ATFBETIBM Chapter 524

Little Overlord still looked skeptical, “Is your hidden identity really from the Bronze Legion?”

Bai Lixin: “Of course, or should I prove it?”

Little Overlord was somewhat puzzled, “How to prove it?”

Bai Lixin: “The setting of this copy is semi-open attack mode. If you’re from an enemy camp, you can attack, but if players from the same camp attack each other, they’ll be punished by electrocution. I’ll stab you once, and you’ll see if the system will shock me.”

“???” Little Overlord shouted, “Why should you stab me?!”

Bai Lixin: “Because you’re tied up now and I’m the only one who can move.”

Little Overlord narrowed his eyes, his tone unfriendly, “Bai Lixin, you’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you?”

Bai Lixin took out the shiny dagger again, “Otherwise, let me untie the ropes for you, then you stab me and endure the shock?”

“…” Little Overlord, “This seems unfair, what if you’re still a neutral player?”

‘Fuck, are you trying to get me shocked?’

Escape System: [Master Bai Lixin, Little Overlord seems to have become smarter. He actually guessed it right.]

S419M: [After being played by our Lord Host so many times, it’s hard not to become smarter. Look at what have you turned the kid into, Lord Host.]

Bai Lixin: […]

Bai Lixin said to Little Overlord, “It’s been such a long time, do you think that with my ability, I wouldn’t have found my hidden identity by now?”

Little Overlord: “…You make sense.”

Escape System: [Smart, but not completely smart.]

S419M: [It seems this will continue.]

Bai Lixin: “There is less than a day until Adam’s birth. Once it appears, disaster will strike Dark Steel City. We need to act quickly.”

This reminder brought Little Overlord back to the main issue: “After knocking me out… what did the AI say?”

“It said,” Bai Lixin paused, “that the AI is the mastermind behind everything. Their goal is to lead Dark Steel City to a higher position.”

Little Overlord was impatient: “What else did it say?”

Bai Lixin: “It also said that human selfishness has slowed the progress of civilization, and it would be different if they were in charge.”

Little Overlord: “That’s not what I want to hear! Didn’t it say anything useful? Like where Adam is hidden?”

Bai Lixin: “It did say that, but it also said that with only a day left, even if we find Adam’s birthplace, we can’t stop what’s going to happen. Once Adam is born, Dark Steel City is doomed to destruction, and everyone on this planet will die.”

S419M: [It turns out they haven’t found Adam’s location yet.]

Escape System: [Isn’t that convenient? We just happen to know where Adam is.]

Bai Lixin: “I know where Adam is. I’ll take you there. Don’t move, let me untie you first.”

With the dagger approaching, Little Overlord didn’t dare to move, afraid that Bai Lixin might accidentally hurt him.

He tensed his body, still not trusting Bai Lixin.

Bai Lixin was too cunning, he must be up to something.

He didn’t believe even Bai Lixin would really untie him; he must be pretending.

“Alright, it’s done.”

Little Overlord looked down and silently sneered, his eyes flashing with mockery.

‘See, just as I thought. He was only pretending—’

‘Wait, what did he just say?’

Little Overlord raised his arm in a daze, finding that the restraints on his body were truly gone.

Bai Lixin had actually untied him.

He was stunned: “Are you crazy, Bai Lixin?”

‘Or am I crazy?

Could this be some virtual world?’

He scrutinized his archenemy up and down, trying to find a flaw in his sincere face.

As he reassessed the man, the aircraft, which had been flying smoothly, suddenly jolted violently.

Having just woken up and still feeling weak, Little Overlord staggered backward uncontrollably with the shaking.

Just as he was about to fall, Bai Lixin quickly grabbed him, “Be careful.”

Little Overlord looked at Bai Lixin holding his wrist, feeling even more bewildered.

The turbulence didn’t stop; it only got worse.

The blue display screen turned red and a sharp alarm sound rang out.

“Warning! Warning! The wing is under attack!”

“Warning! Warning! Passengers, prepare escape devices and exit through the emergency exits. The aircraft is about to crash!”

Little Overlord tried to steady himself amidst the shaking, the red alarm light flashing continuously above his head, “What’s going on?”

The next second, he didn’t need Bai Lixin to answer; he understood what was happening.

An angry voice pierced through the aircraft.

“Bai Lixin, you traitor, hand over Little Overlord, I want to kill him!”

Little Overlord thought for awhile and remembered who this familiar voice belonged to.

It was Sun Ning, the foolish woman who had been chasing him to avenge her brother.

What is going on?’

The aircraft had indeed suffered severe damage, showing that the person outside was serious about killing them.

So Bai Lixin wasn’t lying?

He was really an undercover agent and had saved him in the end?

How is that possible?

It was impossible for a person like Bai Lixin to do such a thing.

But how to explain Sun Ning’s attack?

Was it also an act to deceive him?

Little Overlord kept his expression neutral, but his mind was racing.

He watched as Bai Lixin pulled out two escape devices from the aircraft, handing one to him.

“It’s Sun Ning. I angered her by secretly taking you out. She wants to kill us now. Put this on, I’ll take you out of here.”

Little Overlord took the escape device and said with in a disdainful tone , “Just a waste, kill her, there’s no need to escape.”

Bai Lixin: “Your companions are still in their hands. You don’t care about them?”

Little Overlord: “Them? I didn’t kill them, what does it have to do with me?”

