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ATFBETIBM Chapter 689.2

Snake Mountain: Extra 34

But this was the remote Snake God Mountain, where no one could hear his cries for help.

All Dong Qing could do was helplessly feel the dragon meat in his mouth crack open, as one black snake after another crawled out and slithered down his throat and into his stomach.

Tears streamed from the corners of his eyes uncontrollably, and his stifled sobs sounded like those of a frightened child.

However, this pitiful appearance did not evoke any sympathy from the girls.

Min Min smiled sweetly, grabbed a few pieces of raw meat, and pried open Dong Qing’s mouth to shove them in.

“Brother Qing, didn’t you say raw dragon meat is delicious? You should eat more then.” Her slender hand slowly slid down his neck, stopping at his lower abdomen. “After all, there’s a baby snake in here now. You need to eat more so it won’t go hungry.”

Man Man’s cold gaze swept over the “dragon meat” on the ground. “Don’t leave any behind. Stuff it all in him.”

Despair flooded Dong Qing’s eyes as more tears streamed down his face.

By the time the girls had stuffed all the dragon meat into his mouth, Dong Qing’s stomach was swollen and bulging.

Only then did the four girls let him go. They looked down at the disheveled man, finally able to release the pent-up anger in their hearts.

“I’m telling you,” Man Man held the dagger to Dong Qing’s throat, “we’re not easy to bully. Don’t think we’ll put up with your crap like those other girls you brought back to town.”

Her ferocity was like a lone wolf on the plains. “If you try to harm us, be ready to die with us!”

“We’ll leave when the sandstorm clears, and until then, don’t come looking for us, and we won’t look for you either!”

Dong Qing looked at Man Man timidly. “Did… did you call the police?”

“The police? And tell them what? That we were used as wombs for snake eggs? You think they’d believe that?” Man Man sneered. “But if you bother us again, we won’t hesitate to report you for harassment and attempted imprisonment.”

Dong Qing nodded furiously, like a puppet on strings. “Okay, okay, I promise. I won’t come after you again as long as you don’t call the police.”

Man Man kicked him. “Get lost!”

Dong Qing immediately scrambled to his feet, stumbling away like a beaten dog with its tail between its legs.

After he had run far enough, the girls seemed like they’d been completely drained, collapsing to the ground and breathing heavily.

Min Min clutched her chest, her forehead covered in cold sweat. “That… that was terrifying, Man Man. How did I do with the whole ‘crazy’ act?”

The short-haired girl beside her gave her a thumbs up. “Perfect. Crazier than crazy.”

Min Min rolled her eyes. “But Man Man’s fierce performance was really good. It scared the paper tiger into almost pissing his pants.”

Man Man: “Some men are just like that—paper tigers. If you’re strong, they cower. If you’re weak, they attack. Thanks to my psychology professor for that one.”

Bai Lixin quietly stood by the side.

The four girls had stayed up all night coming up with this plan, and it seemed to have worked. After this scare, Dong Qing and his family should leave them alone for a while.

As the sun began to set, they still hadn’t found the white snake.

During their search, they ran into the two men they had met at the barbecue courtyard a few days before. After some conversation, they learned that the men had been searching the mountain for a long time but had yet to find the white snake.

Everyone had eaten the dragon meat, and the four girls now had snake babies growing inside them, but these two men remained unaffected.

There were no signs of pregnancy, and no insatiable hunger.

Out of curiosity, the girls asked why the men were so determined to find the white snake.

At this, the two men sighed heavily.

“We might as well tell you. The truth is, both of us are terminally ill. I have liver cancer,” said one.

The other man sighed, “And I have leukemia.”

“Modern medicine can’t save us. Our only hope is in legends, hoping there really is a snake god that can cure us.”

“We’ve spent nearly all our money on treatments. This place is our last hope. If nothing happens here, we’ll just wait to die.”

“In fact, we don’t have much money, but the boss said dragon meat strengthens the body and prolongs life. After eating it, we really did feel stronger. Two hundred yuan is no small sum for us.”

“We’ve been here for nearly a month. We’ve prayed at the Snake God Temple, visited the four Temples, and climbed Snake God Mountain. But our funds are running out.”

The two men exchanged a glance, and one smiled bitterly. “Our lives might just end here.”

None of the girls had expected such an answer, and the atmosphere suddenly turned cold.

When they descended the mountain, the two men refused to give up, continuing to wander around the mountain, still hoping to find the snake god that could save them.

Unable to persuade them otherwise, the girls said nothing more.

As soon as Bai Lixin returned to the inn, the proprietress called out to him.

Seeing her mysterious expression, Bai Lixin waited until everyone else had left the lobby before asking what was going on.

The proprietress took a key out of a drawer and handed it to Bai y. “This is the key to that room upstairs. You can check it out, and I can even cut the wallpaper for you. But I have one condition.”

