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ATFBETIBM Chapter 691.2

Snake Mountain: Extra 36

The girls’ faces changed slightly, and they exchanged glances.

Suddenly, a shrill scream came from the next room.

The woman jumped up from the sofa. “Quick, Jing Jing, get the boxes ready. Your brother is about to give birth!”

Dong Jing flew out of the room, her feet almost floating, and when she returned, she held two large boxes.

The three people rushed into the room anxiously, and Bai Lixin, along with the girls, finally saw Dong Qing.

Dong Qing was strapped to the bed, his stomach swollen high.

His face was flushed, and he clutched his stomach in pain.

He wasn’t wearing pants but a skirt.

Something seemed to be wriggling under the skirt, and after a while, a thin, black snake slithered out from under the skirt.

Dong Jing moved quickly, grabbing the snake and stuffing it into a box covered with talismans.

Dong Qing’s limbs were bound and he couldn’t move. He pleaded with the three people who had entered the room. “Mom, Dad, Jing Jing, please let me go. I’m dying.”

The woman’s beautiful eyes were filled with madness and greed. “Be good, son, just a little longer, and it will be over.”

Tears welled up in Dong Qing’s eyes. “But it hurts so much.”

The woman encouraged him, “My dear son, be brave. The pain will pass. I gave birth to you and your sister the same way, and I was fine, wasn’t I? Come on, deep breaths, push with your waist!”

The man: “Son, do your best! Whether your father can live to a ripe old age depends on how well you handle this!”

“Brother, stop pretending! You’ve seen so many of your girlfriends give birth to snake babies, you should be an expert by now,” Dong Jing said.

Dong Qing glared at his increasingly beautiful family viciously, his stomach cramping with waves of pain.

He howled as he arched his back, expelling one snake after another from his body.

The three hurriedly grabbed the snakes and stuffed them into the boxes.

Seeing where the snakes came out from, Min Min frowned and looked away, unable to bear it. “Ugh, so that’s where they’re coming out from.”

The short-haired girl covered her mouth, “I think they actually eat these snakes.”

The long-haired girl stared blankly, “So they’re eating their son’s… excrement? Ugh.”

Min Min shot a disgusted glance at the long-haired girl, “Qian Qian, you’ve successfully grossed me out. I’ll be dieting tonight.”

Man Man: “I think I’ll diet for a whole week.”

Watching more and more snakes crawling out, the short-haired girl’s eyes were filled with confusion. “Did we really give him that many snake eggs back then?”

Man Man replied solemnly, “No, it was only about twenty or so.”

Min Min gasped, “This isn’t twenty snakes! There’re more than fifty already!”

The girls exchanged worried glances.

Min Min exclaimed, “No way! Did they feed their own son snake eggs? Are they crazy?”

Man Man shrugged, “Judging by the looks on their faces, they probably are.”

The people in the room looked eerie and terrifying, despite having the most beautiful faces in the world.

Finally, the last snake slowly slithered from beneath Dong Qing’s skirt, and he collapsed on the bed, drenched in sweat and completely exhausted.

But before he could rest, Dong Jing approached with another heavy box.

Dong Qing struggled desperately, but the man and woman pinned him down and pried his mouth open.

Dong Jing pulled out pieces of “dragon meat” from the box and stuffed them into Dong Qing’s mouth one after another.

After who knows how many pieces, the woman finally looked at Dong Qing’s swollen belly and said, “That’s enough. He’s had plenty.”

The man looked at the remaining dragon meat in the box regretfully. “He can only give birth to a few at a time. It’s too few. If only we had another one.”

After speaking, the man and woman exchanged a glance, then turned their gaze to Dong Jing.

Dong Jing froze, trembling as she stammered, “Dad, Mom, I—”

The man: “Don’t worry, we won’t touch you yet. We still need you to help deliver your brother’s next birth.”

Dong Jing was just about to let out a sigh of relief when the man added, “But once your brother can’t give birth anymore, it’ll be your turn.”

The color drained from Dong Jing’s face.

As they left Dong Jing’s house, the girls were still in shock.

Min Min: “I can’t understand why they’re so crazy. Just for beauty, they’d harm their own family?”

Man Man: “Maybe they’ve already mutated. After eating dragon meat, we were controlled by the snakes inside us, constantly needing to eat. The little snakes they gave birth to can’t be harmless, right? They eat the snakes for beauty and in doing so, they’ve eaten away their humanity.”

