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Extra 1

In the evening, A University, Cafeteria No. 2.

Having finished his last mouthful of food, Song Linchu said goodbye to his roommates who were still eating and carried his empty tray to the tray collection area.

The area was already piled with numerous trays, each with some leftovers. Only Song Linchu’s tray and soup bowl were spotlessly clean.

Upon closer observation, one would notice that only one section of his tray, the one where they served the cheapest stir-fried cabbage priced at two yuan per portion, had been used. The rice and soup provided by the school were free.

In other words, Song Linchu’s entire meal cost him only two yuan.

For others, this was simply unfathomable, but for Song Linchu, it was perfectly normal. He had experienced days when he could only afford plain steamed buns, so having vegetables, rice, and soup was already a luxury.

He never compared himself to others; he only compared himself to his past self. As long as he didn’t regress from yesterday, it was enough.

Leaving the cafeteria, Song Linchu hurriedly made his way to the school gate.

Because a photo of him taken during the school opening ceremony had gone viral from online forums to Weibo, he would undoubtedly attract the attention of students whenever he walked on campus.

The residual glow of the sunset adorned his exquisite face, casting a golden veil upon him, accentuating his fair complexion and clear, elegant features, captivating those who passed by.

Some people even discreetly raised their phones to take pictures of him.

But Song Linchu was oblivious. He was running late for work and had to hurry.

His workplace was a distance away from the school, and at this time, it was the peak hour for commuting. The subway would be overcrowded, so he had to ride a shared bicycle, which would make him a bit pressed for time.

If he didn’t eat, the timing would be just right, but buying something to eat outside was expensive. The cost of living in this city was exorbitant. If it weren’t for A University’s top-ranked jewelry design program, he wouldn’t have considered living here at all.

Song Linchu walked quickly, completely unaware that at the school gate, a luxury car with a license plate consisting of identical numbers was pulling in.

Although universities didn’t have materialistic displays, most people recognized the distinctive emblem of this luxury car. Upon seeing such a high-profile license plate, many turned their heads and averted the phones aimed at Song Linchu to the car.

After all, they could catch a glimpse of Song Linchu every day. Encountering such a vehicle, which clearly belonged to someone influential, was a rare occurrence.

No one knew why such a prominent figure would come to their university. Could it be a successful alumnus coming for a donation?

As everyone speculated, the car unexpectedly came to a slow stop.

And parked…beside Song Linchu.

That’s right…beside Song Linchu!

Damn! The crowd immediately smelled a lemon.

Unfortunately, Song Linchu, the person involved, was only focusing on his journey. He didn’t spare a glance at the car and continued on his way.


“Linchu,” a cold husky voice sounded from behind him.

Song Linchu paused in his steps.

Puzzled, he turned around and saw a handsome, aloof man in a tailored suit stepping out of the car. The man possessed a divinely bestowed countenance, exuding an aura of high-class refinement from head to toe. It was evident that he was an esteemed individual accustomed to a life of privilege.

It was the first time Song Linchu had encountered someone of such high stature. He hesitated for a moment before inquiring, “Are you calling me, sir?”

Although the man appeared to be around 25 years old, Song Linchu unconsciously used a respectful form of address.

The man just emanated an overwhelming aura, surpassing even the dreaded headmaster they had in high school.

Upon hearing Song Linchu’s tone, the man paused, the hand hanging by his side clenching slightly.

“Don’t you recognize me?”

“…” Should he know him?

Song Linchu quickly made a mental run through of his list of acquaintances, and confirmed that he had never come across such an influential figure. It was impossible of him to have no impression of this man.

He shook his head honestly and said, “Sorry.”

Tan Yue stared at the young man before him.

The youth had a slender figure, dressed in a simple white T-shirt and faded jeans, looking even more impoverished than he appeared in the photo he had seen that day.

At eighteen years old, Song Linchu was even more youthful and cuter than Tan Yue had imagined.

However, the mischievousness and familiarity when facing him was now replaced by wariness and unfamiliarity.

Clearly, Song Linchu didn’t recognize him.

A trace of helplessness flickered in Tan Yue’s cold eyes.

He had been working in the company and had just gone to the restroom. When he returned, he found a former secretary who had left two years ago waiting for him to sign something. The office layout was also different.

Tan Yue realized that something was amiss and checked the time on his phone, only to discover that time had inexplicably gone back three years!

