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AMBTMS Chapter 92

The Rich Boss's White Moonlight 11

The laboratory was established fifteen years ago. After its establishment, the original owner entrusted everything to Zheng Heshuang, only paying attention when there were results in the laboratory. Other times, he hardly cared about it.

People change. Those who once vowed to repay the original owner’s kindness have long forgotten their initial intentions in the long river of time. Money, power, fame… The temptations in this world are too many. If one isn’t careful, life will deviate from its planned trajectory, heading towards a completely different path.

Li Shu brought Klaus over and showed him this document.

The document sent by Zheng Heshuang detailed the information of the current and past laboratory personnel. At first glance, there seemed to be no problem, just a regular personnel flow table. However, some names were marked with yellow lines. Those were the people Zheng Heshuang had checked and found suspicious.

Among these people, some had impure intentions from the beginning, while others accepted benefits midway through and many of them were related to the Li family.

Since only a few people in the laboratory could actually access the original owner’s condition, ordinary researchers didn’t know the true purpose of the laboratory’s establishment. The people from the Li family invested a lot here but didn’t get any useful information. At least until now, they still knew nothing.

“Sir, do you want to death with these people?” There was a hint of coldness in Klaus’s seemingly calm tone.

“Not yet,” Li Shu waved his hand, “It’s much better to keep these people under your nose and guard against them than to recruit a new group of people whose roots we don’t know.”

“Master, your consideration is thoughtful.” Klaus suppressed the chill around him.

Li Shu relaxed back in his chair, his voice lazy, “Ask Zheng Heshuang keep an eye on the laboratory. Be careful not to startle the snake in the grass.”

This kind of thing is more interesting when the person is caught red-handed, right?

At the moment, that person hasn’t yet done anything substantial to betray the laboratory. Even if he were to be pulled out now, he could still deny it. After all, he hasn’t done those things yet.

It’s very difficult to convict someone based on things they haven’t done yet.

Now that it’s known that there are problems with the people in the laboratory, Li Shu wouldn’t make the same mistake as the original owner, who didn’t know where the problem came from even after being betrayed. Except for Zheng Heshuang and a few others, the original owner didn’t take this laboratory seriously at all. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been caught off guard like this.

Li Shu wouldn’t make the same mistake. He wouldn’t keep a tiger to invite trouble. Since he knew the outcome in advance, it’s natural to avoid it from happening again.

The results of the physical examination came out, and the situation was not optimistic. Zheng Heshuang even made a special visit. He had received Li Shu’s favor, and it was natural for him to consider Li Shu’s health both logically and emotionally.

“Boss, your body can’t afford to wait any longer. Even with the current plan, there won’t be much effect if we continue to delay,” Zheng Heshuang was truly anxious. He had studied Li Shu’s medical report carefully and compared it with the one two months ago. To say it was not optimistic was an understatement. It was as if the symptoms that had accumulated for many years broke out at the same time, quickly dragging down his health.

“I’ll keep an eye on the people in the laboratory. It was me who brought up that method and I will take responsibility for all consequences. You don’t need to worry. As long as you nod, I will take care of everything else, boss!”

“This is not a matter of whether I agree or not,” the cup was placed on the coffee table, making a slight thud, “Actually, you understand better than I do. We are just lying to ourselves. Even if that method is used, my body cannot recover. It’s just prolonging the inevitable.”

Zheng Heshuang knew this too, but… What if? What if a miracle happened during the extend time? Although the possibility was slim, it was still better than giving up directly. As long as a person is alive, everything is possible. If a person is gone, what’s the point of him discovering something useful later on?

“Boss…” Zheng Heshuang wanted to persuade again, but when he met Li Shu’s indifferent eyes, he couldn’t say a word, swallowing back the words he had wanted to say. “I understand.”

Ever since that sudden phone call from Li Shu, Li Heyuan kept his phone by his side, even while sleeping. Unfortunately, he never received a second call.

Life at school continued as usual. The old mansion had already started preparing for the birthday banquet. Originally, Klaus was supposed to be fully responsible for this matter. However, since Klaus went abroad with Li Shu, the task was handed over to the former butler in charge of the mansion’s affairs.

The preparations for the banquet were in full swing. The people at the old mansion didn’t know Li Heyuan’s preferences, so they sent someone to ask him. Li Heyuan didn’t care much about such things and let them arrange it as they saw fit.