The long-haired girl hugged herself and shivered, “This place is terrifying. Let’s leave as soon as the sandstorm passes.”

The short-haired girl held up her phone, “Good news! The latest weather report says the sandstorm will end tomorrow. The local authorities have announced that the roads will be clear by then.”

The other three girls’ eyes lit up instantly.

Min Min grabbed them and rushed forward, “What are we waiting for? Let’s go pack our bags!”

The next day, the four girls and the four who had been held captive caught the earliest bus out of Snake God Town.

Just as the bus was about to start, a heavily wrapped figure boarded.

Once the bus started moving, the person finally removed the veil, revealing an exquisitely beautiful face underneath.

Min Min rolled her eyes, “Oh, I was wondering who was being so mysterious. Turns out it’s our great beauty, Dong Jing.”

Dong Jing smiled awkwardly, “Min Min, what a coincidence.”

Min Min replied sarcastically, “There’s still over forty days before school starts. Why are you in such a hurry to leave Snake God Town? Oh, I know, you’re afraid your parents will make you give birth to snake babies, right?”

Outside the broken bus, Dong Jing’s handsome father and beautiful mother rushed after them, shouting:

“Jing Jing, are you on the bus?”

“Stop! Jing Jing, get off the bus!”

“Stop the bus!”

Dong Jing’s face turned pale, and she quickly wrapped her face with the veil again, shouting to the driver, “Don’t stop! Drive faster! They’re con artists, don’t listen to them!”

On hearing this, the driver stepped on the gas, and the bus sped away, kicking up a cloud of dust.

As the two figures chasing them grew smaller in the distance, Dong Jing finally breathed a sigh of relief and uncovered her face.

Min Min continued sarcastically, “Dong Jing, you even accused your own parents of being con artists. You really are shameless. I think you’re the real con artist here! You tricked us into coming here, and we almost got killed because of you! You shameless bitch.”

“So what? What can you do to me?” Dong Jing sneered, now completely unrestrained. “What did I do wrong? I simply invited you to my hometown, and treated you well with food and drink.”

Min Min: “Don’t get cocky. We’ll never come back to this dump again, but can you really never go home? When you do, your parents will lock you up to give birth to those snake babies.”

“Who said I’d ever go back?” Dong Jing caressed her face. “With a face like mine, who wouldn’t fall for me? Just this face alone can bring me all the benefits I need. I’ve had enough of that backwater village. I’ll never go back. Once I get to S City, I’ll use this face to attract a rich second generation and live a life of luxury.”

As she boasted, the bus slowly exited Snake God Mountain.

The girls who had been glaring at Dong Jing suddenly exchanged strange looks, and Min Min burst into laughter.

“Attract a rich second generation, haha! With that lopsided face of yours? What rich second generation would be blind enough to fall for you?”

Dong Jing’s expression changed, and she subconsciously looked toward the bus window.

Hafiz was vaguely reflected in the transparent glass window: dull rough and coarse yellow skin, crossed eyes, a bulbous nose, and large buck teeth.

“Ahhhhhh!” Dong Jing screamed in horror and quickly covered her face with the veil. “Stop! Stop the bus! I want to get off!”

The driver slammed on the brakes and glanced back at the girls impatiently. “If you get off here, I’m not giving you a refund.”

Dong Jing grabbed her luggage and rushed to the door, “Keep the money! Just open the door!”

The driver muttered, “Crazy,” and quickly opened the door.

As soon as Dong Jing got off, the driver stepped on the gas, kicking up dust all over her.

Min Min leaned out of the window to watch.

Dong Jing stood there covered in dirt, looking utterly disheveled.

Behind her, a car pulled up.

She saw the car stop beside Dong Jing, and an ugly couple, dressed exactly like Dong Jing’s parents, got out and dragged her towards the car.

Faintly, she heard Dong Jing’s desperate pleas.

“Dad, Mom, please let me go! I don’t want to give birth to those snakes, I don’t want to eat snake eggs!!!”

But the ugly couple didn’t care and stuffed her into the car, turned it around and went back to Snake God Town.

Min Min gritted her teeth, “She didn’t want to eat snake eggs, but she tricked us into eating them. Serves her right, it’s karma!”

Man Man said solemnly, “This is backlash, right? They ate too many snakes and turned into something like the snake eggs themselves. Once they leave Snake God Town, they’ll rot and become ugly. They can never leave that place again.”

Min Min: “Karma. Dong Jing will never escape that village or find her rich second generation.”


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