Initially, Tan Yue thought it was a prank, but after multiple confirmations, he realized that it wasn’t a joke or a dream. Time had truly reversed by three years.

Using a popular phrase, he had been reborn.

If this had happened before, Tan Yue would have immediately listed all the events and opportunities that occurred in the past three years to further his career.

However, after being reborn, the first thing he did was to have someone investigate A University and confirm the existence of a freshman named Song Linchu. Without wasting a moment, he headed directly to A University.

The fact proved that the bond between the two was truly profound. Among the thousands of students at A University, they happened to meet on the same path.

“This isn’t the place for conversation. Shall we find somewhere else to talk?” Tan Yue suggested.

The two of them were eye catching and with students coming and going, they attracted a lot of attention and onlookers.

Song Linchu was sure that he didn’t know the man before him. Recently, due to his photos going viral online, someone claiming to be an entertainment agency manager approached him, asking if he wanted to participate in some talent show. This immediately made him wary.

“I’m sorry, I have other matters to attend to and no time to spare,” Song Linchu politely said, nodding to the man without hesitation, and swiftly turned towards the school gate.

Tan Yue: “…”

President Tan, who was used to being the center of attention wherever he went, encountered a setback for the first time in his life. Song Linchu was right—this version of him hadn’t been scarred by Tan Mingqing yet, and Song Linchu had no interest in him due to the hardships he was facing.

Tan Yue had never pursued someone actively before, nor did he know how to strike up a conversation with someone, even though he had slept with this person last night…


Tan Yue caught up to Song Linchu in a few steps. “Are you going to work?”

Song Linchu frowned, wondering what was wrong with this person. Shouldn’t someone as aloof and noble as him pay attention to his worth?

He casually murmured an agreement and quickened his pace, almost breaking into a run.

Seeing that Song Linchu was guarded against him like a thief, Tan Yue had no choice but to keep up the pace.

“I’ll give you a ride,” Tan Yue offered.

Song Linchu felt that this man was peculiar, and became vigilant.

He reached the spot where his little yellow bike was parked, quickly unlocked it and coldly said, “No need, thank you.”

With that, he paid no further attention to the man, hopped on his bike, and sped away.

To an unknowing observer, it would seem like he was racing.

Tan Yue: “…”

As he watched the rapidly disappearing figure of the youth in the crowd, Tan Yue first froze for a moment before a hint of a smile flickered in his eyes.

This version of Song Linchu was so cute.

Song Linchu worked as a waiter in a high-end café. Being located in Haikou, which attracted many international visitors, the café required its staff to be proficient in English, resulting in decent remuneration.

Due to the delay caused by his conversation with the man, Song Linchu almost ended up being late and hurriedly changed into his uniform.

The café’s uniform had been specially designed, exuding a sense of sophistication. Coupled with Song Linchu’s good looks and charm, he looked even more dashing.

On his first day of work, he nearly exhausted himself because the customers specifically requested his service. Later, the manager instructed him to only serve customers in the private rooms, which made things easier for him.

It was said that because of this, the occupancy rate in their expensive private rooms had significantly increased.

After changing his clothes, Song Linchu emerged and was about to start his shift when the manager approached him and said, “Little Song, don’t rush. I have a very important task for you.”

“Yes, what is it?”

“We have a very important customer who specifically requested your service. Tonight, focus solely on serving this customer and don’t attend to anyone else. Whenever he calls, you must be at the service bell within three seconds. Understood?”

It seems this customer was very important.

Song Linchu straightened his posture and said, “Alright.”

“Okay, now go take the customer’s order. Your attitude must be good and respectful. Whatever he says or requests, as long as it’s not excessive, comply with it. Okay?”

“…” Song Linchu had a premonition that this wasn’t going to be an easy task, but as part of his job responsibilities, he could only respond, “Okay.”

The manager knew Song Linchu well. Despite being only 18 years old, this university student was very reliable in his work. He patted him on the shoulder, and said, “Go ahead.”

Song Linchu arrived at the door of the private room, already adjusting the smile on his face.

He knocked on the door and, upon receiving a response from inside, entered.

“Hello, I’m delighted to be of service to…”

Before he could finish uttering the sentence, Song Linchu saw the man’s face inside the private room, and his smile froze on his face.

Damn it! It’s him!

When will this end?

Tab Yue, who upon seeing the youth in his uniform, was struck by his stunning appearance.

So handsome.

