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AMBTMS Chapter 93

The Rich Boss's White Moonlight 12

“President Li, are you going to the company as planned?” the secretary asked as she approached.

The secretary was a woman. She was dressed in simple and capable professional attire, with a graceful intellect. Li Heyuan had seen her among the airport staff. Hearing his question, Li Heyuan immediately knew that his arrival might have caused some trouble for Li Shu.

If he hadn’t come, sir would have gone straight to the company, rather than being delayed like this because of him.

“Sir, please go to the company. I can go back on my own,” Li Heyuan said.

Li Shu thought for a moment and said, “You can come with me to the company, but I’ll be busy with official matters first. Of course, if you find it boring, I’ll have Klaus take you back to school.”

“No,” Li Heyuan’s joy was almost uncontrollable. Being able to go to the company with sir was simply an unexpected surprise. How could he feel bored by sir’s side? But he still couldn’t believe it, “Can I really go to the company with you, Sir?”

“Of course,” Li Shu ruffled the boy’s hair. “I’ll have Secretary Zhang show you around the company. You can take this opportunity to learn more about the company.”

Li Shu’s words sounded relaxed, but they stirred up a huge wave in Secretary Zhang’s heart. Sitting in her position, she knew a little about the affairs between the several bosses in the company. She had heard that President Li had brought back a child some time ago, was given the “Li” surname and may inherit everything from President Li in the future.

Everyone in the company was curious about this child, especially about his relationship with President Li. Were the rumors really true,
that this child was actually President Li’s biological son who has been living abroad?

President Li protected this child very well. Secretary Zhang originally thought it would take some time before she could see him, but unexpectedly, she suddenly met him at the airport this time.

To be honest, Secretary Zhang felt quite surprised. This child looked so obedient and gentle. Could such a child survive in a den of wolves like the Li family? If the future Secretary Zhang heard her inner thoughts when she first saw Li Heyuan, she would definitely laugh at how blind she was at this time.

Not only do you regard tigers as cats, but you also worry about how people will survive in a den of wolves.

But the current Secretary Zhang didn’t know anything yet. It was only because of the boy’s obedient behavior that she was filled with maternal love.

After arriving at the company, Li Shu handed the boy over to Secretary Zhang and threw himself into meetings.

This incident was almost an explosive topic within the company. From the moment Li Shu brought the boy in school uniform to the company, the news spread like wildfire to every corner of the company. In less than an hour, most of the people in the company knew about it.

Some were curious, some were unwilling. Those who were unwilling were mostly people connected to the Li family. When it involved their own interests, no one could remain indifferent.

Secretary Zhang originally thought that Li Heyuan had a relatively soft personality, but she soon found out that this was purely her own wishful thinking. This child was probably harmless only in front of President Li. It was understandable. Secretary Zhang chuckled at how much she had thought before. Which child of the Li family would be simple?

Li Heyuan had always understood the situation of the Li family company from the surface. He knew that it was one of the top companies in the country. However, understanding something from reading alone would never be as shocking as seeing it with one’s own eyes. This was his first time here, the first time he directly experienced what a company ranked among the top 500 in the world was like .

Li Shu’s demeanor during work was different. At this moment, he was sharp and commanding, exuding an aura that could not be ignored by anyone. Every word and action carried a convincing aura. Such a Li Shu made Li Heyuan unable to look away.

Although Li Shu said he could go wherever he wanted, Li Heyuan wouldn’t be so ignorant as to let Secretary Zhang take him everywhere. He simply glanced at a few non-confidential leisure areas and then obediently stayed in Li Shu’s office, waiting for him to return.

The news spread quickly. The eldest brother of the Li family was also in the company and he soon received the news. He pressed out the cigarette in the ashtray and asked, “Did he really bring that child to the company?”

“It’s true. It’s all over the company now. Secretary Zhang took him to the fourth-floor rest area, and many people saw it.”

“Bringing someone to the company now, isn’t my good brother a bit too impatient? Tell me, where did Secretary Zhang take him?”

“To the fourth-floor rest area, the sixth floor…” The man listed out the locations. Secretary Zhang didn’t cover up when she took Li Heyuan around. It was easy to ask where they had been. As soon as the man received the news, he rushed over. “These are all the places. He has already returned to the top floor now and has been staying in that office, not coming out again.”

“Hmm, these are not important places. You keep an eye on him. If there’s any movement, let me know. And, let those people know about this news.” The eldest brother Li frowned. He couldn’t understand why Li Shu did this. He simply stopped thinking about what he wanted to do and revealed the news to the rest of the Li family. Someone would naturally find out for him.

