someone else was taking care of the visible matters for him. He only had to oversee things from behind the scenes. The main objective was to solve the issues in the laboratory.

Zheng Heshuang knew his schedule was tight, so he made urgent arrangements. The physical examination was scheduled for the next afternoon.

That day, Li Shu met two other people, a man and a woman. They were both young, around thirty years old. They were dressed in white coats, with meticulously combed hair and glasses. It was obvious at a glance that they medical professionals.

These two, like Zheng Heshuang, had joined the laboratory at its inception and knew more about Li Shuā€™s physical condition than he did. They were people the original owner had never doubted.

Not to mention the original owner, Zheng Heshuang was also unwilling to suspect these two colleagues. He was insightful, and with a turn of his mind, he understood the implications behind Li Shuā€™s words. Even if he didnā€™t want to believe it, he wouldnā€™t reveal the slightest bit of information prematurely.

Knowing someoneā€™s face but not their heart, since Li Shu said such words to him, there must be something that aroused his suspicion, he wouldnā€™t dare ruin his Bossā€™s affairs because of his unilateral assumptions.

Among the three, only Zheng Heshuang was Chinese. The other two were blond, blue-eyed Americans named Mia and John. They both showed respectful attitudes towards Li Shu, behaving as usual and not showing anything.

The laboratory was well-equipped with a full set of inspection facilities. Klaus waited outside while Li Shu underwent the examination inside.

After the examination, Li Shu said to Zheng Heshuang while he was tidying up his clothes, ā€œIā€™ll come back after the results are out. I need to know the results as soon as possible.ā€

Zheng Heshuang knew that the results Li Shu mentioned were not just the results of the physical examination, but also the results about the mole in the laboratory. “Boss, rest assured.ā€

ā€œI think that I have treated you all very well. What do you think?ā€ Li Shu looked at the two who just stepped out, smiling ambiguously.

ā€œOf course,ā€ John exaggerated, ā€œMy former classmates envied me for having such a good boss. They all complained to me, saying they wanted to switch jobs here. Boss, I have a friend who canā€™t stand it at his old job anymore, can I invite him over?ā€

ā€œIf you think heā€™s suitable for the position here, of course you can. But you should ask Zheng Heshuang first, after all, heā€™s the one in charge of the laboratory.ā€ Li Shu replied with a smile.

John ran over to talk to Zheng Heshuang. Outside of work, he had a playful personality. Mia, on the other hand, was calm and silent, watching the interaction between the people in front of her with a faint smile in her eyes.

Li Shu wanted to return before Li Heyuanā€™s birthday banquet. He has stayed here for a few days and he couldnā€™t help but miss the cub he had raised for awhile.

He was never one to mistreat himself, and he decided to make a video call directly.

The phone rang, and Li Shu belatedly realized that there was a time difference between home and abroad. It was bright and sunny here, but it was approaching dawn over there. Just as he was about to hang up, the call was answered.

ā€œSir?!ā€ The young manā€™s incredulous face appeared on the screen.

ā€œDid I disturb your rest?ā€ His lashes drooped, hiding a hint of guilt.

ā€œNo.ā€ How could it be a disturbance? Li Heyuan had been waiting these past few days, waiting for a call that might or might not come. He knew his Sir was busy, and the possibility of him calling was slim, but he was unwilling to give up. What if? What if Sir remembered him at some point and called, but he missed it? Heā€™d rather wait indefinitely for an uncertain call than miss a call from Sir.

Now, wasnā€™t this what he was waiting for?

Trying hard to hide his joy, Li Heyuan asked softly, ā€œWhen will you come back, Sir?ā€

ā€œWhy, you miss me? Donā€™t worry, Iā€™ll definitely be back before your birthday,ā€ Thinking that the boy must be missing him too, he added, ā€œIs there anything you want as a gift? Iā€™ll bring it back for you.ā€

ā€œYour return is the best gift, Sir.ā€

Li Heyuan said this in a very low voice, so Li Shu didnā€™t hear it clearly, ā€œWhat do you want?ā€

The young man shook his head, ā€œThereā€™s nothing I want.ā€ What he wanted most was already by his side.

ā€œThen Iā€™ll pick something for you, but donā€™t dislike it when I bring it back.ā€

They chatted back and forth about some mundane things, and time passed without them realizing. Finally, Li Shu stopped the conversation. If he didnā€™t, it would already be dawn on Li Heyuanā€™s side.

Li Heyuan sat on the bed holding his phone, looking at the darkened screen with reluctance. Bubbles seemed to be bubbling up in his heart. When he lay down, he still held the phone in his hand, as if by doing so, the person could be closer to him. Even when he fell into a deep sleep, the curvature of the corners of his mouth had not changed.

[Host, the male protagonistā€™s happiness value has increased!]

Li Shu was organizing the information Klaus had sent over, and his hand paused, [How much did it increase by?]

[Twenty!] This was the real reason 1314 was excited. Ever since the male protagonist of this world was brought back by the host, his happiness value had been increasing very slowly. After over a month, it had increased by only three points. Suddenly, it increased by twenty, and 1314 was really surprised .

[What is the male protagonistā€™s happiness value now?] Li Shu asked.

[Itā€™s sixty now,] 1314ā€™s voice couldnā€™t hide its excitement. Reaching sixty meant reaching the threshold for completing the mission. It had been worried that the male protagonistā€™s happiness value would be difficult to increase in this world, but it didnā€™t expect the host to be so capable. [Host, you have already met the standard for completing the mission.]

Li Shu: [You mean, I can leave this world now?]

1314: [You could say that, but I wouldnā€™t recommend it. If the male protagonistā€™s happiness drops below sixty within ten minutes of your departure from the world, the mission will be considered a failure. If it drops into the negative, you will enter the punishment world.]

[Then Iā€™ll stay for a while longer.]

Li Shuā€™s physical condition was a major focus of the laboratory over there and the medical examination results came back earlier than expected. On the morning of the third day abroad, Li Shu received an encrypted email from Zheng Heshuang.

The email was divided into two parts. One part was about his physical condition, which he glanced at briefly and set aside. The other part was related to the laboratory personnel. As he read further, Li Shuā€™s eyes grew darker.

The situation was more severe than he had imagined.

Soo sorry for missing yesterday’s update. Had gone for a friend’s wedding on Wednesday and didn’t get back home till yesterday. šŸ˜…


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