The black uniform accentuated the youth’s tall and slender figure. The graceful curves of his slender body were perfectly outlined, and his legs beneath the apron were straight and long, making him appear to be even taller.

This innocent and pure waiter version of Song Linchu could easily charm Tan Yue ten times over.

Song Linchu really wanted to ask, “What do you want, exactly?” But thinking of the manager’s defensive attitude, he knew he couldn’t afford to provoke the man before him. In order to keep this lucrative job, Song Linchu maintained his smile.

“May I ask if you would like to order anything?”

Tan Yue knew that Song Linchu didn’t know him now, and the closer he got, the more guarded Song Linchu would become. So he couldn’t rush things.

Back then, Song Linchu’s was able to capture him after persistent efforts. Now, he needed to put in some effort to win him back.

Having made up his mind, Tan Yue calmly placed his order.

Song Linchu brought the items Tan Yue ordered, but just as he was about to leave, Tan Yue said, “Wait.”

Song Linchu’s heart tightened, but he maintained a professional service attitude and asked, “Is there anything else you need?”

Tan Yue calmly said, “I came to seek your help.”

“?” Apologies, but Song Linchu couldn’t see what he had to offer that would make this man seek his help.

With a smile, waiter Song Linchu replied, “Please, go ahead.”

Tan Yue brought up a prepared excuse, “I happened to come across your competition entry and found your design to be in line with my aesthetic. I would like to request you to design a suit lapel pin for me.”

Song Linchu paused.

Although he was just a freshman in college, he had already participated in several jewelry design competitions and had a certain foundation and reputation.

However, the competitions he participated in were relatively small-scale, and he hadn’t received systematic training. His works were still somewhat immature and couldn’t catch the eye of industry professionals.

He didn’t understand why this man, who exuded an air of luxury, would take an interest in his designs.

Song Linchu didn’t let his guard down and asked, “Which competition?”

Tan Yue recalled the numerous trophies on Song Linchu’s table and said, “The Baomeng Youth Champion’s Cup.”

Upon hearing the name of this competition, Song Linchu’s gaze relaxed significantly.

He had participated in this competition during the first semester of his senior year and stood out among numerous contestants, winning the championship and a prize of ten thousand yuan. That work was indeed his best piece to date.

“Is it possible?” The man’s voice was cold.

Song Linchu was already convinced to some extent. Although he didn’t understand why the man would take an interest in his designs, it shouldn’t be a difficult task for someone like him to commission a top master for a custom piece.

However, jewelry design also relied on personal preference.

Following the principle of not letting a good opportunity go to waste, Song Linchu said, “It’s possible, but my professional capabilities are limited, and I can’t guarantee that I can design exactly what you desire.”

“It’s no problem.”

As long as it was done by him, Tan Yue would like it even if it was a blank canvas.

Tan Yue glanced at him and said, “I have quite a few requirements. If it’s convenient, could you add me on WeChat? I’ll send you the details.”

“…” This trick was all too familiar.

But the temptation of money was strong.

In reality, the management here was very strict, and it was not allowed to chat with customers or add them on WeChat during working hours. However, the manager had just said that as long as the requests weren’t too excessive, they should be fulfilled.

So after hesitating for a moment, Song Linchu gritted his teeth and took out his phone.

He wouldn’t let a good opportunity go to waste.

If this man used this as an excuse to harass him or something, he would simply enable the “Do Not Disturb” feature for his messages.

Tan Yue calmly scanned Song Linchu’s WeChat code and added him.

Seeing the prompt “Little Songlin has accepted your friend request,” the corner of his mouth curved subtly.

Adding WeChat made Tan Yue happier than signing a contract worth hundreds of millions, completely unaware that he had already made it onto someone’s list of candidates to go under “Do Not Disturb” .


  1. Kitsune says:

    Oh My God Tan Yue died in the toilet. The author clearly mentioned rebirth. So sad for the older Song Linchu who has phobia in people abandoning him.

  2. Terra says:

    Oho what an interesting extra!

  3. Emy says:

    I wasn’t expecting this, lol. Initially I thought we’d have an AU of them meeting when younger, but ah, it’s time travel!

  4. Felis says:

    Let’s goooo, tan yue rebirth arc 😂😂

  5. emotionalpotato says:

    I’M EXPECTING SOME WEDDING/HONEYMOON EXTRAS!!! BUt ohh well… this isn’t bad at all. It’s actually cute, another side of these two, now now now I’m curious how this “relationship” progress 😍

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