Bai Lixin: “Even so, there are too many people outside. You can’t kill them all. If a fight breaks out, can you ensure you won’t be captured again? If you are, can you survive?”

Little Overlord: “If I die, everyone in this copy will die with me!”

Bai Lixin grabbed Little Overlord and dragged him to the emergency exit without another word, “Let’s go!”

The two of them jumped out of the rapidly falling aircraft.

There were several aircrafts hovering in the sky, and it was a huge formation.

Little Overlord glanced at Bai Lixin suspiciously, starting to consider the truth in his words.

Their escape went unnoticed under the cover of the explosion’s black smoke.

They landed in a hidden forest. Just as Little Overlord steadied himself, there was a loud “boom.”

The aircraft they had been on exploded into pieces before his eyes, with metal fragments scattering everywhere, some landing not far from him.

Little Overlord: “…”

They really were trying to kill them. Could Bai Lixin have been telling the truth this time?

Several aircrafts belonging to the Rebel Alliance circled above for a long time. Just as Little Overlord thought they were leaving, the aircrafts began to descend toward the ground.

Bai Lixin lowered his voice and tugged at Little Overlord: “We are outnumbered, we need to leave.”

Little Overlord was dragged forward. From the moment he woke up until now, he has been experiencing ups and downs, so much so that he is still confused at this moment.

“What is happening? I understand why they want to kill me, but why do they want to kill you?”

Bai Lixin pulled Little Overlord through the trees: “I’ll keep it short. I am a hidden agent from the Black Bronze Legion infiltrating the Rebel Alliance. You know that, right?”

Little Overlord nodded: “Yes, I know.”

Sun Ning and the others dared to attack him without facing punishment, so he must really have ties to the Black Bronze Legion.

Bai Lixin: “My mission was to infiltrate the Rebel Alliance and find the whereabouts of their military leader.”

“When I saw you on the coastline, I realized you intended to infiltrate the Rebel Alliance. Song Yuantian and the others aren’t stupid, your actions were too obvious, they noticed.”

Little Overlord felt a bit embarrassed.

Bai Lixin: “Then I triggered a system task that asked me to help you find the leader of the Rebel Alliance and gather useful information.”

Little Overlord: “You betrayed your long-time companions for a single task?”

Bai Lixin: “I didn’t betray Zhou Guang and the others. My roots have always been with the Core Fire Guild. Befriending Song Yuantian and Sun Ning was just to have one more friend instead of an enemy.”

“My task is mandatory and must be completed. If I don’t complete it, I will be punished by beheading.”

Little Overlord sneered: “So, saving me was because you’re afraid to die? Hahaha.”

‘Yes, this was the true nature of humans.

In the face of death, anyone would do anything to survive.’

‘Life is precious, why sacrifice it for someone else?

This is human selfishness.’

‘Bai Lixin, you finally showed your hypocrisy.:

Bai Lixin: “I have to stay alive to save more people.”

At this, Little Overlord was even more disdainful, “If you are greedy for life and afraid of death, you should be greedy for life and afraid of death? Just admit it, there’s no need to make it sound noble.”

Bai Lixin glanced at Little Overlord: “After rescuing you, I triggered another task to stop Adam’s birth. Now that you’re safe, you should leave. I need to stop Adam’s birth.”

He stopped and released Little Overlord.

Little Overlord was stunned again: “You’re letting me go? You didn’t save me to get the method to stop Adam from me?”

“No, I just wanted to complete the task.” Bai Lixin frowned, “But do you know how to stop Adam?”

Little Overlord snorted and raised his chin slightly: “Who do you think I am? Of course, I know. Since you saved me, I’ll go with you. You know Adam’s location, and I know how to stop him. We can work together, perfectly.”

Bai Lixin didn’t hesitate: “Alright, come with me.”

They had just taken a few steps forward when the leaves on both sides suddenly rustled unnaturally.

Bai Lixin and Little Overlord looked at each other, their eyes suddenly became sharp, and they stood back-to-back, drawing their weapons warily.

A whistling sound came, and a light arrow descended from the sky.

Seeing the light arrow about to hit Little Overlord, Bai Lixin swiftly blocked it with his dagger. With a clear “clang”, the light arrow was deflected.

In the next second, countless soft, transparent threads sliced through the leaves. The threads seemed alive, all rushing towards them.

Bai Lixin: “This is bad, Li Cancan’s arrows have tracking functions. When we blocked it, Song Yuantian found us and is now chasing us.”

“I’ll hold them off here, you go first!”

Little Overlord’s strength hadn’t fully recovered yet. He looked at the deadly threads above, then at Bai Lixin: “If you don’t tell me where Adam is, where will I go?”

Bai Lixin: “Wait for me near the park ahead. I’ll find you there. Now go.”

Little Overlord: “Fine, I’m going, but you better catch up.”

Bai Lixin had actually taken a blow for him, even blocking an attack from his former comrades. It seemed he was truly on his side now.

But he didn’t want to stay a second longer. Let them fight among themselves.

If it weren’t for Adam’s location, he would have ditched Bai Lixin long ago.

Little Overlord ran forward without looking back.

Just as he was about to leave the forest, he heard a whistling sound.

Little Overlord blocked subconsciously, and a heavy metal object was deflected.

The object spun in the air a few times before landing in someone’s hand.

Lin Jue, dressed in a leather jacket, played with the knife that had returned to his hand and slowly emerged from the bushes: “Where do you think you’re going?”

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