When the news reached different people, they all exhibited different reactions. The younger generations of the Li family were all exercising in various subsidiary companies. At present, the only one who could enter the headquarters was Li Ziyue.

Li Ziyue was recently involved in a major project, which happened to be related to the project Li Shu was currently discussing. Li Shu simply asked someone to call him over and had him listen on the side. When he returned to his office, he naturally heard the relevant news.

He just pursed his lips and didn’t say anything, leaving those who were ready to watch the show feeling bored. He was the first of the younger generation of the Li family to work at the headquarters. Apart from his age, his ability to work here also indicated his outstanding abilities. Some people didn’t like him, and naturally, there were also those who supported him. They felt indignant for Li Ziyue when the big boss suddenly brought a young man in.

“What does it mean to just bring someone in? Doesn’t our brother Li’s efforts count?”

“President Li’s actions don’t need our input,” Li Ziyue coldly interrupted their complaints, “We just need to do our own jobs. These matters are none of our concern.”

The person speaking shut his mouth sheepishly.

Li Shu was busy until late at night. By this time, it was already dark outside. When he returned to his office, the boy was lying on the coffee table for entertaining guests, doing his homework.

Li Shu didn’t enter immediately. He stood at the door, watching the bright lights cast shadows under the boy. Seeing the boy earnestly solving problems in his workbook, a feeling that he couldn’t describe surfaced in his heart.


The boy’s pleasantly surprised voice interrupted the melancholy that had not yet brewed in Li Shu’s heart. He looked at the male protagonist in his youth from a distance. Perhaps because of the effect of the light, he saw light in the boy’s eyes, and he had a feeling that the light was only lit for him. It seemed that only when he saw him, would the boy’s eyes have such a different color.

He must be dizzy to have such illusions. He decisively abandoned the slight throbbing in his heart, smiled, and said, “Are you bored?”

“Not bored,” Li Heyuan tidied up briefly and stood up, “Is sir done with work?”

Li Shu nodded, “Let’s go, I’ll take you to eat something. Are you hungry?”

“It’s okay. Secretary Zhang took me to eat before.”

“That was hours ago,” Li Shu raised his wrist and looked at his watch, “I’ll treat you to dinner as compensation for waiting for me all day. Let’s go.”

The watch was dark gold, clasped on the delicate white wrist and looking very eye-catching. This was the first time Li Heyuan had seen Li Shu wearing something on his wrist. At home, Li Shu never wore any accessories so he had never seen this watch before.

Noticing Li Heyuan’s gaze, Li Shu waved his watch, “Do you like it? I bought it on this business trip. I’ve also ordered one for you too but it will be delivered later.”

“Sir looks very good with it.” Mainly because he had no concept of watches, Li Heyuan couldn’t tell the quality of a watch. He just thought this watch suited Li Shu very well.

The dark gold mechanical watch was simple and atmospheric. When worn on the wrist, it made the skin on the wrist look even whiter, and the blue veins underneath could be faintly seen.

Li Heyuan frowned. ‘Wasn’t sir too thin?’

There was no time to think much. Li Shu had already withdrawn his hand. Under the cover of his clothes, nothing could be seen any more. But Li Heyuan remembered that when he held Li Shu that day, there really wasn’t much flesh on him.

When you’re taking someone out to eat, you naturally have to choose a good place. Li Shu had already arranged for Klaus to book a table at a nearby private kitchen. When they went out, they happened to meet Li Ziyue and his group.

Following behind Li Ziyue was the people from the same project team. They obviously didn’t expect to meet Li Shu’s group so coincidentally. After all, they had just talked about Li Heyuan, and several of them had spoken ill of him. It was a bit embarrassing to suddenly meet the main character.

After asking, “President Li, are you well?” with their heads down, they became as quiet as quails. But Li Ziyue remained calm. He not only greeted Li Shu but also said hello to Li Heyuan.

Underneath the harmonious surface was a surging tide. The two people’s eyes met for a moment, then they quickly looked away. Li Shu didn’t seem to have noticed anything, “Ziyue, don’t overwork yourself too much.”

The two sides passed by each other and went to different destinations.

Li Shu noticed that Li Heyuan’s mood seemed a bit low after encountering Li Ziyue. It wasn’t obvious, just a little different from when they were at the company.

“What’s wrong? Not happy?” Li Shu stopped and asked.