Everyone at the old mansion knew that the head of the family valued this boy he brought back and they were all respectful towards Li Heyuan. Those who worked in such families were very perceptive and would never offend someone they shouldn’t.

As the date of the birthday banquet approached, Li Heyuan finally received news of Li Shu’s return to China. He even thought about skipping class to go to the airport to pick him up.

So, Gu Yi found that his usually diligent and studious friend was uncharacteristically distracted in class. Even when the teacher called on him to answer questions, he seemed out of it. Gu Yi was amazed: Was this still his friend who treated studying as his life?

Finally, when class ended, he couldn’t wait to rush to Li Heyuan’s desk. “Brother Li, what’s wrong with you? You seem dazed.”

Li Heyuan gave him a cold glance, but Gu Yi wasn’t deterred. Instead, he leaned in closer. “Hey, if you have any troubles, you can talk to me. No matter what it is, your buddy can give you some advice, right? It’s better than you pondering over it alone.”

Li Heyuan was tempted by Gu Yi’s words, but this wasn’t something he could easily discuss with others, so he remained silent.

Seeing his hesitation, Gu Yi pressed on. “Look, Brother Li, I might not be as good as you in academics, and I can’t help much with study-related issues, but life matters might be different. After all this time, you should know that I am very strict with my words and I would never say anything that I shouldn’t say. If you have any difficulties, tell me, and maybe I can solve them for you.”

“I want to pick someone up,” Li Heyuan stared at Gu Yi for a while, and just when Gu Yi thought he wouldn’t say anything, he suddenly spoke.

“Pick someone up? Then just go pick them up. It’s a simple matter. Why worry about it?” Gu Yi responded instinctively, but as soon as he finished speaking, he realized something was off. He turned his head in disbelief, his voice rising, “Pick someone up? Did you say you want to pick someone up?”

It wasn’t surprising that he had such a big reaction. The matter was really shocking. Having spent a lot of time with Li Heyuan, Gu Yi naturally realized that this person was indifferent to everything in the outside world. It seemed as if only studying mattered in his world, and nothing else was worth his attention. Yet, such a person had just said he wanted to pick someone up, and even considered delaying his studies for it.

“What? Is it really that surprising?”

Li Heyuan gave him a faint glance and Gu Yi immediately put away his shocked expression. “No, I’m just curious. You even ignored the school beauty’s confession. Who could make our aloof school grass so troubled?”

“Should I go?” Li Heyuan stared at the blank workbook. In the past, he could automatically think through the problem-solving process, but now his mind was blank. He knew that under such circumstances, trying to do the exercises would be futile.

“Just go. There’s nothing to hesitate about. With your current state, staying at school won’t be productive,” Gu Yi stated matter-of-factly. “If you really want to, just go. Maybe the person you’re going to pick up will be pleasantly surprised to see you.”

After just a few words, the bell rang, interrupting their conversation. Gu Yi blabbered a bunch of suggestions, only to realize when he returned to his seat that he had forgotten the most important thing. He immediately regretted his forgetfulness and reminded himself to ask his friend who he was going to pick up as soon as class ended.

He was really curious. What kind of person could move his friend’s closed off heart? Judging by Li Heyuan’s attitude, that person must be very important to him.

Who could make such a cold person change their demeanor?

Gu Yi scratched his head, planning to ask about it after class. But to his surprise, Li Heyuan immediately raised his hand to ask for leave. The teacher was lenient with diligent and hardworking students. Seeing the boy’s anxious expression, the teacher didn’t inquire further and granted him leave.

All the other students were amazed. Was this their cold-blooded class teacher? Should the difference in treatment be so obvious?

Gu Yi was dumbfounded by his friend’s actions. He was still thinking about how to help someone ask for leave but Li Heyuan had already taken care of everything and left as soon as the teacher agreed.

… Left?!

Li Heyuan hurriedly left the school, leaving behind the astonished students. He had to hurry; otherwise, he wouldn’t make it in time.

He hailed a taxi at the school gate. Once inside, he quickly gave the address and urged the driver. “Please hurry.”

Seeing that he was in school uniform and looked hurried, the experienced driver said jokingly, “Are you going to see your girlfriend, young man? Don’t worry, I’ll get you to the airport on time.”

“I’m not…” Li Heyuan wanted to say he wasn’t going to see his girlfriend, but the driver interrupted him before he could finish.