Bai Lixin took the key. “What condition?”

“Once you’re done, whether you find anything or not, I want you to move out of the inn immediately. Don’t blame me for not being hospitable, but that missing person case from years ago caused us a lot of trouble. We don’t want to go through that again.”

Bai Lixin hesitated, then agreed. “Alright, I promise.”

“Since I’m the one kicking you out, I won’t charge you for these past few days,” the proprietress said. “Go after everyone’s asleep. I don’t want to cause more trouble.”

Bai Lixin nodded. “Okay, I agree.”

There wasn’t much to do on Snake God Mountain, so everyone goes to bed early.

By 10 PM, the entire inn was dark.

At this time, there was a knock on Bai Lixin’s door. He opened it to find the proprietress standing outside.

She handed him a flashlight and whispered, “Everyone’s asleep. You can go now. The room has no water or electricity, so use this for light. I’ve already peeled back the wallpaper, and I’ll patch it up again after you leave.”

“Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me. I just want this over with.”

Outside was pitch black. Bai Lixin slowly made his way to the second floor using the flashlight.

Just as the proprietress had said, a section of the wallpaper had been pulled back, revealing a door.

Bai Lixin unlocked it with the key and stepped inside.

He subconsciously flipped the light switch on the wall, but all that followed was a click. The room remained dark.

‘No water or electricity?’

Bai Lixin glanced at the black snake tattoo winding up his arm. The dark pattern was glowing faintly red, and it kept slithering under his skin, making it feel burning hot.

The window had been boarded up tightly from the outside, completely blocking out the light.

The room was impeccably clean and completely empty, just as the proprietress had said.

Raising the flashlight, Bai Lixin let the beam sweep across the walls.

There seemed to be some faint marks on the white walls.

If this room had once been furnished like the others, the marks might be where the headboard used to be.

He stepped closer with the flashlight, and the marks grew clearer.

It looked like a person.

The “person” was sprawled across the wall, mouth open as if they were screaming.



As Bai Lixin examined the face on the wall, the flashlight in his hand suddenly emitted a crackling sound, flickering a few times before going out completely.

Bai Lixin’s vision went dark, and he suddenly fell into complete darkness.

At the same time, there was a noise near the door.



The sound of the door shutting and locking.

Bai Lixin carefully made his way back to the door. He reached out and pushed, but it wouldn’t budge.

He vaguely heard the sound of footsteps coming from beyond the door.

Someone had locked him in.

Who was it?

The proprietress?

But that question didn’t linger in his mind for long.

Because now he was hearing another sound.

This time, it wasn’t coming from outside the door. It was inside, behind him.

A heavy, hissing sound, like a snake flicking its tongue.

The noise was right beside his ear, so close he could feel it.

Bai Lixin’s body froze.

His gaze shifted downward, and in the darkness, he saw a black snake slowly slithering up from his ankle, coiling itself around his waist.

The hissing continued, growing louder. As the snake wrapped around him, he heard a low, hoarse laugh. “My snake queen, I’ve finally found you.”

As his vision gradually cleared, Bai Lixin turned his head and saw that, without him knowing when, a thick giant python had appeared behind him without knowing when. The snake had black scales, two horns on its head, and blood-red eyes that were staring at him intently.

Bai Lixin looked at the snake tail coiling around him. It turned out that this snake actually had four tails, and the one binding him was just one of them.

Seeing Bai Lixin not resist, the black snake rolled its tail and lifted him up, bringing him before its eyes.

The fishy smell from its mouth seeped out, making Bai Lixin frown subconsciously.

The black body extended from the bathroom. After capturing Bai Lixin, the black snake let out a satisfied laugh. Then, it began to retract its body, slowly dragging Bai Lixin toward the bathroom.

The snake’s body gradually disappeared into the mirror, pulling half of Bai Lixin’s body into it as well.

Just as Bai Lixin was about to be fully drawn into the mirror, a large hand suddenly reached in from the outside.

The hand grabbed Bai Lixin, trying to pull him back out.

The black snake let out an enraged voice, “Who is it?!”

A deep, husky voice responded coldly, “You dare touch my person…”

Bai Lixin suddenly frowned, raised his foot and kicked hard at that hand, “Go away!”

A low grunt came from the other side of the mirror, and the hand withdrew reluctantly.

The black snake froze.

Bai Lixin let out an awkward laugh, silently retracting the leg he had just stretched out and put it back into the snake’s tail, “Don’t worry about him, let’s continue.”

The black snake chuckled, “Haha, my snake queen is so cute.”


  1. Lily says:

    Help is that dijia trying to pull him back from the snake king 😭😭😭 This is hilarious

    1. iria says:

      Poor dijia. I’m literally in tears 🤣🤣🤣

      1. Lily says:

        Me too 😭😭 I burst out laughing

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