“No,” Li Heyuan subconsciously denied, “I’m not unhappy.”

“But your heart,” Li Shu turned to face the boy, pointing his finger at his heart, “Your heart doesn’t say the same.”

Caught off guard, he met those eyes that seemed to see through everything. Li Heyuan’s heart skipped a beat. There seemed to be something in his eyes trying to break free. He quickly looked away, “I, I just feel that I’m not working hard enough. I know too little now.”

Indeed, he knew too little. Not to mention comparing with someone as excellent as Li Ziyue, he couldn’t even compare to those in school from slightly better-off families.

“Don’t be discouraged. You’re just starting to learn now, and you’re already doing very well. There’s no need to belittle yourself.” Li Shu stroked the boy’s hair. His words were not just words of comfort, they were the truth. If the male protagonist wasn’t considered excellent, then there might not be any outstanding people in the world.

The night softened the gaze and those beautiful eyes seemed to contain thousands of stars. Li Heyuan stared blankly, almost being sucked into them, soul and all.

Everything around faded away, leaving only those eyes, eyes that seemed to absorb all the colors. They were breathtaking.

Until many years later, Li Heyuan still remembered this moment, remembered those eyes. They were locked away in the deepest part of his heart with layer upon layer of shackles. He wanted to touch but didn’t dare to touch.

That person and everything related to that person had become his untouchable reverse scale.

It was a heart-wrenching pain, like maggots on the bones, yet he savored it.

During dinner, Li Heyuan realized that Li Shu ate very little, especially compared to himself. Boys with tall bodies tended to eat more, and although Li Shu wasn’t growing taller, he was still an adult man. Li Heyuan consciously paid attention and found that what he ate was only about a third of what he ate.

‘What’s wrong with sir’s body?’

Pushing the doubts in his heart to the bottom, Li Heyuan picked up a chicken wing with the serving chopsticks, “Sir, this tastes good.”

Li Shu had eaten almost enough, but facing the boy’s shiny eyes full of expectation, he inexplicably didn’t refuse.

Watching Li Shu finish the chicken wings, Li Heyuan’s eyes flashed with excitement. Following the same pattern, he picked up another piece of meat and fed it to Li Shu.

Like this, one person fed, and one person ate. Unconsciously, Li Shu had finished most of the chicken.

The private kitchen they chose used chickens raised by local farmers. Unlike those fed with feed, the meat was firmer and tasted better, cooked to perfection by the chef. Li Shu didn’t have much appetite originally, but under Li Heyuan’s feeding, his appetite increased by nearly half.

“Sir, can we still come to eat at this place in the future?” Li Heyuan suddenly asked before getting into the car.

“If you want to, of course.”

In the end, they didn’t come a second time. Later, Li Heyuan passed by this place countless times but never went in.

The once-silent old mansion of the Li family became lively. They were celebrating the birthday of its new member. Early in the morning, luxury cars arrived one after another.

A day earlier, Li Shu brought Li Heyuan back to the old mansion, where everything was already arranged. After Klaus returned, he made some minor adjustments to the entire banquet’s proceedings to ensure perfection.

After many years, the Li family once again hosted a grand banquet, and countless people racked their brains to receive an invitation. At this time, they envied the families who received invitations because their children were in the same class as Li Heyuan.

It was also at this time that Li Heyuan’s classmates learned that the “Li” in Li Heyuan’s name was from the Li family.

There was a special area arranged for Li Heyuan’s friends to hang out at the banquet. Young people always played more freely when together, and Klaus led the young boys to the area to let them play freely.

However, in such a place, very few dared to really let loose. Almost all of the mischievous kids were well-behaved and didn’t misbehave. Li Zixuan was from the Li family and was in the same grade as Li Heyuan. The families of some kids who often followed him also received invitations, and they all looked surprised when they saw their names on the invitation.

“He wasn’t someone who also had the Li surname by coincidence?!” Someone couldn’t help but ask.

Li Zixuan scolded with a dark face, “Shut up!”

Seeing Li Zixuan’s ugly expression, the person didn’t dare to speak anymore.

The sound just now was not small, and several nearby people heard it. Li Zixuan’s face was already as dark as the bottom of a pot. Feeling his fierce gaze, the boys quickly averted their eyes. Li Zixuan was not someone they could provoke.

Li Shu adjusted Li Heyuan’s tie before going out. Seeing the boy lingering around and showing no signs of going out to join his friends, he raised an eyebrow, “Do you want me to accompany you?”


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