The driver’s teasing tone came from the front, “Ah, I understand. You young folks are so shy. It’s class time now, but you’re still going to pick someone up. That person must be very important to you. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I’ve driven students like you at least five times out of ten.”

‘But I’m really not going to see my girlfriend; I’m going to see Sir,’ Li Heyuan retorted in his mind, but he didn’t continue to argue with the driver verbally.

The taxi raced the whole way. The driver was experienced and they arrived at the airport before the plane landed. Li Heyuan paid and quickly got out of the car. He heard the driver’s enthusiastic voice behind him, “I wish you and your sweetheart happiness and harmony.”

Li Heyuan walked faster, but he could still hear the driver’s kind laughter behind him. Li Heyuan didn’t know what he was feeling now—a mixture of sweetness, nervousness, and a subtle joy that was hard to detect.

The airport was bustling with people. Li Heyuan found a sign and looked for the flight number Li Shu had sent him.

Li Shu wasn’t coming back alone. He was followed by a team who came to China for an inspection and would be his future business partners.

Most of these people were Americans, and they were to go through the VIP channel. Li Heyuan found a place near the exit early and waited. He wanted to go inside but was stopped by the staff.

Li Shu had dedicated staff to pick him up at the airport. Li Heyuan even saw the familiar secretary. He lowered his head and hid, not wanting to be recognized in this situation.

Fortunately, no one noticed him. Li Heyuan looked toward the exit anxiously as the secretary and his party entered. Perhaps because he looked a little strange, a staff member came over and asked, “Sir, do you need any help?”

Her attitude was very friendly, but she subtly kept her distance.

“I’m just waiting for someone,” Li Heyuan frowned, annoyed by the staff’s attitude.

“You can wait over here,” the staff member reached out to guide him to the waiting area. The people coming and going here were either rich or noble. If anything went wrong, they couldn’t afford the responsibility.

Naturally, Li Heyuan didn’t want to leave. The two of them were at a stalemate when footsteps approached, and someone asked, “What’s going on over there?”

“Sorry, Sir, we’ll take care of it soon.”

As the footsteps drew closer, Li Heyuan looked up and met a pair of familiar eyes.

In the vast sea of people, I can recognize you at a glance, and from now on, I can’t take my eyes off you.

“That’s my child. Let him through,” Although he was surprised and curious about why the male protagonist appeared here, Li Shu first resolved the situation.

The staff member apologized and left, leaving Li Heyuan alone. After the initial shock wore off, Li Heyuan suddenly felt his face burning. He never expected to meet his Sir under such circumstances.

There were many people around Li Shu, all in suits and ties, obviously elite figures in the industry. Li Shu whispered something to the assistant next to him and walked toward Li Heyuan.

“Why are you here?”

Li Heyuan still hadn’t fully regained his senses. On the one hand, he felt embarrassed that Sir had just seen the scene earlier, and on the other hand, he was thinking about Sir’s words, “This is my child”. Was Sir acknowledging him? In Sir’s eyes, was he already a member of the Li family, a family member?

His mind was dizzy and it wasn’t until Li Shu approached him that he suddenly came back to his senses. The fingers hanging by his side curled up unconsciously. “I came to pick up Sir.”

It had only been a few days since they last saw each other, but Li Heyuan’s heart had been empty the whole time. It was only now, after seeing the person, that the void was filled.

Meeting the boy’s bright eyes, Li Shu’s heart softened. He reached out and rubbed the boy’s head. Now that the boy had grown to around his mouth, Li Shu could easily touch the boy’s head.

The boy’s hair was soft. He had taken good care of himself during this time. Compared to when they first met, he looked completely different. When he looked up at him, there was trust in his eyes, which made Li Shu feel a sense of accomplishment.

Li Shu initially wanted to ask the boy why he was at the airport during class time, but he quickly dismissed the thought. Since the person was already here, there didn’t seem to be a need to ask such questions.

As for the matters at the company, Li Shu couldn’t delegate everything to his assistant. He didn’t even have time to return to the apartment and had to go to the company first. In this case, the question of where Li Heyuan should go became a problem. The boy had made the effort to come to the airport to pick him up, and he appreciated the gesture. At this time, he definitely couldn’t just leave the boy and ignore him.

Should he have someone take him back to school or take him directly to the company?


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